World Federation of Trade Unions Reports and Minutes on Microfilm, 1945-1949
Collection Number: 5396 mf
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
World Federation of Trade Unions Reports and Minutes on Microfilm, 1945-1949
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
5396 mf
Consists of selected materials from 1945 through 1949 microfilmed from the more extensive
WFTU collection: 5595 World Federation of Trade Unions, 1945-1973.
World Federation of Trade Unions
0.22 cubic feet
Collection material in English, French
The foundation of the World Federation of Trade Unions was laid at the World Labor
Conference which met in London in February 1945. During the war period a spirit of
cooperation had developed among world trade unions which could not find expression
in the International Federation of trade Unions since the IFTU would not admit either
the CIO or the Russians. The World Labor Conference proposed a reorganization of the
IFTU to included these two groups, but the IFTU rejected it.
The Conference ended with the setting up of a Committee of Forty and a temporary
Secretariat in Paris. A second conference was held in Paris in September and October
of 1945 which set up a permanent body representing all affiliated national union centers,
and created an Executive Committee, a small Executive Bureau and a General Secretary.
Trouble arose immediately when the WFTU then attempted to bring the International
Trade Secretariats into its orbit, which was opposed by the AFL. The collection consists
of minutes of meetings and documents issued during the period 1945-1949 when the Communist
unions were attempting to take over control of the WFTU. This eventually resulted
in the formation of the ICFTU.
Records consist of the microfilmed minutes, proceedings and reports of WFTU Executive
Bureaus and Executive Committees, produced and presented at WFTU conferences held
in Paris (1945, 1947, 1949); Moscow (1946); Prague (1947); Rome (1948); San Francisco
and Washington (1973).
Governance records (1945-1973) include minutes, resolutions and proceedings of the
WFTU Executive Bureau, General Councils, and committees (1945-1973) and of joint meetings
of the WFTU and International Trade Secretariats (1948); also financial statements
of the WFTU (1945-1949).
Reports and publications (1946-1949) consist mainly of unpublished reports and some
pamphlets produced and presented at the annual sessions of the Executive Bureau and
General Councils of the WFTU; also reports pertaining to special policies and activities
of the WFTU. Materials pertaining to the WFTU's internal organization discuss or document
the creation of WFTU international trade departments and negotiations between WFTU
and International Trade Secretariats (1948). Also include documents regarding relations
between the WFTU and the United Nations, International Labour Organization, Congress
of Industrial Organizations, American Federation of Labor, and Allied Commission (Berlin);
and various conferences, including the Pan Asiatic Trade Union Conference, and the
World Trade Union Congress (1948-1949).
Also, WFTU policy statements regarding union activity and socioeconomic conditions
in Occupied Germany; Mexico and Latin America (1948); activities in Japan, and Portugal
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials.
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
World Federation of Trade Unions Reports and Minutes on Microfilm #5396 mf. Kheel
Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Related Collections: 5256: Adolph Germer Papers 5595: World Federation of Trade Unions Records
Blum, Leon, 1872-1950
Carey, James B.
Germer, Adolph.
Green, William, 1870-1952.
Jouhaux, Leon, 1879-1954.
Krane, Jay
Kunetsov, V. V.
Morse, Wayne
Murray, Philip, 1886-1952.
Rostovsky, S.
Saillant, Louis
Santi, Fernando
Vivimari, R
Allied Commission
American Federation of Labor
Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.)
International Labour Organisation
United Nations
World Federation of Trade Unions
Czechoslovakia -- Politics and government -- 1945-
Economic assistance, American
Emigration and immigration
Employee rights
Equal pay for equal work
Foreign trade and employment
International economic relations
International labor activities
Labor unions -- Egypt
Labor unions -- Japan
Labor unions -- Austria
Labor unions -- Burma
Labor unions -- Europe
Labor unions -- Germany (East)
Labor unions -- Germany (West)
Labor unions -- Greece
Labor unions -- Iran
Labor unions -- Israel
Labor unions -- Italy -- Trieste
Labor unions -- Italy
Labor unions -- Palestine
Labor unions -- Political activity
Labor unions -- Portugal
Labor unions -- South Africa
Labor unions -- Southeast Asia
Labor unions -- Spain
Labor unions -- Tunisia
Labor unions -- Vietnam
Nuclear warfare -- Social aspects
Race discrimination
Reconstruction (1939-1951) -- Europe
Social security
Women -- Employment
World politics
Youth -- Employment
Coal mining industry. Europe.
Collective bargaining. Professions.
Labor and laboring classes. Socioeconomic status.
Steel industry. Europe.
Trade-union solidarity.
Trade-unions. Agricultural workers. International cooperation.
Trade-unions. Coal-miners. International cooperation.
Trade-unions. Foresters. International cooperation.
Trade-unions. Metal-workers. International cooperation.
Trade-unions. Miners. International cooperation.
Trade-unions. Textile workers. International cooperation.
Workers' education.
Reel 1 |
Reports an Minutes of the Sessions of the Executive Bureau and Executive Committee
of the World Federation of Trade Unions.
Reel 1 | 1 |
Proces-Verbal des 2me et 3me Session due Comite Administratif in Washington, DC and
San Francisco
1945 |
Scope and Contents
82 pp. April 17 - May 4, 1945. In French
Reel 1 | 2 |
Session of the Executive Bureau held in Washington, DC
1946 |
Scope and Contents
80 pp plus 10 pp. September 1946. Held in the offices of the CIO.
Reel 1 | 3 |
Session of the Executive Committee held in Prague
1947 |
Scope and Contents
43 pp plus 5 pp. June 1947.
Reel 1 | 4 |
Session of the Executive Bureau held in Paris
1947 |
Scope and Contents
116 pp plus 3 pp. November 18-24, 1947. Held at the headquarters of the WFTU.
Reel 1 | 5 |
Session of the Executive Bureau held in Rome
1948 |
Scope and Contents
61 pp. April 30 - May 2, 1948.
Reel 1 | 6 |
Session of the Executive Bureau held in Rome
1948 |
Scope and Contents
63 pp. April 30 - May 2, 1948.
Reel 1 | 7 |
Session of the Executive Committee held in Rome
1948 |
Scope and Contents
136 pp plus 9 pp. May 5 -10, 1948.
Reel 1 | 8 |
Session of the Executive Bureau held in Paris
1948 |
Scope and Contents
91 pp plus 14 pp. September 17-21, 1948.
Reel 1 | 9 |
Summary Record of the Meeting of the Executive Bureau in Paris
1948 |
Scope and Contents
September 17-21, 1948. 72 pp.
Reel 1 | 10 |
Point 7 of the Draft Agenda
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Report on the Trade Union Situation in Germany. 26 pp.
Reel 1 | 10 |
Item 14 of the Agenda
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Rate of Affiliation Fees for certain National Centres. 6 pp.
Reel 1 | 10 |
Item 12 of the Draft Agenda
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Communication from the General Secretary on the Trade Union Situation in Mexico and
Latin America. 9 pp. In French
Reel 1 | 10 |
Item 3 of the Draft Agenda
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Note on the Decisions and Correspondence concerning a Pan-Asiatic Trade Union Conference.
5 pp.
Reel 1 | 10 |
Item 3 of the Draft Agenda
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Suggestions Submitted by the Executive Bureau concerning the Fact-Finding Commission
and the Pan-Asiatic Trade Union Conference.4 pp
Reel 1 | 10 |
Item 4 of the Draft Agenda
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Report on the Seventh Session of the Economic and Social Council. 31 pp.
Reel 1 | 10 |
Item 9 of the Draft Agenda
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Information Concerning the work of members of the Commission of Enquiry to Japan.
5 pp.
Reel 1 | 10 |
Item 10 of the Draft Agenda
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Draft Decision on Civic and Trade Union Liberties in India. 1 p.
Reel 1 | 10 |
Item 12 of the Draft Agenda
1948 |
Scope and Contents
The Trade Union Situation in Portugal (Letter received by the World Federation of
Trade Unions Secretariat). 6 pp.
Reel 1 | 11 |
Session of the Executive Bureau held in Paris
1949 |
Scope and Contents
January 17-19, 1949.
Reel 1 | 11 |
C.I.O. notes by Jay Krane
1949 |
Scope and Contents
34 pp. Loose papers omitted.
Reel 1 | 11 |
Statement by James B. Carey
1949 |
Scope and Contents
6 pp. Loose papers omitted.
Reel 1 | 11 |
Statement by V. V. Kunetsov
1949 |
Scope and Contents
15 pp. Loose papers omitted.
Reel 1 | 12 |
Session of the Executive Bureau in Paris
1949 |
Scope and Contents
January 17-22, 1949. Loose papers omitted.
Reel 1 | 13 |
Session of the Executive Committee in Paris
1949 |
Scope and Contents
January 28 - February 1, 1949. 167 pp plus 16 pp.
Reel 2 |
The Administration and Finances of the World Federation of Trade Unions.
Reel 2 | 14 |
Session of the Executive Bureau and Executive Committee in Moscow
1946 |
Scope and Contents
June 17-25, 1946. Report on the Internal Organization of Departments of the World
Federation of Trade Unions. 9 pp.
Reel 2 | 15 |
Session of the Executive Bureau held in Paris
1946 |
Scope and Contents
December 10, 1946. Financial Statement and Balance from October 1, 1945 until September
30, 1946. Budget estimates for the year 1947.
Reel 2 | 16 |
Executive Committee and General Council in Prague
1947 |
Scope and Contents
June, 1947. Financial Reports and Statements of Auditors.
Reel 2 | 17 |
October 1, 1945 through September 30, 1946
1945-1946 |
Scope and Contents
5 pp.
Reel 2 | 18 |
October 1, 1946 through March 31, 1947
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
3 pp.
Reel 2 | 19 |
Reel 2 | 20 |
Session of the Executive Bureau and Executive Committee in Rome
1948 |
Scope and Contents
April 30 - May 10, 1948. Financial Statement and Balance Sheet from October 1, 1946
until September 30, 1948 and from October 1, 1947 until March 31, 1948. Draft Budget
for 1948. 24 pp