New York State Teachers Association Records, 1915-1979
Collection Number: 5293

Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library


New York State Teachers Association Records, 1915-1979
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
New York State Teachers Association (NYSTA)
225.11 cubic feet
Collection material in English

Biographical / Historical

Among NYSTA's efforts on behalf of public education were the creation of the NYS Retirement System, the minimum salary law, the teachers' contract law, compulsory free education, state aid to local schools, teacher tenure laws and the creation of the New York State Department of Education.

The Center is the official depository for the records of this organization which began its existence in 1845. The bulk of the records cover the period from 1950 through 1970. The collection includes minutes and files of the Board of Directors,23-1969; minutes and files of the House of Delegates, 1911970; the files of various officers; legislative files; historical files; and subject files.
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference archivist for access to these materials.
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This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and Procedures for Document Use.


Preferred Citation

New York State Teachers Association Records #5293. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.

Related Materials

Related Collections: 5293 mf: New York State Teachers Association Guide to Records on Microfilm


American Association of University Professors
American Federation of Teachers
American Management Association
Associated Community College Facilities
Association of Assistant Principals
Association of Colleges and Universities of the State of New York
Business Teachers Association of New York State
Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research (N.Y.)
Citizens' Committee for Children of New York
City Teachers Association (New York, N.Y.)
City University of New York. Legislative Conference
City-Wide Committee for Equal Retirement for New York City Teachers
Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.)
Classroom Teachers Association of New York State
Columbia University
Council of Chief State School Officers
Council on Educational Needs
Democratic Party (U.S.)
Educational Conference Board
Fordham University
Hartwick College
Joint Legislative Committee on School Financing (N.Y.)
Manhattan College
Nassau County Classroom Teachers Association
National Association of Secretaries of State Teachers Associations
National Council of State Education Associations
National Education Association of the United States
National Higher Education Staff Association
National School Public Relations
National Society of Professors
New York Association for Continuing Education
New York Congress of Teachers
New York (N.Y.). Board of Education
New York Senate Professional Staff Association
New York (State). Board of Regents
New York (State). Dept. of Education
New York (State). Legislature. Assembly.
New York (State). Legislature. Joint Committee on Industrial and Labor Conditions
New York (State). Public Employment Relations Board
New York (State). Temporary State Commission on Campus Unrest
New York State Art Teachers Association
New York State Association for Childhood Education
New York State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
New York State Association of Elementary, Kindergarten and Nursery Education
New York State Association of Elementary School Principals
New York State Association of Public School Adult Educators
New York State Association of School District Administrators
New York State Association of Secondary School Administrators
New York State Association of Teachers of Mentally Handicapped
New York State Attendance Teachers Association
New York State Board of Cooperative Services
New York State Citizens Committee for Public Schools
New York State Congress of Parents and Teachers
New York State Council for the Social Studies
New York State Council of Administrators of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
New York State Council of School Superintendents
New York State Dental Hygiene Teachers Association
New York State Education Commission Association
New York State English Council
New York State Institution Educators Association
New York State Public Employees' Legislative Alliance
New York State Retired Teachers Association
New York State School Boards Association
New York State School Nurse Teachers Association
New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations
New York State Teachers Association
New York State Teachers Retirement Board
Professional Staff Association
Republican Party (U.S.)
Schenectady County Community College
Senate Professional Association (N.Y.)
State University of New York
Teachers' Union of the City of New York
United Federation of Teachers
United States. National Labor Relations Board
United Teachers of New York
University of Michigan
University of New Haven
University of Rochester
Villa Maria College
Wayne State University
West Chester State College
World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession
Brown, Lorraine
Bush, Ronald
Carey, Sheridan
Cogen, Charles
Conroy, Helene
De Marco, Andrew
Doherty, Robert E. (Robert Emmett), 1923-
Eldred, Arvie
Encinio, Philip
Freeman, Ira
German, Robert
Goold, G. Howard
Granger, Robert
Harvey, John
Helmsby, Robert
Hobart, Thomas
Hopkins, Ned
Hurd, T. Norman
Kafka, Emanuel
Law, Kenneth
Macdonald, Bruce
Purcell, Edward
Stinnett, T. M., 1901-
Streiff, Dean
Walters, Marguerite
Weeks, Zoraida
White, Francis
Teachers' unions -- New York (State) -- Sources

Series I: Board of Directors Minutes 1923-69, 1923-1969
Scope and Contents
This series contains minute books which include not only the official minutes but agendas, correspondence, and reports related to the minutes. Meetings were generally held in February, March, May, August, September, December, and special meetings were occasionally held. A comprehensive subject index to these minute books (on index cards) is in boxes 19-20. An index is also included in the accession folder.
Sub-Series A: Minutes 1923-1968
Box 1
May 1923-November 1939
Box 1
December 1939-November 1945
Box 1
December 1945-November 1948
Box 1
December 1948- November 1950
Box 1
December 1950-November 1951
Box 1
December 1951-November 1952
Box 1
December 1952-November 1953
Box 1
December 1953-November 1955
Box 2
December 1955-November 1956
Box 2
December 1956-November 1957
Box 2
December 1957-November 1958
Box 2
December 1958-September 1959
Box 2
November 1959
Box 2
December 1959-November 1960
Box 3
December 1960-November 1961
Box 3
December 1961-November 1962
Box 3
December 1962- May 1963
Box 3
August 1963-November 1963
Box 4
December 1963-August 1964
Box 4
September 1964-November 1964
Box 4
December 1964- September 1965
Box 4
November 1965- March 1966
Box 4
April 1966-August 1966
Box 4
September 1966
Box 5
November 1966-February 1967
Box 5
March 1967-September 1967
Box 5
November 1967-May 1968
Box 5
August 1968
Box 6
September 1968-November 1969
Box 6
September 1969 and Special Meeting of October 1969
Box 6
December 1968-august 1969
Box 6
Box 6
Series II: House of Delegates, 1915-1969
Sub-Series A: Minutes 1915-70, 1915-1970
Scope and Contents
This series contains transcript minutes of the November annual meetings. The are arranged chronologically with banquet or speech transcripts following the minutes. Minutes for 1917 and 1922 are not included.
Box 7
Box 7
Box 7
Box 8
Box 8
Box 8
Box 9
Box 9
Box 9
Box 10
Box 10
Box 10
Box 11
Box 11
Box 11
Box 12
Box 12
Box 12
Sub-Series B: Resolution Committee Reports, 1950-69, 1950-1969
Scope and Contents
Reports to the House of Delegates which contain the committees' analysis of resolutions being brought before the House. There are often supplementary reports. Arranged chronologically with supplementary reports included after the regular report.
Box 12
Resolution Committee Reports, 1950-1969
Sub-Series C: Contributions to Welfare Fund, 1929-47, 1929-1947
Scope and Contents
This series contains the ledger books recording contributions for the NYSTA Welfare Fund. They are arranged chronologically.
Box 13
Contributions to Welfare Fund, 1929-47
Sub-Series D: Tapes of 1969 House of Delegates, 1969
Scope and Contents
This series contains tape recordings of the 1969 House of Delegates
Box 13
Tapes of 1969 House of Delegates
Series III: Executive Secretary's Files
Sub-Series A: Annual Reports, 1929-1971
Box 14
Annual Reports 1929,52,54-55-[1958-71]
Scope and Contents
this series contains the annual reports to the membership concerning NYSTA's accomplishments for the previous ear and the objectives of the coming year. Often, the report contains the financial statements of the accountant and the finance Committee, as well as the annual reports of the standing committees.
Box 14
Annual Reports 1929,52,54-55-[1958-71]
Box 14
Annual Reports 1929,52,54-55-[1958-71]
Sub-Series B: Eldred Subject Files, 1953-1953, 1953
Scope and Contents
This series contains the files of Arvie Eldred, Executive Secretary of NYSTA from 1930-1951. Boxes 44-46 contain his files concerning the Executive committee (forerunner of the Board of Directors) meetings. The files contain memos, reports, and correspondence as well as minutes and materials distributed at the meetings. These files are arranged chronologically by year with general subject files first for that year followed by the meeting folders. Box 47 contains Eldred's files on the House of Delegate meetings. These are arranged chronologically with subject files following the meeting files. As with the Executive Committee files, these records are fragmentary. Box 48 contains miscellaneous subject and correspondence files, arranged chronologically and the alphabetical within a year.
Sub-Series a: Executive Committee
Box 14
Box 14
Meeting, February 21, 1935
Box 14
Minutes for Sept. 22, May 11, Feb. 21, 1935
Scope and Contents
Also general correspondence
Box 14
Meeting, Feb 17, 1936
Box 14
Minutes for Feb. 7, 1936 and May 16, 1936 and information regarding the NYSTA retirement program
Box 14
June5, 1936 meeting
Box 14
General correspondence, 1938
Box 14
Sub-committee re: classroom teachers and general correspondence, 1939-41
Box 14
Correspondence, 1940
Box 14
Correspondence & notes, 1940
Box 14
Meeting, June 8, 1940
Box 14
Minutes, 1940
Box 14
Minutes, 1940
Box 14
Meeting, Sept. 14, 1940
Box 14
Meeting, May 17, 1941
Box 14
Minutes, Jan-Nov. 1941.
Scope and Contents
Correspondence concerning regents exams and correspondence concerning Exec. Sec. Eldred's recommendations dealing with the amendment of the NYSTA constitution.
Box 14
Sub-committee on Amendment to Constitution materials
Scope and Contents
Correspondence and memos from Arvie Eldred concerning the drafting and content of the proposed amendments, 1941.
Box 14
report on Public Relations, 1941
Box 14
Correspondence and notes, 1942-43
Box 14
Correspondence from Arvie Eldred (Exec. Sec.)
Scope and Contents
Between Emily Trabell concerning tenure bills and their legislative problems. Also minutes, 1943.
Box 14
Scope and Contents
re: tenures in rural schools; aid to union free schools. Also minutes, 1943.
Box 15
Correspondence, 1944
Box 15
Meetings & correspondence, Jan.-May 1945
Box 15
Meetings & correspondence, June-Dec. 1945
Box 15
Scope and Contents
re: expansion of the services of Exec. Sec. to membership
Box 15
NEA Presidency, 1946
Box 15
General Correspondence, 1946
Box 15
Meetings & Correspondence, Jan.-Feb. 1946
Box 15
Meetings & Correspondence, March-April 1946
Box 15
Meetings & Correspondence May-Nov. 1946
Box 15
Planning committee, 1947
Box 15
Public Relations Committee, 1947
Box 15
Teacher Placement
Scope and Contents
Report of sub-committee and other reports, 1947-1949
Box 15
Meetings, Dec. 1946- Jan. 1947
Box 15
Meetings, Jan. 31, 1947
Box 15
Correspondence, June 1948
Box 15
Scope and Contents
Report of Exec. Sec., Nov. 20-21, 1948
Box 15
Meetings, Jan.- May. 1948
Box 15
Meetings, June-Dec. 1948
Box 15
Correspondence, June 1949
Box 15
January 1949
Box 15
Feb.-Aug. 1949
Box 15
Meeting, May 13-14, 1949
Box 15
Meeting, Sept. 16-17, 1949
Scope and Contents
Materials and notes.
Box 15
Alfred E. Smith Award, 1959
Box 15
Board Materials
Scope and Contents
Correspondence & report of the field worker, 1950
Box 15
Sick leave, 1951
Box 15
Meeting and Correspondence, Jan. 1951
Scope and Contents
Includes Dec. 1950 meetings
Box 15
Meeting and Correspondence, Feb. 1951
Box 15
Meeting and Correspondence, August 1951
Box 15
Meeting and Correspondence, Sept. 1951
Sub-Series b: House of Delegates
Box 15
Code of Ethics, 1926-1927
Box 15
Code of Ethics 1926-1927
Box 15
Code of Ethics Comm. report, 1928
Box 15
General, 1929
Box 15
Code of Ethics, 1930-1931
Box 15
Code of Ethics, 1930-11931
Box 15
Meeting, list of delegates, 1939
Box 15
General, 1947
Box 15
Banquet-100th Anniversary, 1945
Box 15
Meeting, Nov. 1946
Scope and Contents
Resolution Comm. report and other material
Box 15
Scope and Contents
some material on ethical procedure and tenure, 1948-1949
Box 15
Scope and Contents
some material on ethical procedure and tenure, 1948-1949
Box 15
Minutes of Meetings
Scope and Contents
1950 & Preliminary report on Code of ethics
Box 15
General, 1950
Box 15
Joint code of Ethics
Scope and Contents
(School Ed. Members & teachers), 1950
Box 15
General, 1950
Sub-Series c: General Subject Files
Box 15
Correspondence- General, 1935
Box 15
Exec. Secretary's retirement resolution, 1935
Box 15
Scope and Contents
General, 1935-53
Box 15
Revision in the organization of NYSTA, 1936
Box 15
Mabel Simpson-past president, NYSTA, 1938
Box 15
Committee on Equitable Assessments of NYSTA report, 1939-1940
Box 15
Buffalo Teachers Fed. Meeting, Oct. 30, 1940
Box 15
Joint Classroom Teachers Committee & Exec. Subcommittee meeting
Scope and Contents
May 25,1940
Box 15
Correspondence-General, 1940-1950
Box 15
Report of the Director of Studies of NYSTA
Scope and Contents
(five years of fact-finding) - Arvid Burke 1940- 1941
Box 15
Correspondence-General, 1941
Box 15
Constitutional revision-correspondence, etc., 1941
Box 15
Proposed Budget, 1942-1943
Box 15
Zone Presidents Meeting, April 17, 1943
Box 15
Correspondence, 1944-1948
Box 15
Correspondence-General, 1946
Box 15
Constitutional Revision Committee, 1947-52
Box 15
Board of Directors recommendation to NEA Exec. Comm., 1948
Box 15
Report of Classroom Teachers Comm., 1948
Box 15
Correspondence re: Constitution, 1948
Box 15
Correspondence re: Planning Comm., 1948-49
Box 15
Association platform, 1949
Box 15
Committee Report of Committee to study size of House of Delegates, 1949
Box 15
Proposed NYSTA Employees Retirement Plan, 1949
Box 15
Sliver Bay Workshop materials, 1949
Box 15
Classroom Teacher council minutes, 1953
Box 15
Committee Reports, 1955
Box 15
Assessment Committee Report, n.d.
Box 15
Design for Association Seal by Miss Weeks
Box 15
Box 15
Committee on Zone Structure, Organization and Representation
Box 15
Miscellaneous Documents
Sub-Series C: Goold Subject Files, 1950-1971, 1950-1971
Scope and Contents
G. Howard Goold was Executive Secretary from 1951-70. This series contains Goold's files on the various NYSTA committees. The files contain committee reports to the Board of Directors, correspondence of Goold's re: those committees, memoranda and minutes. The files are arranged alphabetically by key word and chronologically within a particular committee. Due to the frequent name changes and office jargon used to refer to those committees, the folders are crossed indexed.
Sub-Series a: Committees
Box 16
Scope and Contents
General materials
Box 16
Committee on Accidental Death Insurance for retired members
Scope and Contents
Contains general memos plus one memo describing developments in the search for insurance for retired members, 1966.
Box 16
Council for Administrative Leadership 1959-1965
Box 16
Committee on Advancement of American Citizenship
Scope and Contents
Contains progress reports, general correspondence, leaflets on the subject of citizenship, a summary of the Sept. 16th meeting, the platform and resolutions of NEA (June 28- July 3, 1953), and the report of the Senate Subcommittee to investigate the administration of the Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws dealing with the subversive influence in the educational process, 1953.
Box 16
Committee on Advancement of American Citizenship
Scope and Contents
Contains a committee progress report, committee minutes 9Jan. 14, 1955) and a report to the House of Delegates (Nov. 22, 1954). Also correspondence of the committee President Fred Ambellum.
Box 16
Council of Affiliates, 1961-62
Box 16
Council of Affiliates, #2, 1961-62
Box 16
Council of Affiliates, Minutes, Nov. 11, 1963 & April 19, 1963
Box 16
Affiliation Review Committee, 1962
Box 16
All Zones Executive Committee - General correspondence,1957
Box 16
Study of American University Professors Plan Committee, 1962
Box 16
Association, Organization and Structure Committee contains the committee's report for 1963-1964
Scope and Contents
see also: Committee on Organization and Structure
Box 16
Bylaws Committee
Scope and Contents
(Delegate Election) contains committee reports for 1963 and 1965-66 dealing with delegate nomination procedures and resolution procedures.
Box 16
com. In re to Candidate for the Retirement Board
Scope and Contents
Contains guidelines for the selection of candidates for a member of the retirement board of NYSTRS and correspondence announcing the candidacies of August Horstman & Muriel H. Weber for the position on NYSTRS, 1966.
Box 16
Special Board Planning Committee for Centennial Celebration of Free Public School Act.
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo to the Bd. Of Dir. On suggested activities for the State Assn., and the classroom. Also background material on the Free School Law of 1967 and school attendance (1865-1870), 1966.
Box 16
Committee to Study Division of the Central Western Zone
Scope and Contents
Contains the report to the Bd. Of Dir. And various data on which the committee's report was based, 1966.
Box 16
Chapters Committee to Study Proceedings of House of Delegates
Scope and Contents
Contains the report of the committee, replies to a House of Delegate questionnaire, and various drafts of report, 1966.
Box 16
Chapters Committee to Study Proceedings of House of Delegates
Scope and Contents
Contains the report of the committee, replies to a House of Delegate questionnaire, and various drafts of report, 1966.
Box 16
Citizenship Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee reports to the Bd. Of Directors, minutes of the first meetings (June 8, 1957) and general correspondence, 1957.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Committee
Scope and Contents
General correspondence, 1953.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Committee Meeting
Scope and Contents
February 20-21, 1953.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Committee, 1954
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Committee, May 7-8 meeting minutes, 1954
Box 16
Council of Classroom Teachers meetings and workshops, 1955.
Box 16
Council of classroom Teachers, 1956
Box 16
Council of Classroom Teachers, minutes of meeting, Feb. 3-4, 1956.
Box 16
Council of Classroom Teachers, minutes of meeting, Feb. 3-4, 1956.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1957-1962.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1957-1962.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1957-1962.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1957-1962.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1957-1962.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1957-1962.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Objective Committee, 1964
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1963-1966
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1963-1966
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1963-1966
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1963-1966
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1963-1966
Box 16
Special Joint Classroom Teachers Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains a statement of committee purpose and the report to the Bd. Of dir. Outlining a proposal for the merger of the NNYS classroom Teachers Association with the council of Classroom Teachers to form the Classroom Teachers council, 1966.
Box 16
Special Join Classroom Teachers Committee June 10-11, 1956.
Scope and Contents
cantinas memo to the effect that the materials are filed in other organizations under classroom teachers assn. Of NYS 196266
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1967 Contains Teacher of Year Award.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers Council, 1967 Contains Teacher of Year Award.
Box 16
Classroom Teachers council, 1969
Box 16
Committee to Study College Tuition, 1957
Box 16
Committee to Cooperate with Retired Teachers
Scope and Contents
re: Need of Home, 1954
Box 16
Committee to Cooperate with Retired Teacher
Scope and Contents
re: Need of Home, 1954
Box 16
Credentials Committee, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1960
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence.
Box 16
Credentials Committee, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1960
Scope and Contents
contains general correspondence
Box 16
Credentials Committee, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1960
Scope and Contents
contains general correspondence
Box 16
Credentials Committee, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1960
Scope and Contents
contains general correspondence
Box 16
Credentials Committee, 1961-63, 1966-67
Box 16
Credentials Committee, 1961-63, 1966-67
Box 16
Credentials Committee, 1961-63, 1966-67
Box 16
Credentials Committee, 1961-63, 1966-67
Box 16
Credit Union Committee, 1957-1960
Box 16
Credit Union Committee, 1957-1960
Box 16
Credit Union Committee, 1957-1960
Box 16
Credit Union Committee, 1957-1960
Box 16
Curriculum guidelines Committee (discontinued 8/68)
Box 16
Committee to Define Functions of Special Committees, 1959-60
Box 16
Dues Committee
Box 16
Dues Committee. Memos for Dr. Burke
Box 16
Dues Committee- proposal dues revision and surveys of dues in other states
Box 16
Dues Revision Committee #1 &#2, 1955
Box 16
Dues Revision Committee #1 &#2, 1955
Box 17
Dues Revision Proposal
Scope and Contents
reasons for revision, draft material & minutes, 1963
Box 17
dues Revision Report Committee, 1962
Box 17
Dues Revision Study Committee, 1967
Box 17
Special committee on Duties - legislation dealing with teachers duties, 1967
Box 17
Duties of Teachers Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains summary of class size and teaching load survey for state wide organizations. Also proposals for 1968 legislative program, 1967-68.
Box 17
Duties of Teachers Committee, 1969
Box 17
Early Secondary Education Study Committee, 1953
Box 17
Committee on Educational Finance
Scope and Contents
Burke's file, it seems. Correspondence, studies, papers, committee proposed budget, 1960-61.
Box 17
Committee on Educational Finance
Scope and Contents
Convention program - national conference of NEA committee April 1961, 1960-61
Box 17
Educational Policies Advisory Council, n.d.
Box 17
Educational Policies Committee (EPC)
Scope and Contents
Cumulative - Contains a study of the effects of teacher work load on educational quality. 1949, 1953, 1955-56, 1958-59
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Contains memos re: purpose of the committee, study of the school day and year and teacher work load. Also correspondence concerning poor housing conditions at various teachers colleges. 1952, 1958, 1959-50
Box 17
EPC, 1953.
Scope and Contents
Minutes and correspondence
Box 17
EPC, Burke's files(seem to be)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence, reports, papers, report of minutes, newspaper clippings dealing with the role of NYSTA in education, 1962.
Box 17
Scope and Contents
contains report on teachers placement bureau and teachers agency, 1954-56
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Platform suggestions, reports and minutes, 1955-1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Correspondence , reports, resolutions, minutes (on making policy and distribution of booklet called "Change Hallmark of the 60's" - 1961
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Correspondence, reports, resolutions, minutes (on making policy and distribution of booklet called "Change Hallmark of the 60's- 1962)
Box 17
EPC, 1962.
Box 17
EPC, Burke's files (seems to be)
Scope and Contents
correspondence, reports, papers, report of minutes, newspaper clippings dealing with the role of NYSTA in education, 1962.
Box 17
EPC, Publications, minutes, correspondence, reports to Bd. Of Directors
Scope and Contents
Correspondence seems to be with Arrid Burke, 1962-64
Box 17
EPC, Employment of minors, evaluation of new educational methods
Scope and Contents
and study on school day, year, and work load of teachers, 1963
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Contains the annual report which deals with the evaluati9on of grades for college admission, 1964
Box 17
Arvie Eldred Scholarship Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains the names of the award for 1952-1960 and memos containing general information about the award and its history as well as proposed changes in the award, 1952-60.
Box 17
ASEC, 1957, 1960
Box 17
ASEC, 1957, 1960
Box 17
Scope and Contents
contains a list of winners and honorable mentions for 1960-1968
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Box 17
ASEC, 1961-1964
Box 17
ASEC, 1961-1964
Box 17
Election Bylaws Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains preliminary report to the Bd. Of Directors, 1966
Box 17
Elementary Education Study Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee report re: curriculum, organization, relations, evaluation in service growth, and summary. Also contains an abstract dealing the a design for early secondary education in NYS, 1953.
Box 17
Elementary-Secondary Tuition Committee
Scope and Contents
contains the report to Bd. Of Dir.and data dealing with graduate level programs for teachers and tuition costs, 1966-67
Box 17
Committee on Endorsements
Scope and Contents
Contains report and proposal revisions concerning selection of candidates, 1966-67
Box 17
Association Equal Educational Opportunity Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains a position statement on equality of educational opportunity as approved by the 1963 House of Delegates, 1963.
Box 17
Equal Educational Opportunity Advisory Committee (EEOAC)
Scope and Contents
Contains memo for Dr. Crewson (comm. For Elementary, Secondary, and Adult Education- State Ed. Dept.) outlining efforts to improve minority education in NYS and description of various projects in various school districts (Lawrence Public Schools, Scarsdale, and Great Neck), 1966-67.
Box 17
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes, speeches and other material dealing with the subject of race and EEO. Also memos and correspondence dealing with the implementation of an EEO program by NYSTA (in-service training, information service and the NYSTA position statement on EEO). Newspaper clippings also included., Sept. 1966-June 1967
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes, memos, reports & a proposal dealing with EEO programs. Also material dealing with Inter-agency conference on EEO., March 1967, Sept. 22.
Box 18
EEOAC, #2, 1967
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains memos and correspondence re: various EEO programs for aiding teachers in the instruction of the disadvantaged. Also correspondence re: teacher shortage, June 1967.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains report on committee activities, material dealing identification of the educationally disadvantaged, Feb. 1967.
Box 18
EEOAC-Newsletter, etc., Oct. 1967
Box 18
EEOAC - 1967 - minutes
Box 18
Scope and Contents
contains resolutions by the House of Delegates on EEO, minutes 1968.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains report on Syracuse plans to advance EEO. Also a meeting report of NY Delegation at NEA Conference in school personnel policies, 1968.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains request to Ford Foundation for a Professional Staff Development Program in the areas of human relations and teaching disadvantaged children. Contains minutes of NEA Conference in Civil and Human Rights in Education and also minutes of Task Force on teacher action, 1969,
Box 18
EEOAC-Gideon Putnam-1969
Box 18
Committee to save Equalization
Scope and Contents
Correspondence 1954
Box 18
Ethical Practices Committee (EPC)
Scope and Contents
Contains a code of ethics with an interpretation, minutes and correspondence concerning various dismissal cases, 1952-59
Box 18
EPC, 1953
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Correspondence and report re: Margaret Bulson case (hiring practices) and minutes, 1956.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes and reports to the board of directors. Correspondence re: unethical practices in Depew, Lisbon, Centereach Central School and an interpretation of the Code of Ethics 1956-57.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes and reports to the board of directors. Correspondence re: unethical practices in Depew, Lisbon, Centerreach Central School and an interpretation of the Code of Ethics 1956-57.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains Correspondence re: unethical practices by the Depew School Bd. And memos detailing how to obtain the services of the committee, 1957.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
minutes, correspondence, 1958
Box 18
Scope and Contents
minutes, correspondence, 1958
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains a copy of possible interpretations of the Code of Ethics of NYSTA and New York State School Boards Assn., a survey of local ethical practices, 1959.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes and report to the Bd. Of Dir. Also report of committee on Saratoga Springs Public Schools (confidential) 1960.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes and report to the Bd. Of Dir. Also report of committee on Saratoga Springs Public Schools (confidential) 1960.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
General correspondence and reports to Bd. Of Dir., 1961-63, 1966.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
General correspondence and reports to Bd. Of Dir., 1961-63, 1966.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
General correspondence and reports to Bd. Of Dir., 1961-63, 1966.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re: Rose-Hamblet dismissal cases in Randolph, NY and the report of subcommittee concerning the Randolph case 1953.
Box 18
EPC, Requests for Code of Ethics, 1953
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Mr. Snyder- Personnel Handbook, 1954
Box 18
EPC-Handbook for Personnel Practices
Scope and Contents
Contains report on Randolph School System dealing with complaints about their teacher evaluation system, 1954.
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report, 1955-56.
Box 18
Federal Legislative Committee
Scope and Contents
NYSTA-NEA contains clippings and memos re: aid to education, correspondence from Adam Clayton, Jr. re his stand on school aid, 1957.
Box 18
Federal Legislation Committee
Scope and Contents
Reports, correspondence, 1963-64 and 1966-67.
Box 18
Federal Legislation Committee
Scope and Contents
Reports, correspondence, 1963-64 and 1966-67.
Box 18
Federal Legislation Committee
Scope and Contents
Reports, correspondence, 1963-64 and 1966-67.
Box 18
Federal Legislation Committee
Scope and Contents
Reports, correspondence, 1963-64 and 1966-67.
Box 18
Federal Legislation Committee
Scope and Contents
Reports, correspondence, 1963-64 and 1966-67.
Box 18
Field Staff In Zones Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains a committee progress report (March 19, 1966), meeting report on Field Staff In Zones, 1966.
Box 18
Finance Committee
Scope and Contents
Report, 1954 and 1955
Box 18
Finance Committee
Scope and Contents
Report, 1954 and 1955
Box 18
Scope and Contents
Contains the proposed budge for 1957-58, with comparisons to 1956-57, 1955-56 and 1954-55 budgets, Also contains the committees report and reccomendations to the Bd. Of Dir., 1957.
Box 19
FC, 1960
Box 19
FC, January 29 meeting, 1960
Box 19
FC, 1962
Box 19
FC, February 2 meeting, 1962
Box 19
FC, May 11 meetings, 1962
Box 19
FC, income and expenditure summary
Scope and Contents
Report to Bd. Of Dir. (Aug. 22, 1963), building budget, staff salaries, and proposed NYSTA budget 1963.
Box 19
FC, Income and Expense Summary
Scope and Contents
Report to Bd. Of Dir. (Aug. 22, 1963), building budget, staff salaries, and proposed NYSTA budget 1963.
Box 19
Scope and Contents
Contains the general current fund income and expense summary; report of committee to Bd. Of Dir. : building Budget for 1964-65 and proposed 1964-65 budget, 1964.
Box 19
Scope and Contents
March 7 meetings; wages survey of members of various State Education Assn. and the proposals and recommendations of professional staff to the Finance Committee and Bd. Of Dir., 1964.
Box 19
Scope and Contents
Contains report to Bd. Of Dir. (Aug. 21-23, 1966) and memos to the Bd. Containing recommendations with regard to the salaries of professional staff, NYSTA publications, pension plans and field staff, 1966.
Box 19
Scope and Contents
Contains memo to Gold from the committee re: budget, the amended retirement program for NYSTA employees with an analysis of the program and memo concerning staff negotiations; report of the finance committee, 1967.
Box 19
FC- Income and Expense Summary- 1967
Box 19
Scope and Contents
Contains excerpts of speech made by D. Lloyd Nelson (USC) discussing salary consultation service in California school systems; amended retirement program for NYSTA employees; pension plans; proposed salary grades and schedules; analysis of zone expenditures and membership report, 1967-68.
Box 19
Fringe Benefits Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report and recommendations and memo comparing fringe benefits in schools and industry. General correspondence, 1957.
Box 19
Gifted Children Committee (GCC)- general correspondence and minutes of May 7, 1957 meeting.
Box 19
Scope and Contents
minutes of committee meeting for Dec. Aug. and April, 1959; memo re: purpose and activates of the committee and outline of program of action for the New York State Teachers Association, 1959.
Box 19
Scope and Contents
Minutes for Feb., April, May, June, and August, 1960. Contains report entitled "Meeting the Educational Needs of Gifted Students", a program of action for NYSTA with regard to the education of gifted children; publication of State Education Dept. outlining the regents program for meeting needs in science, technology, and education of the talented, 1960.
Box 19
Group Insurance Committee
Scope and Contents
General correspondence, 1955.
Box 19
Guidelines for Political Action Committee
Scope and Contents
Minutes for committee meeting, June 9-10, 1967 and October 27-29, 1967; also annual report to Bd. Of Dir., aug.20-22, 1967.
Box 19
Committee on Guidelines for Zone Conference
Scope and Contents
Contains interim report of the committee (May 7, 1964) and minutes of meeting (May 7, 1964)
Box 19
Committee on Guidelines for Zone Conferences
Scope and Contents
Contains committee report (Feb. 18-19, 1966)
Box 19
Health Insurance Committee (HIC)
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes of June 17-18, 1960; October 28- 29, 1960. Also, committee report to Bd. Of dir.; list of resource personnel for information on state and private health insurance plans, a description of major benefits provided under the State plan, 1956-60.
Box 19
Box 19
Scope and Contents
Explanation of benefits; group dental insurance plans; report to the Bd, of Dir., Aug. 1, 1963; regulations governing health insurance plan; list of benefits ; primer on State Health Insurance Plan, 1963; Minutes.
Box 19
Committee on Higher Education (CHE)
Scope and Contents
Minutes; bills submitted and passed in Congress; publications; correspondence with which a large part of it deals with scholarship programs offered by state and also nature and structure of college programs, 1960-61.
Box 19
Box 19
Scope and Contents
contains the committees reports of 1961-66; report on community college conference 1965.
Box 19
CHE-reports, correspondence and minutes, 1962
Box 19
CHE-reports, correspondence and minutes, 1962
Box 19
Scope and Contents
Committee report to Bd. Of Dir., plus minutes of the committee's 1964 meetings; background material including speeches dealing with higher education and the future and community colleges. (author of the former Logan Wilson, Pres. American council in Educ.; author of the latter :Kenneth T. Doran, Assoc. Exec. Dean for 2 year colleges, SUNY)- 1963-64.
Box 19
CHE- Annual Report
Scope and Contents
minutes; summary report on Higher Education conference for 1966; and various memos detailing the development of conference plans, 1966.
Box 19
Committee to Study Size of House of Delegates (CSSOD)
Scope and Contents
Reports as approved by Bd. Of Dir. (Aug. 24, 1956); outlines and comparisons of the present and proposed plans; review of previous studies, 1957.
Box 19
Box 19
CSSOD- Committee's report to the Bd. Of Dir.
Scope and Contents
also letter from Robert Wilson )Principals of Merrick School) re: legality of procedure followed in the sequence of consideration of resolutions, 1964.
Box 19
Committee to Study Proceedings of House of Delegates in re: to Chapters, 1966
Box 19
Committee to Evaluate the 1967 House of Delegates, 1968
Box 20
Committee on Incorporation of Departments (COIOD)
Scope and Contents
Committee reports to Bd. Of Dir. Minutes; memos on classroom teacher movement in NYSTA and more effective profressional organization, 1955.
Box 20
COIOD-Subcommittee I-Other States
Scope and Contents
Contains progress report of the subcommittee on structure and experiences of State Teachers Assn. in relation to depts.; summary of questionnaire responses from state teachers assn. in other states; also brief description of various subcommittees, 1955.
Box 20
COIOD- Reports; Subcommittee II
Scope and Contents
Possible patterns of organization and Subcommittee III- To explore the advantage of NYSTA to affiliate organizations, 1955.
Box 20
COIOD- Subcommittee IV- New York State, 1955
Box 20
COIOD- Subcommittee IV- New York State, 1955
Box 20
COIOD- minutes and report to Bd. Of Dir.
Scope and Contents
(Aug. 1956) and recommendation on incorporation 1955-56
Box 20
Scope and Contents
Minutes and report to the Bd. Of Dir.; correspondence re: local affiliation and zone structure; also recommendations with regard to incorporation, 1956.
Box 20
Scope and Contents
minutes and report to Bd. Of Dir.; correspondence re: local affiliation and zone structure; also recommendations with regard to incorporation, 1956.
Box 20
Scope and Contents
Contains subcommittee reports. Analysis of questionnaire data and statistics in zone assn.; minutes; agreements in incorporation; and report to Bd of Dir., (Aug 1956)
Box 20
COIOD-Subcommittee I, II, III, IV
Scope and Contents
Contains reports of the 4 committees and brief statement on affiliation of local assn., 1956
Box 20
COIOD-Reports and correspondence, 1957
Box 20
Box 20
Box 20
COIOD-Subcommittee II re Implementation
Scope and Contents
Contains reports to Bd. Of Dir.; comparisons of the proposed plan to present situation and outlines of assn. in other states. Correspondence from Alice Fooley Chairperson of the committee. A possible plan for affiliation local assn., and a plan dealing with the creation of local chapters of NYSTA, Sept 1958.
Box 20
COIOD-Subcommittee II re Implementation
Scope and Contents
Contains report of committee to Bd. Of Dir. (May 15, 1959) and House of Delegates (1958) Includes proposals re: affiliation, suggested constitutional and bylaw changes, 1958.
Box 20
Scope and Contents
Report and recommendations of the committee to the Bd. Of Dir. Along with outline of the propose changes, 1958-59.
Box 20
COIOD-Subcommittees I-IV
Scope and Contents
Contains progress reports; subcommittee on structure and experiences of state teachers assn. in relation to dept.; objectives, advantages, and services of NYSTA and to affiliate organizations; strengthening relationships between local assn., and NYSTA; analysis of statewide organizations; also contains info re: local assn., membership and local assn., in other states
Box 20
COIOD-subcommittees I-IV
Scope and Contents
Contains progress reports; subcommittee on structure and experiences of state teachers assn. in relation to dept.; objectives, advantages, and services of NYSTA and to affiliate organizations; strengthening relationships between local assn., and NYSTA; analysis of statewide organizations; also contains info re: local assn., membership and local assn., in other states
Box 20
Committee on Instruction
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes of May 9-10, 1967 meeting; annual report of committee (July 68); information on the activities of other states associations; Also highlights of the NEA regional conference on instruction (March 1-4, 1967), 1967-68.
Box 20
Committee on Instruction
Scope and Contents
Contains memo to Bd. Of Directors re the establishment of a Division on Instruction within NYSTA; a publication (Ideas Exchange) re: articles on instructional improvement and minutes of various committee meetings dealing with instructional innovations., 1967, 1972.
Box 20
Insurance Committee (IC)
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes; also contains progress report on a study dealing with insurance coverage for all assoc. members and the minutes of the subcommittee on studying other insurances, 1964.
Box 20
Insurance Committee (IC)
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes; also contains progress report on a study dealing with insurance coverage for all assoc. members and the minutes of the subcommittee on studying other insurances, 1964.
Box 20
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes (Feb. 17-18, 1966 and May 19-20, 1966) and minutes of subcommittee on Dental Insurance (May 6, 1966) Also committee report to Bd. Of dir. With data concerning insurance coverage in various school districts, 1966.
Box 20
Mutual of OMAHA rep's with Insurance Comm.
Scope and Contents
Feb. 17, 1966 Also memo outlining the proposed meeting.
Box 20
Committee re Integration of Other Organizations With NYSTA
Scope and Contents
Contains a report of Dept. of Classroom Teachers (11/3/48); list of subcommittees created by committee. Minutes , questionnaire, reports, 1955.
Box 20
International Relations Committee (IRC)
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes of Feb. 25-26, 1955 meeting and general correspondence, 1955.
Box 20
Scope and Contents
Contains committee's report to Bd.of Dir. , Sept. 20-21, 1957
Box 20
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes of committee meetings and annual report of the committee, 1959.
Box 20
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes; memos concerning a proposed workshop; annual report of the committee, 1960
Box 20
Scope and Contents
Contains reports of committee to Bd. Of Dir. Plus minutes of various committee meetings. Also contains proposed plan for study of the UN by American teachers, 1960-68
Box 20
Box 20
Box 20
IRC-Annual report and Minutes, May 16, 1963
Box 20
Scope and Contents
Contains memo summarizing the Fall Workshop (Nov. 8-9, 1963), minutes; annual report, 1964
Box 20
Scope and Contents
Minutes (Feb. 11-12, 1966; May 19, 1966) annual report and recommendations to Bd. Of Dir.
Box 20
Committee on Leave of Absence For President
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes of the committee meeting (May 9, 1964) and report Bd. Of Dir. (Aug. 23-25, 1964)
Box 20
Legal Assistance Committee
Scope and Contents
Policy revision and legal aid (requirements for), 1963
Box 20
Legal Assistance Screening Committee
Scope and Contents
Requests for legal assistance; also contains thank you letters from people who were assisted and proposed revisions re: members legal rights and responsibilities, 1966.
Box 21
Legislative Council (LC)
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and memos to local assn. Presidents outlining activities for them to undertake. Also contains an outline detailing how the legislative program develops, 1955.
Box 21
LC, 1957
Box 21
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence dealing with legislation or with suggestions for a more effective legislation program , bulletins explaining the legislative program and outlining proposal action. Minutes of joint meeting of the Bd. Of Dir. And Legislative organization, memo on minimum salaries and vesting from Gould , a report of the Western zone Legislative Committee , and explanation of the defeat on the Teacher Salary Proposal and the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of the South Eastern Zone, 1960.
Box 21
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence dealing with legislation or with suggestions for a more effective legislation program , bulletins explaining the legislative program and outlining proposal action. Minutes of joint meeting of the Bd. Of Dir. And Legislative organization, memo on minimum salaries and vesting from Gould , a report of the Western zone Legislative Committee , and explanation of the defeat on the Teacher Salary Proposal and the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of the South Eastern Zone, 1960.
Box 21
LC #1, 1961
Box 21
LC #2, 1961
Box 21
LC # 3, 1961
Box 21
LC # 1, 1962
Box 21
LC #2, 1962
Box 21
LC # 3, 1962
Box 21
LC- Contracts Reports, 1962
Box 21
Scope and Contents
Adoption of legislative program, general correspondence, minutes, NYSTA News, NYSTA Legislative Program, Alaska Education Assoc., (poll of federal and state representative), 1963
Box 21
Scope and Contents
Suggestions for 1964 legislative program and correspondence, 1963
Box 21
Scope and Contents
Hours of continuous duty, amendments to education law, amendments to arbitration procedures for public employees, death benefits, minimum salary schedules, regents scholarships, health insurance (employees and dependents 1963)
Box 21
LC-Meeting and correspondence, 1964
Box 21
LC-general memo, 1965
Box 21
Scope and Contents
Contains the proposed legislative plan for 1967and the minutes of a meeting with the Bd. Of Dir. (Sept. 17). Also memos urging support of various legislative proposals, 1966.
Box 21
LC-Meeting Summary, May 19-20, 1967
Box 21
LC- #1 & 2, 1967-8
Box 21
LC- #1 & 2, 1967-8
Box 21
Liaison committee, 1944
Box 21
Committee to Study Division of Long Island Zone
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report, 1955
Box 21
Mary Muldoon Fund Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains annual reports to Bd. Of Dir., general Correspondence budget material and outline of contributions, 1960-67
Box 21
Mary Muldoon Foundation
Scope and Contents
Contains annual reports to Bd. Of Dir., general correspondence budget material and outline of contributions, 1960-67
Box 21
Mary Muldoon Foundation
Scope and Contents
Contains annual reports to Bd. Of Dir., general correspondence budget material and outline of contributions, 1960-67
Box 21
Mary Muldoon Foundation
Scope and Contents
Contains annual reports to Bd. Of Dir., general correspondence budget material and outline of contributions, 1960-67
Box 21
Mary Muldoon Foundation
Scope and Contents
Contains annual reports to Bd. Of Dir., general correspondence budget material and outline of contributions, 1960-67
Box 21
Mary Muldoon Foundation
Scope and Contents
Contains annual reports to Bd. Of Dir., general correspondence budget material and outline of contributions, 1960-67
Box 21
Mary Muldoon Foundation
Scope and Contents
Contains annual reports to Bd. Of Dir., general correspondence budget material and outline of contributions, 1960-67
Box 21
Mary Muldoon Foundation
Scope and Contents
Contains annual reports to Bd. Of Dir., general correspondence budget material and outline of contributions, 1960-67
Box 21
Membership Committee, 1961
Box 21
Committee on Study NYSTA Membership
Scope and Contents
Also committee on dues structure reports for 1961-62
Box 21
Membership Bylaw Study Committee, 1962
Box 21
Merit Payments Committee
Scope and Contents
contains a reprint (editorial) discussing merit increases, memo detailing the first meeting of the committee and a letter from Dr. George angell (SUNY at Plattsburgh-President) dealing with his suggestions on tenure law, 1957.
Box 21
Merit Payment Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains a reprint (editorial) discussing merit increases, memo detailing the first meeting of the committee and a letter from Dr. George Angell (SUNY at Plattsburgh-President) dealing with his suggestions on tenure law, 1957.
Box 21
NEA Activities Committee (NEACC)
Scope and Contents
contains report of the NEA Relations Committee. For 1958-59and the reports of the Activities Comm. For 1960-66. Also contains information concerning strategy for membership drives and the minutes of committee meeting- Feb. 28- March 1, 19969.
Box 21
NEAAC- minutes and report to the Bd. Of Dir., 1960
Box 21
Box 21
Box 21
NEAAC-report (1962-63 and summary)
Box 21
Scope and Contents
Contains 1963-64 report to the Bd. Of Dir.; general information memos regarding the NEA Convention in Seattle; campaign materials of Charles Reubel (ran and was elected to the VP of Dept. of Classroom Teachers), 1964.
Box 21
Scope and Contents
Minutes, recommendations to the Bd. Of Dir. And report to Bd. Of dir., 1966
Box 21
NEA Building Fund Committee
Scope and Contents
Minutes and general memos, 1955
Box 21
NEA Relations Committee (NEARC)
Scope and Contents
#1 and #2, 1953
Box 21
NEA Relations Committee (NEARC)
Scope and Contents
#1 and #2, 1953
Box 21
Scope and Contents
Report, 1953-54
Box 21
Scope and Contents
General correspondence, 1954
Box 21
Scope and Contents
Contains a comparative analysis of the proposed revision of the NEA Bylaws with present Bylaws. Also contains a report of the NEARC, general correspondence, 1955.
Box 21
Box 21
NEARC-minutes and report, 1957
Box 21
NEARC-minutes and report, 1959
Box 21
Box 21
National Teacher of the Year Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and information about the award, 1964-65.
Box 22
New York City Guidelines Committee (NYCGC)
Scope and Contents
report, 1963
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Contains 1963 and 1968 report to Bd. Of Dir. Concerning organizing New York City Teachers; also contains outline for proposed NYSTA-City Teachers Assn. cooperation.
Box 22
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo to Bd. Of Dir. Discussing the feasibility of organizing New York City Teachers through existing NEA affiliates; the report of the committee and an excerpt from a House of Delegate meeting dealing with the creation of a separate structure for NYC teachers, 1963, 1968.
Box 22
NYSTA News Committee (Board)
Scope and Contents
Contains a report to the Bd. Of Dir. (Aug 24-26, 1961)
Box 22
Committee re: NYSTRS Meeting Improvement
Scope and Contents
General correspondence, 1957
Box 22
Committees on NYSTA Structure, 1958-59
Box 22
Nominations Committee (NC)
Scope and Contents
Contains profiles of candidates for the first and third vice presidency of NYSTA and other positions, 1955.
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Cumulative- contains suggestions for the committee and suggestions from the 1950 committee; a cumulative list of officers from 1943; a chart showing distribution of Office of Pres. And VP by zone officers re zone business meetings, 1956.
Box 22
NC-general correspondence, 1957
Box 22
NC-general correspondence, 1960
Box 22
NC-correspondence and minutes, 1961-1963
Box 22
NC-correspondence and minutes, 1961-1963
Box 22
NC-correspondence and minutes, 1961-1963
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Biographical data on various candidates and memos relating the politicking efforts of some field persons on behalf of Catherine Barrett and Emanuel Kafka, 1966.
Box 22
Noon Hour Supervision Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report dealing with the use of non-professional personnel as supervisors, 1958
Box 22
Committee on Organization and Structure (COOS)
Scope and Contents
Possible zone- contains a progress report and letters concerning redivision of zones to various zone presidents, 1961
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Correspondence to and from May Henry, (Chairperson of Committee); brief history of organization's zone structure ; staff memo's concerning bylaw revision; staff proposals on committee and councils; progress report; list commendations; minutes (marked confidential) and statistics on membership and delegate allocation, 1961.
Box 22
COOS, 1962
Box 22
Placement Bureau Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains the report of the committee, results of a questionnaire; report to Bd. Of Dir.; preliminary report of the committee; report of subcommittee of Educational Policies Advisory Council on Teacher Placement Actives of State Education Assn. and minutes. The report of the Educational Council (1955-Ohio Education Assn0 is included, 1956.
Box 22
Planning Committee (PC)-1948
Box 22
PC-Report on Feinberg Law, 1948
Box 22
Platform Committee-Declaration of Beliefs
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report to the Bd. Of Dir., 1965
Box 22
NYSTA Policy
Scope and Contents
Contains NYSTA platform statements and index to NYSTA policy file, 1931, 1949, 1957
Box 22
Political Action Committee and Clinic, 1965-1967
Box 22
Committee on Position Statements (Bd. Of dir.)
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence concerning possible subjects for resolutions. Also contains resolution concerning civil rights, Bible readings and vocational education, 1964.
Box 22
Professional Advancement Committee (Oswego Workshop)-(PAC)
Scope and Contents
contains general information on workshops and an evaluation of 1949 workshop, 1949, 1958
Box 22
PAC-Oswego Workshop
Scope and Contents
Contains the workshop notebooks of H. Gould and Arvid Burke. Also contains an evaluation of the Chautauqua Workshop and the Workshop minutes form Aug 7, 1954
Box 22
PAC-Leaders Workshop, Oswego
Scope and Contents
Contains a study draft of the professional practices act and various workshop materials, 1956
Box 22
PAC-Oswego Workshop
Scope and Contents
Contains Goold's workshop notebook, gen. corr. And the membership lists for the Classroom Teachers Committee and the Professional Education Committees of the various zones, 1956.
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Contains the committees annual report and the minutes of the Council of Classroom Teachers Subcommittee on Oswego Workshop, 1957
Box 22
PAC-Leadership Workshop, Aug. 23-26-Oswego
Scope and Contents
Contains general workshop correspondences, excerpts from an address by Gordon Mcloskey and Quality Education and report by the committee on the workshop. Also contains data on trends in public school finances, 1959.
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Contains an evaluation of the Oswego Workshop plus various pamphlets dealing with pursuit of excellence, 1960
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Contains pamphlets dealing with public relations. Also the Rockefeller Report on the pursuit of excellence (in education), 1960
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Contains general workshop materials, newsletters, correspondence, agenda's, 1960
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Contains an evaluation of the Annual State Leaders Workshop; report of the Prof. Education Comm. To the Bd. Of Dir.; information packets on the Leaders Workshop; excerpts from Addresses presented at the Pennsylvania Conference (June 20-23, 1961) sponsored by the National Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards, 1961.
Box 22
Scope and Contents
Contains an evaluation of the Annual State Leaders Workshop; report of the Prof. Education Comm. To the Bd. Of Dir.; information packets on the Leaders Workshop; excerpts from Addresses presented at the Pennsylvania Conference (June 20-23, 1961) sponsored by the National Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards, 1961.
Box 22
Box 22
PAC-Leadership Workshop-Oswego, 1962
Box 22
PAC-Leadership Workshop #2-4, 1962
Box 22
PAC-Leadership Workshop #2-4, 1962
Box 22
PAC-Leadership Workshop #2-4, 1962
Box 22
Box 22
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes, 1967
Box 23
Ad Hoc Committee on Professional Antimony to Study Ways and Means
Scope and Contents
Contains the annual report to Bd. Of Dir. And committee minutes. Also contains preliminary analysis of the results of teacher certification questionnaire and correspondence dealing with certification, 1967.
Box 23
Professional Education Committee
Scope and Contents
See Also: Teacher Education Committee and TEPS Comm.
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes, report to Bd. Of Dir. Also includes suggested professional practices act; a composite of Professional Boards, the suggestions of Robert C. Killugh, asst. commissioner for professional education, 1955
Box 23
PEC-Working Conference
Scope and Contents
Teaching Profession-Contains the summary report and the complete report on the conference, May 19-21, 1955
Box 23
PEC-Correspondence, 1955-56
Box 23
PEC-Correspondence, 1955-56
Box 23
PEC-Minutes, 1955-58
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains proposed professional practices act wit explanatory supplement and reports on the act. Also contains a list of study materials; minutes, memo explaining California's attitude on professional responsibility and summary of major achievements in professional standards movement.1956.
Box 23
PEC-Correspondence and Reports, 1956
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Copy of Professional Practices Act with explanatory statement; correspondence wit Dr. Alfred Thatcher, Dean of SUC at Potsdam and G. Gould an action to be taken on the PPA; Minutes of National TEPS Conference, June 27, 1958 and minutes of New York State Delegates meeting at that conference, 1958.
Box 23
PEC (TEPS Committee)
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence with Dr. Thatcher, chairperson of the committee; minutes and reports, 1960.
Box 23
PEC (TEPS Committee)
Scope and Contents
Minutes, report to Bd. Of Dir., committee's presentation to the Elementary Certification Hearing (Albany-Sept. 15, 1961) along with the proposed amendment with regard to Elementary Certification, 1961.
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains Michigan Professional Practices act; Canadian Teachers Association; Connecticut Education Assoc., Professional Practices; Minutes of Meeting, Sept. 20 1963; Annual Report , 1962-63; Minutes of meeting, January 18-19, 1963
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains Michigan Professional Practices act; Canadian Teachers Associations; Connecticut Education Assoc. Professional Practices; Minutes of Meeting, Sept. 20, 1963; Annual Report, 1962-63; Sept. 20, 1963; Annual Report, 1962-63; Minutes of meeting, January 18-19,1963,
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains annual report (1963-64); minutes May 22, 1964; bylaws- original and revise version, 1964
Box 23
Professional Practices, Responsibilities and Rights Commission (PPRRC)
Scope and Contents
Proposed bylaw amendments, March 22, 1962; code of ethics adopted by NEA; reports, questionnaire denying and terminating membership; report of study to improve relations in the Mohonasen Central School Dist., minutes, March 1-2, 1963.
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains case examples of Board-Teacher relationships.; report to Bd. Of dir. (Aug. 1964) : minutes, May 1964; proposed bylaw amendment, 1964
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes, May 20-21, 1966; and outline of commission procedures; annual report to Bd. Of Dir.; memo to local assn., Presidents on extremists and critics. Also contains reports on two aggrieved teachers, 1966
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Reports and correspondence, 1967-68
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains committee reports to Bd. Of Directors; reports on the Peru and Dover Plains School Dist.: a handbook on professional practices, responsibilities and rights and memos concerning sanctions and hearings procedures for alleged unethical practices 1968-1970.
Box 23
Professional Sanctions Committee
Scope and Contents
Progress report on study of professional sanctions 1963
Box 23
Professional Services Leadership Conferences
Scope and Contents
Box 23
Committee on Professional Standards
Scope and Contents
Reports and correspondence, 1970-71
Box 23
Committee on Promotional Increments
Scope and Contents
Contains a report on the March 25, 1966 meeting
Box 23
Public Relations Council (PRC)
Scope and Contents
Minutes of Jan. 7-8, 1955 and April 29-30, 1955; a suggested organizational chart for Zone Public Relations Chairman and a guide for public relations organizations and activity in the zones, 1955.
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes and general correspondence, 1956
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains NEA centennial materials and 2 summary reports of the Public Rel. Council Meeting (Jan. 18-19, 1957; April 26-27, 1957)
Box 23
Scope and Contents
General memos, 1959
Box 23
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains information sheets concerning American Education Week and Chamber of Commerce Week, 1960
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains press releases, general memos to school superintendents and local committee chair people and the minutes of the May 5-6, 1961 meeting. Also contains reprints of NEA journal articles and a brief letter to thanks from Gov. Rockefeller to G.H. Goold, 1961.
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report to the Bd. Of Dir.
Box 23
Box 23
Scope and Contents
General news releases; minutes of meetings, April 26-27, 1963; Education USA Bulletin, 1963
Box 23
Scope and Contents
General releases to local associations: report to the Board of Directors; minutes of meeting; press releases, 1964
Box 23
Box 23
Scope and Contents
Contains council minutes (Jan. 21-22, 1966 and May 6-7) and a report to the Board of Directors (Aug, 21-23) 1966.
Box 23
PRC-Zone PR, Local TAPR
Scope and Contents
Monthly Letter, 1966
Box 23
Box 24
Public Relations Functions Committee
Scope and Contents
minutes of meeting, March 29-30, 1963
Box 24
Public Relations Program Committee
Scope and Contents
Report, August 1963
Box 24
Committee re: Qualifications for Voting Membership
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report to the Bd. Of Dir. (Sept. 23, 1955): a memo outlining the actions of Maine and Kansas in the areas of membership and correspondence concerning possible action on membership, 1955
Box 24
Committee on Regional Offices Study for Establishment of Regional Office to Speed Zone Business
Scope and Contents
Reports to Bd. Of Dir.: proposals for divisions of zones (Western and Eastern), 1961
Box 24
Relief Board, 1953-54
Box 24
Relief Board, 1958-62
Box 24
Relief Board, 1958-62
Box 24
Relief Board, 1958-62
Box 24
Relief Board, 1958-62
Box 24
Association Committee re: Religious Exercises in the schools
Scope and Contents
policy statements, 1963
Box 24
Committee on Renewal of Study of Division of Central Zone
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence; letter from Homer Bray, Pres. Of the 1st Supervisory District Teachers Assn. of Oneida, Herkimer, and Madison counties, requesting that the Board of Directors study the desirability of a division of the central zone, 1967.
Box 24
Reorganization Committee
Scope and Contents
Report to the Bd., August 1969
Box 24
Committee to assist the Executive Secretary with Reorganization, 1970
Box 24
Resolutions Committee (RC)
Scope and Contents
Reports on action on resolutions; policy; appreciation; deferred to Board of Directors., 1954-56
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Contains the reports of the Resolutions Committee to the House of Delegates for 1954-59
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Contains the report of the Resolutions Committee to the 1957 House of Delegates along with a supplemental report; resolutions recommended at the preliminary meeting of Sept. 20-21 and resolutions concerning school finance and retired teachers; Bd. Of Director's report on action taken on 1956 resolutions, 1957.
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Reports to house of Delegates and report of action-also good indexes to action. (articles of reports of action in NY State Education, 1957-61)
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Contains a report on action taken on 1957 resolutions, committee reports for 1958-61 and outlines of resolutions for those years, 1957-61.
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Contains various resolutions and general correspondence, 1958
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Contains the report of the resolutions committee and the text of those resolutions adopted by the House of Delegates, 1959.
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Contains copies of resolutions adopted by the House of Delegates, report of the committee and a memo on legislative activity of teachers, 1960.
Box 24
Scope and Contents
reports on resolutions and action taken by House of Delegates, 1960-62
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Contains a full text of resolutions adopted by the 1961 House of Delegates and a report of the committee to the House of Delegated (Sept. 15-16, 1961 and Nov.. 20, plus supplement, 1961)
Box 24
RC-#1, 1962
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Resolutions, supplementary report. Committee report, 1963.
Box 24
Scope and Contents
reports, etc., 1963-64
Box 24
Scope and Contents
resolutions, reports, 1963-64
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Material on employment of minors; reports on resolutions; resolutions procedures and appended tables (growth of resolutions) 1964
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Bd. Of Dir.- annual meeting of the retirement and delegates; general correspondence, 1964
Box 24
RC-Reports, 1965-1972
Box 24
RC-Reports, 1965-1972
Box 24
RC-Reports, 1965-1972
Box 24
RC-Reports, 1965-1972
Box 24
RC-Reports, 1965-1972
Box 24
RC-Reports, 1965-1972
Box 24
RC-Reports, 1965-1972
Box 24
RC-Reports, 1965-1972
Box 24
Retirement Committee (RC)
Scope and Contents
Contains study of various proposals for liberalizing the NYS Teachers retirement system, 1954.
Box 24
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes, memos dealing with the study of retirement plans; preamble to the report made to Board of directors., final report to Bd. Of Dir.; also contains the recommendations of the Buffalo Teachers Federation re: retirement and the 1954 retirement report, 1954
Box 25
RC-#1, 1954
Box 25
RC-#2, 1954
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains committee's reports to Bd. Of Dir., minutes, correspondence, 1957
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Joint meeting with Social Security Committee, 1957
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains memos re social security and retirement allowance, minutes of the May 10 meeting (review of retirement legislation). Also contains general correspondence between G. Howard Goold and Harold Moe, Chairman of Retirement Committee, 1958.
Box 25
Scope and Contents
General correspondence, 1959
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report to the Bd. Of Dir. Concerning variable annuity, the 30 day waiting period between time of application for disability to receive benefits amendments to retirement and social security laws and bills and memos re various retirement legislation (death benefits, prior service, etc.) Also contains correspondence from Harold Moe re the advisability of trying annuities to common stock and minutes, 1959
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains a study of proposals for liberalizing the NYS Retirement System, minutes, report to the e Bd. Of Dir., 1960
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes and reports to the Bd. Of Director., 1961.
Box 25
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Report to the Bd. Of Dir., and summary of meeting, Feb, 1964
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Report to the Bd. Of Dir., and summary of meeting, Feb, 1964
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Report to Bd. Of Dir., and summary of meeting, Feb. 1964
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains he report to the Bd. Of Dir. Re pension and retirement plans a and minutes of the March 4-5, 1966 meeting of the committee. Also contains correspondence between Bill Schwan (Chairperson of the committee) and G.H.. Goold regarding legislative action on retirement proposals, 1966.
Box 25
Scope and Contents
As Professional Committee-contains proposed bylaw amendment making the Retirement Committee a professional committee. Also contains a rationale for doing so. 1966
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes and report to Bd. Of Dir. Also contains studies dealing with the strengthening of management of NYS Teachers Retirement System. Also report of the subcommittee on home mortgage loans and suggested procedures for residential mortgage financing by the NYS Teachers Retirement system, 1967.
Box 25
lCommittee to Review application for Affiliation (CTRAFA)
Scope and Contents
Contains report to Bd. Of Dir.; Also standards for Affiliation. 1963
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report to the Bd. Of Dir.; list of affiliated organizations as of August 1964; summary of the discussion of Feb. 21-22, 1964 of the enlarged committee (review the committee's report to the Bd. Of Dir., and a solution dealing with affiliation requirements, 1964)
Box 25
Scope and Contents
contains the report to Bd. Of Dir., Aug. 1966 and committee recommendations with regard to requests for affiliation and renewal of affiliation, 1966.
Box 25
Committee to Review Resolutions Procedures
Scope and Contents
contains the report of the committee o the Bd. Of Dir., 1966
Box 25
Committee to Review Student Division Constitution
Scope and Contents
Contains a report to the Bd. Of Dir., (Sept.. 15-16, 1961) and a report to the NYSTA President, Dr. Franklyn S. Barry; Also corres. To and from Dr. Helen Maney, chairperson of the committee; copies of the constitution and bylaws of NYSTA applying to a student loan and to the Student Education Assn. of NY State; report of the SEANYS fifth Delegate Assembly and Student Division Conference, April 27-29, 1961.
Box 25
Salary Policy Committee (SPC)
Scope and Contents
Contains the report to the Bd. Of Dir. And statistics re: wages and comparisons to wages in other industries, 1967
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report to the Bd. And statistics on salaries (comparisons to salaries in other occupations, 1967)
Box 25
Sanctions Committee (SC)
Scope and Contents
Report to the Bd. Of Directors (May 1964)
Box 25
Box 25
Committee on Early Secondary School Education-1953
Box 25
Alfred E. Smith Award Committee (AESAC)
Scope and Contents
List of Winners-Cumulative-1945-67
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains general committee memos, 1948, 1950-51, 1954, 1958, 1960
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Medals (Dieges and Clust)-cumulative-contain general correspondence, 1948- 49, 1950-56, 1960, 1968
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence concerning various candidates for the award, 1957
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Citations-cumulative, 1957-67
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Engraver (medal) cumulative- contains general correspondence with the engraver, 1958
Box 25
Scope and Contents
list of nominees by years (cumulative 1958-1961, 1963)
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence; a short biography of the '67 recipient (Nelson Rockefeller) and biographies of other members 1967
Box 25
Box 25
Social Security Committee (SSC)
Scope and Contents
Contains bills dealing with old age and survivors insurance coverage, an informational memo dealing with social security and retirement, an evaluation of different ways of extending OASI converge to public school teaching service, report on questionnaire re to OASI, a handbook for members and delegated dealing with OASI, the recommendations of the committee , a statement by by the committee with regard to OASI, the action of the 1956 House of Delegates on OASI, a special memo from NEA on the technical problems of social security coverage for public school teachers, memo on trends in social security included, 1956
Box 25
Box 25
Staff Committee Assignments-1963
Box 25
State-Federal Relations Committee (SFRC)
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's reports to the Bd. Of Dir. For 1960-68
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains a packet from NEA which deals with effective organization of legislative campaign, minutes (Sept. 16-17, 1960), the report to the Bd. Of Dir. (Aug. 29-30), a memo dealing with the suggested organization for promotion of Federal Education Legislation and correspondence from Howard Sackett (chairperson of the committee), 1960.
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains a packet from NEA which deals with effective organization of legislative campaign, minutes (Sept. 16-17, 1960), the report to the Bd. Of Dir. (Aug. 29-30), a memo dealing with the suggested organization for promotion of Federal Education Legislation and correspondence from Howard Sackett (chairperson of the committee), 1960.
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes(Feb.3-4, 1961, March 17-18, 1961) and news clippings concerning the Education Bill (aid to public elementary and secondary schools) and the annual report to the Bd. Of Dir. (Aug. 24-26, 1961). Also contains various memos to zone presidents and district chairpersons to exhort their membership into action with regard to the education bill. (memos generally send by Howard Sackett-chairperson of the committee), 1961
Box 25
Box 25
State Fund Raising Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains various reports to the Bd. Of Dir. Concerning the committee for the teachers home and a memo explaining that committees purpose. Also contains a study with recommendations on the concept of a teachers home, 1954-61
Box 25
State Local Association Relationships
Scope and Contents
Committee-report to the Bd. Of Dir. -Sept. 1964, study of state-local relationships survey of membership satisfaction, 1963-64
Box 25
State Local Association Relationships
Scope and Contents
Committee-report to the Bd. Of Directors-Sept. 1964, study of state-local relationships. , survey of membership satisfaction, 1963-64
Box 25
Steering Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains memos, corres., newsletters concerning Equal Educational Opportunity (steering committee is part of E.E.O) Also committee is chaired by the State Education Dept., 1969
Box 25
Committee on Tax Education and School Finance (COTESF)
Scope and Contents
Chicago-1958 Special Meeting-minutes, publications, correspondence,. Washington-meeting, 1959.
Box 25
Committee on ax Education and School Finance
Scope and Contents
Report of NEA Comm. Of Tax, Education and school finance, miscellaneous corres., financial statements, speeches, papers 1958-59
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Miscellaneous publications, letters, reports, files of Arvid Burke, meeting re : committees i.e.. Tax Education and School finance of NEA, 1959-62
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Miscellaneous publications, letters, reports, files of Arvid Burke, meeting re : committees ie. Tax Education and School finance of NEA, 1959-62
Box 25
Task Force on Teacher Action for Equal Educational Opportunity
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes of the advisory committee for equal educational opportunity (May10, 1968) and mi minutes of the task force(March 14-15, 1968 and May 17-18 1968). Also contains the summary of the NYSTA Equal Educational Opportunity Project, the policies and goals in Equal Educational Opportunity, and recommendations from the task force for a broad based study of educational needs and finance questions to the Educational conference Board- May 7, 1968. Also a statement of purpose with regard to the Task Force on Teacher Action.
Box 25
Teacher Aides Committee
Scope and Contents
Report to the Bd. Of Directors-August 1964
Box 25
Teacher Education Committee (TEC)
Scope and Contents
Contains committee reports and minutes. Also contains correspondence dealing with college evaluations from Thomas Miller (Committee Chairperson for 1953) and a memo from William P Viall (assoc. in teacher certification) dealing with the certification of teachers who are not fully qualified, 1953
Box 25
Scope and Contents
re state teachers conference (April 29-30) contains the report of the conference on the teaching profession (April 29-30), contains the report of the conference on the teaching profession (April 29-30), excerpts from t he committee report (Nov. 1952) dealing with professionalization and various general papers dealing with the conference, 1954.
Box 25
TEC Correspondence, 1954
Box 25
Scope and Contents
Contains a statement of G.H. Goold on teacher certification, information re certification, minutes, reports, tentative statement pertaining to the role of the teacher ed. Council and minutes of professional Ed. Comm. Meeting. Corres. To and from William Viall, 1957.
Box 26
Scope and Contents
Contains a suggested plan for research and study in teacher education, 1957
Box 26
TEPS, 1950-55
Box 26
TEPS-commission, minutes and reports, #1, 1966
Box 26
TEPS-#2, 1966
Box 26
Box 26
TEPS-commission, 1969
Box 26
Scope and Contents
Teacher Education and Professional Standards-contains minutes (Sept. 27-28, 1968, May 23-24, 1969 and a report to State TEPS chairman and consultants, 1969)
Box 26
TEPS Committee
Scope and Contents
guidelines for negotiating 1970
Box 26
TEPS Committees
Scope and Contents
Teacher education, 1976
Box 26
Committee to Study the Need for a Teachers Home, 1954
Box 26
Committee to Study the Need for a Teacher's Home
Scope and Contents
1954-May 1959
Box 26
Home for Retired Teachers Committee (HFRTC)
Scope and Contents
Contains a report of the joint committee (contains NYSTA and NYS retired Teachers Assn. members, 1955)
Box 26
HFRTC -(Teachers Home Committee)-1956
Box 26
Scope and Contents
Contains a report to Bd. Of Dir. (Sept. 21. 1956), an outline of the plans for establishment of a home for retired teachers and information on the Virginia Education Assn. Preventorium and the Folts Home (home for the aged in Syracuse Area), committee minutes (April 27, 1956), committee report (Nov. 1, 1955), general correspondence, correspondence to, from and about Henry Kumpf, 1956.
Box 26
HFRTC-memos, 1957
Box 26
HFRTC-Bd. Of Trustees, bylaws, 1958
Box 26
HFRTC-Bd. Of Trustees, minutes (June 7, 1958)
Box 26
HFRTC-Bd. Of Trustees
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes, general correspondence and fund raising info, 1961-62
Box 26
HFRTC-Bd. Of Trustees
Scope and Contents
General correspondence, 1961-1963
Box 26
HFRTC-Board of Trustees
Scope and Contents
General correspondence, 1961-1963
Box 26
HFRTC-Board of Trustees
Scope and Contents
General correspondence, 1961-1963
Box 26
HFRTC-Bd. Of Trustees
Scope and Contents
minutes, 1962-1969
Box 26
HFRTC-(New York State Manor)-Bd. Of Trustees
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, trustee minutes, loan requests, correspondence re the mgt, of the manor, 1964.
Box 26
HFRTC-(New York State Manor)-Bd. Of Trustees
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, trustee minutes, loan requests, correspondence re the mgt, of the manor, 1964.
Box 26
Teachers Home Campaign
Scope and Contents
General correspondence, 1961
Box 26
Teachers Home Conference
Scope and Contents
Oct. 11-12, 1961-minutes
Box 26
Teachers Home
Scope and Contents
data re Florida, 1962
Box 26
Teachers Home
Scope and Contents
Dedication week (Nov. 10-15, 1963) contains general correspondence
Box 26
Teachers Home
Scope and Contents
Financial Statements (Mr. Arnold)-1963
Box 26
Teachers Home Fund Raising Committee (THFRC)-1959
Box 26
Scope and Contents
Contains a statement of philosophy and a history of the fund raising project, 1959
Box 26
Box 26
Scope and Contents
Contains committee reports and recommendations to the bd. Of Dir.; criticisms and suggestions for the NYSTA Home Fund Drive 1960-1961.
Box 26
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's recommendations to the Bd. Of Dir. (Jan. 25, 1961)
Box 26
Scope and Contents
general information, 1963
Box 26
Committee on Teacher Investment Plan-(COTIP)
Scope and Contents
report, 1965
Box 26
Scope and Contents
Contains a summary of recommendations (Feb. 20, 1965), a prospectus for the NEA Mutual Fund Inc., statistics on selected companies, reports, 1965
Box 26
Teachers Rights Fund Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains a confidential committee report to the Bd. And confidential reports to the Bd. Of various persons requesting aid from the committee, 1968-69.
Box 26
Teacher-School board Relations Committee (TSBRC)
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes and a suggested report to the 1961 House of Delegates. Also contains a bill dealing with arbitration procedures for public employees, 1961.
Box 26
Box 26
Teacher Welfare Committee (TWC)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence and reports, 1952 #1
Box 26
Box 26
Box 27
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence re needy teachers, the amended rules and regulations of the e relief bd. And a statement of Welfare Funds, 1954.
Box 27
Scope and Contents
general correspondence, 1955
Box 27
Box 27
Box 27
Television Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, the committee's reports to the Bd. Of Directors, a document concerning the committee's origin, pamphlets re TV and an article from The Nation (Feb. 2, 1957, p. 99) on TV in the Classroom by William E. Buckler, 1957
Box 27
Travel Insurance Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report to the Bd. Of Dir., 1961
Box 27
Travel and Insurance Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains general informational memos and a memo to the Bd. Of dir. (Feb. 4, 1961), 1961-62
Box 27
Committee on Unification, 1969
Box 27
Committee on Unification, 1969
Box 27
Welfare Committee
Scope and Contents
Relief Bd. - contains committee minutes (Oct. 25, 1952), Relief Bd. Meeting minutes (Nov. 6, 1953), report to Bd. Of re the welfare fund, supplementary report, financial information re the Mary Muldoon Fund and minutes of Bd. Of Dir. Meeting, 1952-53
Box 27
Welfare Committee
Scope and Contents
Relief Board Cases-Contains the amended rules and regulations of the Bd. And information on committee procedures for welfare grants. General correspondence and reports re cases, 1953-54
Box 27
Welfare Fund Committee
Scope and Contents
report to the bd. Of Dir., 1952
Box 27
Welfare Fund Committee-NYSTA
Scope and Contents
Contains reports of the committee, 1955, 1958, 1960
Box 27
Committee to Study Western Zone, 1958-59
Box 27
Committee to Study Western Zone, 1958-59
Box 27
Committee to Study Western Zone
Scope and Contents
Contains the report of the committee with memos concerning the problems involved with dividing up the Western Zone and concerned with zone membership for 1957-58 and estimates for 1962-63. also guidelines to be used for establishing new zones, 1958-59
Box 27
Committee to Study Division of Western Zone
Scope and Contents
Contains memo diagramming the division of the zone and outlining current and potential membership. Also contains the minutes of the Eastern zone executive committee meeting which discusses the prospects of zone division, 1959.
Box 27
Committee on Winning Retirement Elections-1967
Box 27
Workshop Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains leadership and workshop committee materials, 1953
Box 27
Workshop Committee-minutes, 1954
Box 27
Committee on Zone Conferences
Scope and Contents
Contains a summary of discussion of zone conferences, committee reports to the Bd. Of Dir. For 1964-67, committee minutes for Fe. 18-19, 1966 meeting, review of 1964 zone Conference, and recommendations for their improvement, 1961, 1964-67
Box 27
Zone Conference Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains general information regarding zone conference plus the report of the committee to study zone expenses and priorities to the Bd. Of Dir., memo concerning a reevaluation of assn. policy on zone conferences, a memo concerning guidelines for committee and the minutes of the meeting which developed the guidelines, 1964-68
Box 27
Committee to Study Expenses and Priorities, 1966
Box 27
Zone Organization, Representation and Structure
Scope and Contents
Contains data on local assn., recommendations of the committee, minutes of meetings, report on the equity of representation on the Bd. Of Dir. Also contains info on questionnaire responses concerning zone meetings and a memo outlining the problems of zone organization, 1954.
Box 27
Committee to Study Zone Priorities and Expenses
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report to the Bd. Of Dir., 1965
Box 27
Committee on Zone Structure
Scope and Contents
Contains report of committee to Bd. Of Dir., the 1st progress report, a tentative plan for structural chances in NYSTA's organization, minutes, various memos re purpose of committee, 1958
Box 27
Committee to Study Zone Structure
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes, a progress report on committee activities, a proposal re the organization of NYSTA for legislative action. Report re of NYSTA for legislative action. Report re organization of NYSTA to carry out the internal operation of its affairs, professional programs and its legislative program, 1959
Box 27
Committee on Zone Structure
Scope and Contents
Contains the draft of bylaw amendments, 1960
Sub-Series b: Legislation
Scope and Contents
This series contains bills, memos, and correspondence concerning various NYSTA legislative efforts. These files are arranged chronologically and alphabetically within a year.
Box 27
L-General, 1959
Box 27
L-Budget Hearing (February 6: cumulative 1956-54-53)
Scope and Contents
Contains Goold's statement at the Budget Hearing for 1958, 56, and 54. Also contains an analysis of the 1958-59 tentative budget estimate for NNY City and an analysis of the State Budget. 1959
Box 27
L-Budget Hearings
Scope and Contents
Contains the statements of Gould, Dyer (executive director of the NY State School Board Assoc.) and Plowden-Warlwa (Empires State Chamber of commerce). 1959
Box 27
Scope and Contents
Contains congressional records for 1962, 1958, 1957, and 1955 and arguments (pro and con) concerning Federal Aid to Schools. Also contains testimony before the House Education and Labor committee, an explanation of the Library Services bill and G.I. Bill of Rights Extension, a document concerning Federal taxation of permanent disability retirement allowances, comparison of old and new tax laws, NGA membership dues deductible, and tax cred for retirement income. The social security bill and an analysis of bill are also included, plus bills dealing with teachers and 1953-58 cumulative federal income tax. 1959
Box 27
L-Federal (Howard Sackett) 1959
Box 27
Federal Legislation (Murray-Metcalf Bill) 1959
Box 27
L-for consideration
Scope and Contents
Contains the report of the Resolutions Committee, resolutions adopted by the 1967 House of Delegates, recommendations to the Board of directors from he Retirement Committee, and minute s of the Meeting of the Board of Directors, May 16-17, 1958, 1959
Box 27
L-Memos to the Governor
Scope and Contents
Contains various bills and memos concerning 1959 legislation. (additional opportunity of obtaining old age and survivors insurance coverage. - limitation on the incurring of indebtedness in YC) 1959
Box 27
L-Memos to the Governor
Scope and Contents
Contains various bills and memos concerning 1959 legislation. (racetrack employment- withholding of state aid for school purposes upon default) 1959
Box 27
L-Memoranda, Special (Machenzie, Brygdges, Brady , Embler, Erwin, Kaplan, et al.)
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and correspondence dealing with superintendent qualifications. Also general correspondence is included. 1959.
Box 27
L-Memoranda to Mr. Embler
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo dealing with minimum salary legislation plus bills concerning leave of absence for personal illness and extension of time period in which to elect old age and survivors insurance coverage. 1959
Box 27
L-Mentally Retarded
Scope and Contents
Contains pamphlets from the Parents Association for children with Retarded Mental Development. 1959
Box 27
L-NYSTA Program 1959
Box 27
L- Race Track
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill concerning racetrack employment. 1959
Box 27
L- Retirement
Scope and Contents
General correspondence 1959
Box 27
L- Retirement Death Benefit
Scope and Contents
Contains death benefit bill and memo. 1959
Box 27
Scope and Contents
3 year final average salary contains bill and memos. 1959
Box 27
Scope and Contents
(additional pension 1/140 over 35 years of service)-cotnains bills and memo. 1959
Box 27
Scope and Contents
Prior Service Credit- Contains the act and memo. 1959
Box 27
Scope and Contents
re Prior Service Credit. Contains the prior service bill and memo. 1959
Box 28
L-Retirement-Special Service 955-yer plan)
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and memo plus general correspondence. 1959.
Box 28
L-Retirement Vesting Interest
Scope and Contents
Contains a copy of the bill. 1959
Box 28
L-School Bond authority 1959
Box 28
L-Sick Leave
Scope and Contents
Contains act and memo. 1959
Box 28
L-Principals Salary
Scope and Contents
contains bill and memo. 1959
Box 28
L-correspondence re Principal Salary. 1959
Box 28
L- Salary Teachers
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and memo. 1959
Box 28
L-State aid General 1959
Box 28
L-State Aid (conference Board Bill)
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo. 1959
Box 28
State Aid-Proposed Commission to Study Educational Finance (Speno bill)
Scope and Contents
Contains the Speno Bill and news releases. 1959
Box 28
L-State Aid
Scope and Contents
Support for Conference Board Bill-Contains a paper on educational finance and data on finances in the South Nassau School District. 1959
Box 28
L-Superintendents Bill (Certification)
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and a supportive statement. 1959
Box 28
L-Supplemental Pension
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill 1959.
Box 28
L-Tax Deduction (state)
Scope and Contents
re education expenses. Contains the bill. 1959
Box 28
Scope and Contents
Tax Exemption Railroads. Contains the bill. 1959
Box 28
L-Telephone Tax
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and explanatory documents. Also contains a publication by Bell Telephone. 1959
Box 28
Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act (Federal)
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and descriptive memos. 1959
Box 28
L-General 1960
Box 28
L-Budget Hearings
Scope and Contents
Contains the statements of the Teacher's Union of NYC, G.H. Goold and Everett Dyer
Box 28
Citizens Committee for Children of NYC
Scope and Contents
Contains committee comments on Mayor Wagner's program on juvenile delinquency, and on the recommendation of the interdepartmental Task force on youth and delinquency. Also contains a special report on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime in NYC and the report on major legislative action affecting families and children during the 1960 session of the legislature, a pamphlet concerning the committee is also contained. 1960.
Box 28
L-Cooperative Boards
Scope and Contents
Contains the cooperative education bill, and memoranda, a research paper on cooperative education and an organizational description of Boards of cooperative Educational Service. 1960
Box 28
L-Duty Free Lunch Period for Teachers
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo. 1960
Box 28
Federal Aid
Scope and Contents
Contains hearings concerning the school lunch program, the statement of Sam Lambert(Director of NEA Research) on federal aid, the essay of Walter Heller re aid and the Chamber of Commerce report on aid to education. 1959-60
Box 28
Federal Legislation
Scope and Contents
Contains bills concerning construction of elementary and secondary facilities and teachers' salary. Also contains a congressional record dealing with federal aid for teachers' salaries, NEA reports and an NEA report on quality education, 1960.
Box 28
L-Federated School Districts
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re the above. 1960
Box 28
L-fiscal Independence
Scope and Contents
Contains the constitution of, the minutes of meetings of (May 20, 1960, March, 7, 1969, Jan 25, 1960) and the review of activities of the conference of large boards of education of NY state. Also a statement re the fiscal problems of Board of Education of Yonkers, N.Y. 1960.
Box 28
Proposal Legislation
Scope and Contents
Contains a report on the 1959 session of the NYS Legislature 1960
Box 28
L-Memos to the Governor
Scope and Contents
Contains 1960 legislation and memos
Box 28
L-Special Memos
Scope and Contents
Brydges, rockefeller, Mahoney, Hurd, Mackenzie. 1960
Box 28
L-Mentally Retarded
Scope and Contents
Contains the 1960 and 1962 Annual report of the New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Mental Retardation and Physical Handicap. Also includes a publication from National committee Against Mental Illness In., a paper dealing with problems in providing service for the mentally retarded, the report of Legal and Legislative committee to AHRC Board of Governor's Meeting, data concerning classes for the mentally retarded, the brief and statement of Goold before the Joint Legislative committee on Mental Retardation (Feb. 2, 1960) 1960
Box 28
L-NYSTA Program
Scope and Contents
Contains general memos and the 1960 legislative program. 1960
Box 28
L-Race Tracks
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re employment of public employees at race tracks. 1960
Box 28
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo dealing with disability. 1960
Box 28
Scope and Contents
3 year Final Average Salary-contains a bill and memo re final average slary.1960
Box 28
Scope and Contents
Out of State Service (super annulation)-Contains the bill memo, and general correspondence. 1960
Box 28
Scope and Contents
Prior Service Credit-contains the prior service bill and memo plus general correspondence. 1960
Box 28
L-Retirement Vesting
Scope and Contents
Contains bills and memos re vesting, deferred retirement, minimum salary. 1960
Box 28
L-Roll Calls on Bills 1960
Box 28
L-Principal's Salary
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill 1960
Box 28
L-Minimum Salaries-Teachers
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo, data on salaries and the e cost of higher salaries and a research bulletin on salary gains for experiences and beginning teachers. 1960
Box 28
L-Sick Leave
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and memo 1960
Box 28
L-State Aid-Mr. Carlino
Scope and Contents
Contains a legislative bulletin issued by Mr. Carlino, 1960
Box 28
L-State Aid Conference Board Bill
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and memo plus a memo containing data dealing with public school expenditures. 1960
Box 28
L-State Aid Bills Other Than Conference Board
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and memo for 1961 State aid. Also contains an estimate for the effect on school districts of the Republican State Aid Program. 1960
Box 28
L-State Aid Data from Dr. Burke
Scope and Contents
Also contains the appropriations bill for 1960-61 and a memo re means of providing a temporary aid increases in 1961-62. 1960-61
Box 28
State Aid-Howard Henig
Scope and Contents
Contains the report of the Local Government Workshop, school tax rates and expenditures, a study on school quality by the NYS Educational Conference Board, and memos concerning the budget, 1960 state aid adjustments had non property taxes. 1960
Box 28
State Aid and School Finance
Scope and Contents
9ACtion in School Districts etc.)-contains the state aid plan, general correspondence, a news release from the committee for economic development, a study on school quality, a study re a sales tax, and various financial information for school districts. 1960
Box 28
State Aid to Education
Scope and Contents
Study by Joint Legislative Committee. 1960
Box 28
L-Superintendents Certification
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill concerning educational and experiences requirements for qualifications as superintendent. 1960
Box 28
L- Supplemental Pensions
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and general correspondence
Box 28
L-Take-Home Pay
Scope and Contents
contains bills re increases take-home pay, death benefits, and retirement at age 55, Also contains a pros and cons discussion of the 590 take-home pay plan, and general correspondence opposing the pay plan, 1960
Box 28
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill. 1960
Box 28
L-Termination of Service (30 day notice)
Scope and Contents
contains the bill and a memo, and news clipping for Teachers union of the City of NY. 1960
Box 28
Scope and Contents
contains a bill and memo and an opposition memo. 1960
Box 29
Scope and Contents
Contains bills and memos re apportionment, deduction from wages for payment and credit unions, minimum salaries, death benefits, deferred retirement allowance, final average salary, and supplemental pensions. Also contains the report of the resolutions committee and general correspondence with newspaper clippings. 1961
Box 29
L-General No. 2
Scope and Contents
Contains the 1961 legislative program plus reasons for supporting the program. Also contains bills re appropriates for the culturally deprived, deficiency contributions by employers, the powers of the State Civil Service Commission, the reimbursement for expenses incurred by school district officers, a special class for the mentally retarded, and a memo opposing teacher unionization. Memos from the Citizens Committee for Children are also included.
Box 29
Legislation-Budget Hearing
Scope and Contents
Contains the statements of Everett Dyer (Executive director of the NY State School Board Assoc.), G.H. Goold and Rose Russell (Teacher's Union of NYC) at the budget meeting. 1961
Box 29
L-Bulletin Mailing List
Box 29
L-Citizen Committee for Children of New York City
Scope and Contents
Contains memos in support of various welfare legislation. 1961
Box 29
L-Civil Service Positions
Scope and Contents
Contains bill re certification of payrolls of state employees and a memo re Civil Service proceeding relative to educational positions in Cattaraugus County. 1961
Box 29
L-Duty Free Lunch Period
Scope and Contents
General, 1961
Box 29
L-duty Free Lunch Period
Scope and Contents
contains bill and memo. 1961
Box 29
L-Federal Aid
Scope and Contents
Contains numerous pamphlets and memos discussing federal aid to education, a memo containing arguments in support of federal aid, a report on aid by the NEA, a statement on aid y the Roman Catholic archdiocese of NY, plus general correspondence. 1961
Box 29
L-5% Take-home Pay-General
Box 29
L- 5% Take-home Pay
Scope and Contents
contains memos and correspondence re 5% take-home pay 1961
Box 29
L-Group Life Insurance 1961
Box 29
Legislative Program
Scope and Contents
Contains bills and memos re the 1961 Legislative Program. 1961
Box 29
Legislative Program of the Legislative Council
Scope and Contents
contains data on salaries plus bills and memos concerning the 1961 legislative program. 1961
Box 29
Scope and Contents
Also contains memos re salaries with cost estimates. 1961
Box 29
L-Memos etc.
Scope and Contents
(speaker of Assembly-Mr. Curlino, Mr. Bisceglia) Also contains a bill re the NY State Higher Education Assistance Corporation. 1961
Box 29
L-Memos to Mr. Embler 1961
Box 29
L-Memos to t. Norman Hurd. 1961
Box 29
L-Memos to Robert McCrate
Scope and Contents
Contains bills and memos re apportionment, minimum salaries, deferred retirement allowance, death benefits, final average salary, duty free lunch period, and supplemental retirement allowances. 1961
Box 29
L-Mentally Retarded
Scope and Contents
Contains the annual report of the NYS Joint Legislative Committee on Mental Retardation and Physical Handicap for 1961 and 1959. also included is the Committee's 1961 Legislative Problem. 1961
Box 29
L-Out Memos re Labor Law
Scope and Contents
McCrate (Corbin), Hurd, Mahoney-Ronan. 1961
Box 29
Scope and Contents
Special Session (8/21/61) re NYC Schools- Contains the bill re the constitution of the Board of Education of the City School District of NYC, the message to the Legislature, the public letter to the citizens of NYC by its school board president, a synopsis of work of the Bureau of Audit, a memo re actions taken to combat illegal activities by employees and contractors, a memo re the organization of school administration, and the repair program, the report by the board of Superintendents, the NYC Board of Education assessing quality of Instructional program, a statement of the Board of Regents and the commissioner of Education re their Legislative Proposal for Emergency action with respect to NYC schools, a bill and background information on NYC schools. News clippings included.
Box 29
L-Retirement General. 1961
Box 29
L-Retirement-Death Benefits
Scope and Contents
contains a bill and memo re death benefits. 1961
Box 29
L-Death Benefit Memo. 1961
Box 29
L-Retirement-Final Average Salary
Scope and Contents
contains the bill and memo. 1961
Box 29
L-Retirement Prior Service Credit
Scope and Contents
contains general correspondence. 1961
Box 29
L-Special Service Retirement (GHG for Se. Van Wiggeran)
Scope and Contents
Contains the act. 1961
Box 29
L-Vesting General
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence plus an explanatory memo. 1961
Box 29
L-Vesting re Retirement
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and explanatory memos. 1961
Box 29
Legislation-Roll Call Votes
Scope and Contents
Contains the vote on the minimum salary bill, the 15% increase in basic school support, death benefits, deferred retirement rights (vesting) supplemental pension (one year extension). Supplemental pinion (one year extension), supplemental pension (purchase prior service after 2 years) 30 minute lunch period, labor exemption, 5% take home pay optional, and amendments to Speno transportation. 1961
Box 29
L-Teacher's Salaries-General. 1961
Box 29
L-Teachers Salary
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill on minimum salaries with numerous explanatory memos, and memos comparing salaries for teachers in various states. 1961
Box 29
L-Teachers' Salary Amended
Scope and Contents
Contains the minimum salary bill with memos re Oneonta salary schedule, costs of proposed salary revision, the interpretation of the 1961 salary law, and the comparison of the 1956 and 61 salary law interpretations, explanatory memos, a memo re a salary dispute and other general memos dealing with the 1961 law. 1961
Box 29
L-Teachers Salary Memorandum No. 2 1961
Box 29
L-Teachers' Salary Memo no. 3 (Cost Estimate) 1961
Box 29
L-Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill. 1961
Box 29
L-State aid General
Scope and Contents
contains memos re state aid from Herkimer and Onondaga counties and Wilson Central District plus general correspondence, 1961
Box 29
L-State Aid (Conference Board Bill)
Scope and Contents
Contains bills and memos re apportionment 1961
Box 29
L-State aid Increased Weighting for high school
Scope and Contents
(G.H. Goold for secondary administrators association) Contains the bill and memo. 1961
Box 29
L-State Aid Re Local Finance Law
Scope and Contents
(PTA bill prepared by Dr. Burke)-Contains bill re limitation on the amount of local indebtedness which may be contracted by certain school districts. 1961
Box 29
L-State Aid Worksheets (ed report) 1961
Box 29
Superintendents' Certification
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memos plus correspondence re passage of the e bill. 1961
Box 29
L-Supplemental Pension
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and memo. 1961
Box 29
Scope and Contents
Contains a news release and an explanatory memo on transportation for school children. 1961
Box 29
Scope and Contents
contains memo re proposals for educational opportunity, a statement re the sale of alcohol, and a pamphlet on the effect it has upon education plus supporting and opposing memos dealing with relevant legislation. Also contains bills dealing with Regents' Scholarships, the testing of students, and school tax exemption for persons on fixed incomes who are over 65. General correspondence also included, 1961.
Box 29
L-Budget Hearings (Feb 15, 1962)
Scope and Contents
Contains Goold's statement at the hearing and the statement of Max Rubin (President, Board of Education) at the hearing 1962.
Box 29
L-City-wide committee for Equal Retirement for NYC Teachers. 1962
Box 29
L-Collective Bargaining
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re collective bargaining by teachers and other employees. 1962
Box 29
L-Diefendorf Proposals, Comments on.
Scope and Contents
Contains the bills re taxing and apportionment, a review of proposal of the joint legislative committee on school Financing, the statements of Arvid Burke the Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research, the Teachers' Union of NYC, and the Westchester County Council of Chief School Officers to the Joint Legislative Committee on School Finance. Also contains the Brief of Thomas Hance (Letchworth BOE), Robert Witta (Arcade BOE), and Darwin Kittsley (Attica Central School). A summary of the Diefendorf proposal, comments on the report of the Finance committee and a Central School Board Committee for Educational Research is also included, plus an outline of Diefendorf effects on Monroe county. 1962
Box 29
L-Federal Aid
Scope and Contents
Contains a pamphlet re Federal Support for Public Education and bills re National Teachers' Day and federal aid to elementary and secondary schools (with an explanatory memo containing estimated allotments to the several states) Also contains JFK's message on education, excerpts from an NBC telecast on federal aid to education with Barry Goldwater, the statement of James Allen, Jr. on the bill re federal aid to elementary and secondary schools and a memo re the selection of superintendant of schools. 1962.
Box 29
NYSTA Legislative Program
Scope and Contents
Contains various bills memos plus the 1962 legislative program and memo, and a review of staff proposals of the Joint Legislative Committee on School Financing 1962
Box 29
L-Lunch Period
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill, memos, and correspondence re free lunch period. 1962
Box 29
Memos to Dr. Hurd, Maccrade, Carlino etc.
Scope and Contents
Contains carious bills and memos, salary data, Goold's statement before th legislative budget hearing (Feb. 15, 1962) and issues of NYSTA News and NYS Edcuation dealing with legislation action. Also contains general correspondence. 1962
Box 29
Scope and Contents
Miscellaneous Brydges, Bradley, Preller, Wise et al. 1962
Box 29
L-Powers and Duties of Certain Superintendents
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo re the duties and powers of certain superintendents. 1962
Box 29
L-Regents Scholarship Program
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re Regents Scholarships. 1962
Box 29
L-Retirement General
Box 29
L-Retirement Death Benefits
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo. 1962
Box 29
L-Death Gamble Retirement
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo.1962
Box 29
L-Death Gamble Retirement
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo. 1962
Box 29
L-Retirement 5% Take-Home Pay Plan
Scope and Contents
General. Contains the bill. Memos. And general correspondence re the 5% plan.
Box 30
L-Retirement 5% Take Home Pay Plan
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo plus bills and memos dealing with minimum salaries (also contains salary data), military service credit, optional allowances of teachers who die in service after qualifying to retire, and death benefits. 1962.
Box 30
L-5% Take Home Pay Plan Joint Statement
Scope and Contents
Dyer and Goold-Also contains data re the effect of the bill in 62-63, 63-64 School District Budgets. 1962
Box 30
L-5% Take Home Pay Plan Worksheets
Scope and Contents
contains the bill and memos, plus estimates on the effects of the plan.1962
Box 30
Retirement re Military Service
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo. 1962
Box 30
L-Military Service Credit from 10/1/61
Scope and Contents
contains bill and memo. 1962
Box 30
L-Military Law and Retirement
Scope and Contents
Special session-contains bill and memo. 1962
Box 30
L-Retirement Re-open 1/120 Law
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memoranda. 1962
Box 30
L-Retirement Out of State Service (Superintendents)
Scope and Contents
re Superannuation. Contains the bill and memoranda. 1962
Box 30
L-Retirement Special Service (Rochester Teachers' Association Bill)
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and memo. 1962
Box 30
L-Teachers Salary General
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill dealing with part-time teachers' salaries. 1962
Box 30
L-Teachers' Salary
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memos re minimum salaries for teachers, the statement of Charles Silver on the State Local Assistance Budget for Fiscal Year 1962-63 and Everett Dyer and g. H. Goold on the 5% take home pay plan in 1962-63 and various salary data. 1962
Box 30
L-Teachers' Salary Amended
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and memos re minimum, with a comparison of present and proposed minimum salary schedules and alternate proposals re the salary bill. Also contains a bill re apportionment of public money. 1962
Box 30
L-Teachers Salary Work Papers
Scope and Contents
Contains various explanatory memos. 1962
Box 30
State Aid
Scope and Contents
Contains bills re apportionment and taxation, memo re the need for a new approach to school finance and the statement of the Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research to the Joint Legislative Committee on school financing, 1962
Box 30
L-State Aid to Big Cities
Scope and Contents
Contains an analysis of the educational and financial needs of the large cities of NYS with recommendations for revision of the state aid formula. 1962
Box 30
State Aid-Diefendorf Bill Report
Scope and Contents
contains the act dealing with apportionment of money to support public schools plus a m memo dealing with the bill's approval. Also contains a bill re taxation powers. 1962
Box 30
State Aid Office of Legislative Research
Scope and Contents
(Mrs. Martin)- Contains an explanatory note re state aid increases. 1962
Box 30
L-State Aid re NYC (Attorney General)
Scope and Contents
Contains the opinion of the attorney general re the power of NYC to borrow in anticipation of state aid it will receive under the Diefendorf plan. 1962
Box 30
L-School Entrance Age. 1962
Box 30
L-supplemental Pension
Scope and Contents
contains a memo discussing the bill's veto.
Box 30
L-Supplemental Pension Special Cases
Scope and Contents
Ineligible without Extension.-contains correspondence re special Case. 1962
Box 30
L-Teacher-School Board Relations
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re teacher-school board relationships, an outline of local grievance procedures and a background memo re chapter 554 of the laws of 1972. Also contains the basic principles of teacher school board relations, a memo re labor, interest in teachers, a report re cooperative determination vs. collective bargaining, and a bill re arbitration procedures for public draft, a bill and memo re professional rights of teachers.
Box 30
Teacher-School Board Relations
Scope and Contents
(grievances machinery law-requests for data) 1962
Box 30
Teacher-School Board Relations
Scope and Contents
May 21 and June 7 (West and North Suffolk counties) August (Upstate)- contains a bill background material and memo re professional rights of teachers and teacher-school board relationships and responsibilities. Also contains a bill and background materials on grievance procedures for municipal employees, 1962
Box 30
Scope and Contents
Includes the report of the legislative committee on mental retardation and physical handicap. And a review of the 1963 legislatures record for the c children. Also includes a memo dealing with pension credit for extra time served in vocational high schools, an act re optional retirement. Further documents include a memo dealing with salary increases for supervisory personnel, teachers and an act re psychological tests for students, and a memo dealing with objections to the latter act. 1963.
Box 30
Scope and Contents
Contains acts dealing with widows', pensions, credit for military service, and definition of final average salary. General correspondence is also included. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Budget Hearing
Scope and Contents
Includes a statement by the President of NYSTA also includes Goold's statement to the Finance Committee on the Senate and the ways and means committee of the Assembly.
Box 30
Legislation Bulletin Mailing List
Scope and Contents
General Correspondence, 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Condon-Waldin Law Repeal
Scope and Contents
Includes new clippings re the law. Also includes a memorandum re the modification of the law. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Counsel to the Governor
Scope and Contents
Contains an act designed to amend the civil service law re strikes by public employees. General correspondence with Mr. Corbin (counsel) also included. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Death Benefit Extension of Effective Date
Scope and Contents
Includes a 1963 act relating to teacher death benefits. Some general correspondence also included. 1963
Box 30
Scope and Contents
Contains newspaper clippings on JFK's Education Plan. Also contains President Kennedy's message on Education (Jan. 24, 1963)
Box 30
Legislation Grievance Procedure
Scope and Contents
Contains excerpts from the 'Handbook on Personnel Practices for Teachers" and tentative grievance procedures in Spring Valley, NY. Also contains the opinion of counsel to the NY State Education Dept. relative to the 1962 laws, an article on grievance procedures for teachers, and a copy of the Bill on Teacher's Rights and Responsibilities. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Health Insurance
Scope and Contents
Contains acts dealing with health insurance and loans for members of the retirement system. Also a death benefit act and explanation are included. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Hours of Assigned Duties to Teachers
Scope and Contents
Includes the act re teacher house along with brief explanation of the bill and an interpretation of the bill by the State Education Dept. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-To Do. 1963
Box 30
Legislative Program-General. 1963
Box 30
Legislative Program
Scope and Contents
Contains a list of NYSTA 1963 legislative programs, and an explanation of how a legislative program developed. 1963
Box 30
Memorandum to Assembly Ways and Means Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and an act dealing with loads to members of the retirement system. 1963
Box 30
Legislation Memos: Mr. Carlino (Bisceglia Counsel)
Scope and Contents
Contains memorandum to the Assembly ways and means committee re the 5% plan, a list of legislation sought by NYSTA and memoranda re that legislation. Also included are newspaper clippings dealing with State Aid. 1963
Box 30
Legislation Memos to Dr. Hurd 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Memos-Mahoney. 1963
Box 30
Scope and Contents
contains a bill and memorandum dealing with a State Recreation Council and a bill re workmen's compensation for practice teachers. General correspondence is also included. 1963
Box 30
Memos-Mr. Vagg (Brydges)
Scope and Contents
Contains alternate proposals re t he Diefendorf program. An ammendment relating to apportionment of funds to school districts and accompanying memorandum are also included. Further enclosures consist of a bill and memorandum re teachers' rights. 1963
Box 30
Legislation Memos-Mr.Wille.
Scope and Contents
Contains a NYSTA Legislative Bulletin which outlines the 1963 legislative program and general correspondence to and from Mr. Wille. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Race Track
Scope and Contents
General Correspondence. 1963
Box 30
Requests for Bills-General Correspondence. 1963
Box 30
Legislation Retirement Contribution on Total Salary
Scope and Contents
contains an act dealing with the contribution of employers to the teachers' retirement system, and a memorandum briefly explaining the rationale for the bill. General correspondence is also included. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Retirement Death Benefits, Extended Illness
Scope and Contents
Includes an act re Death Benefits and a brief explanation of the act. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Retirement-Death Gamble-General
Scope and Contents
Contains an act re the hours assigned duty for teachers. Also contains a brief explanation of the Death Gamble Bill. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Retirement Death Gamble.
Scope and Contents
Contains an act relating to death benefits of persons who die in service after becoming eligible for a retirement allowance. Also contains a brief explanation of the bill. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Retirement loans
Scope and Contents
Contains an act re such laws. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Retirment-5% Plan-General
Scope and Contents
Contains a NYSTA News issue w which deals with the plan. Also a memo which briefly explains the act. Further documents are concerned with the financial effects of the plan. General correspondence is also included. 1963
Box 30
Scope and Contents
Contains an act revising Regents Scholarships. Also contains a brief explanation of the act. 1963
Box 30
State Aid-General
Scope and Contents
Contains statement relating to the losses in State aid in local school districts and its effect. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-State Aid-General
Scope and Contents
Contains the debate on the School Bill re state aid. Also contains an act re apportionment of public funds to school districts. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-State Aid Conference
Scope and Contents
Includes an act dealing with apportionment of public money to school districts with a brief explanation of the act. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Superintendents' Powers and Duties
Scope and Contents
contains an act re the powers and duties of certain superintendents of schools. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-5% Take-home Pay
Scope and Contents
Includes the act dealing with the 5% plan and carious documents explaining that plan. Also includes a discussion of the financial effect of the plan, an act related to pensions providing for increases take-home pay for teachers not in the employ of NY State. 1963
Box 30
Legislation-Teachers' Salary Longevity (career increments)
Scope and Contents
Includes an act re minimum salary schedules for teachers and a memo giving a brief explanation of the act. 1963
Box 30
Scope and Contents
Contains an act concerning collective bargaining and compulsory arbitration of disputes. Also contains 1964 legislative record, amendments to extend labor management coverage to teachers, to pay interest to certain retired teachers, to revise the teacher work day , to revise selection of members of the BOE of NYC. Further documents include memo on 5% plan, the 1964 report to the State Legislature by the Joint Legislative Committee in State-Federal relations and general correspondence. 1964
Box 30
Scope and Contents
Contains acts deal with workmen's compensation for cadet teachers, death benefits, take home pay, minimum salaries, elective retirement benefits, health insurance, leaves of absence and duties of school authorities and the Board of Regents with respect to teachers. Also contains general correspondence with various NYS Senators and assemblyman re legislation. 1964
Box 30
Scope and Contents
(Abrams, Phillips, Rubin) 1964
Box 30
Legislation-General-Thank You's. 1964
Box 30
Legislation Affecting Assignments of Pupils to Schools
Scope and Contents
(Board of Regents). 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Budget Hearing (Feb. 12, 1964)
Scope and Contents
Contains the statement of G. Goold before the Senate and Assembly. Also contains statements re state sharing of school operating cost. Further documents include a survey re trends in operating expenditures per pupil and tax rates and the Nassau-Suffolk School Board Association's finance propose for 1964. 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Death Benefits (1 year extension)
Scope and Contents
Includes an act re death benefits. 1964
Box 30
Death Benefits-Permanent (Legislation)
Scope and Contents
Contains an act re death benefits, and a brief explanation of the act. 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Double Entry Bookkeeping 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Educational Conference Board Bill
Scope and Contents
Includes an act dealing with the apportionment of public moneys to school districts. 1964
Box 30
Scope and Contents
Includes an act re the amount of service required for retirement on account of disability. 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Elective Retirement Benefits
Scope and Contents
Includes an act dealing with elective retirement benefits, and a memo re that act. 1964
Box 30
Legislation-election of Retirement Delegates
Scope and Contents
Includes an act re the elections of such delegates and an explanation of the need for such an act. 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Fiscal Independence.
Scope and Contents
Includes reasons for fiscal independence , and a memo re fiscal independence. 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Health Insurance.
Scope and Contents
Includes an act re health insurance. 1964
Box 30
Scope and Contents
(special for Alan Lewis and South Huntington) Includes an act re group accident and health insurance for retired teachers, and other employees. 1964
Box 30
Legislative Program
Scope and Contents
Includes the 1964 legislative record and program, memos re amendment to the education law re teachers minimum salaries, take home pay, leaves of absence, elective retirement benefits, special service retirement, health insurance and death benefits. Also includes newspaper clippings and issues of NYSTA news related to legislation. 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Outlawing Secret Societies
Scope and Contents
Includes an act to abolish fraternities and sororities in public schools, and a discussion of that bill's constitutionality. 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Race Track
Scope and Contents
Includes an amendment to t he pari-mutual revenue law re public employees and general correspondence related to the bill. 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Repeal of Teacher's Salary Increments
Scope and Contents
Includes opposition correspondence to the Water's Bill (AI 1378) 1964
Box 30
Legislation-request for Bills
Scope and Contents
Includes general correspondence, 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Roll Calls
Scope and Contents
Contains the roll call vote on 5% take-home pay bill, health insurance, teachers' 30 year retirement, uniform 4% contribution for prior service, education physical education and academic credit, Nassau County, junior operator's licenses, work study program, death benefits during leave, 5% take-home pay for Yonkers (1965), 5% take home pay , optional for Yonkers and Buffalo*1965), annual audits, annual sick leaves, military service credit, death benefits, one year extension, grievance procedures, NYS Teachers' Retirement Board, state aid, district reorganization, federal grants, coordinating center for state-federal relations, principals' salary, the amendment of the election procedures for members of the NYC Teachers' Retirement System Board, teachers' retirement loans, and a state aid apportionment formula. 1964
Box 30
Scope and Contents
Includes New Jersey minimum salary schedule. 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Salaries-Career Increments
Scope and Contents
Includes an act re minimum salaries, and an explanation of that act, 1964
Box 30
Legislation-Minimum Salaries
Scope and Contents
Includes an amendment to the education law re minimum salaries, a study of public school support, and a comparison of total expenditures and instructional salaries in public schools, 1964
Box 31
Legislation-Principals' Salary
Scope and Contents
Includes an amendment re salary increases for principals, general correspondence, salary schedules related to training, and salary comparisons of principals and teachers. 1964
Box 31
Legislation-Sick Leave
Scope and Contents
Includes an amendment re leaves of absence for personal illness, and an explanation of the amendment. 1964
Box 31
Legislation-Special Services-Retirement
Scope and Contents
includes an amendment to the retirement law in relation to special service retirement, 1964
Box 31
Legislation-State Aid-General
Scope and Contents
Includes discussion of the Diefendorf State Aid formula in relation to Levittown, and proposed revisions of that formula. Also included its general correspondence re state aid discussion. 1964
Box 31
Legislation-5% Take-home Pay Plan-General
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1964
Box 31
Legislation-5% Take-Home Pay Plan
Scope and Contents
Includes explanation of plan, the act itself as read in the Senate. 1964
Box 31
Legislation-Teacher-School Board Relations
Scope and Contents
Includes amendment to education law re duties of school authorities and the Board of Regents. 1964
Box 31
Scope and Contents
Contains the 1965 legislative record acts dealing with basic standards and principles of representation in grievance procedures, salary increases for principals, cooperative education, the function and membership of the Board of Higher Education, the repeal of tuition free provisions of Rochester City charter, tenure, the appointment of district superintendents of schools in Nassau county, supplemental pensions, widows' pensions, and an investigation of the retirement system and comparison of that system with other funds, government financed or private, and an preparation for the expenses, also contains a retirement primer, a memo on the school district reorganization bill, a bill re the professional social work, a statement of concern (regents scholarships), the 1965 budget request, and a pension guide for NYSTA. 1965
Box 31
L-Area Vocational
Scope and Contents
Contains acts and explanatory memos re establishment of area centers of cooperative educational services and the construction of area vocational education school facilities, the civil service law in relation to unclassified service, and filing oaths of officers and employees of an area center of cooperative educational services, the general municipal law in relation to reports of financial conditions, and system of accounts for an area center of cooperative educational services and in relation to convention, conference and school expenses of services and board of cooperative educational services. 1965
Box 31
L-1965 Attendance Bill
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memos dealing with the appointment and duties of attendance supervisors, attendance teachers, and attendance officers. 1965
Box 31
L-Budet Hearing (March 3, 1965)
Scope and Contents
Contains Goold's statement before the Senate Finance Committee and Assembly Ways and Means committee, and t he statement of the Public Education Association's Statement before the same committee. 1965
Box 31
L-Budget Hearing#2 (April 2, 1965)
Scope and Contents
Contains Goold's statement before the Finance committee of the Senate and the Ways and Means committee of the NYC Assembly. Also contains a statement by the PTA re school financing and an act re compensation of persons employed in the teaching or instruction of patients or inmates in state facilities or institutions 1965.
Box 31
L-Bulletin Mailing List 1965
Box 31
L-Joint Hearing Civil Service and Labor and Industries
Scope and Contents
Contains acts re strikes by public employees and collective negotiations procedures, and public employees labor relations programs. Also contains documents re employee-employer relations in state and local government, School Board staff relations, labor relations in civil service in relation to NYSTA, NYSTA's policy re teacher-school board relations, and public employment relations. 1965
Box 31
L-Condon-Waldin Law
Scope and Contents
Contains an act with amendments, and memo dealing with strikes by public employees, and the adoption of public employees' labor relations programs, 1965
Box 31
L-Conference Day AFT vs. NYSTA
Scope and Contents
Contains an act re conditions under which districts are entitled to apportionment. Also contains a memo re NYSTA Professional conference Day, the constitution and bylaws of NYSTA and the annual report of the Executive Secretary for 1964. 1965
Box 31
L-Conference Days
Scope and Contents
contains an act and memo re conditions.
Box 31
L-Credit Union Reductions
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo re deduction from teachers' salary for the purpose of making payment to credit unions. 1965
Box 31
L-Educational Conference Board-State Aid
Scope and Contents
Contains acts and memos re apportionment of money to school districts and with the effort to keep the state plan for school districts reorganization current by limiting continuance of school districts not maintain home schools, and by school districts not marinating home high schools, establishing a procedure for granting state aid for school building purposes to school districts scheduled for reorganization and districts after reorganization. Also contains a survey of state aid proposed costs. 1965
Box 31
Elementary and Secondary Education Act-1965
Scope and Contents
Contains an act, a report, a description, an analysis, and an estimated distribution of funds re elementary and secondary schools (act, 1965). Also included is LBJ's speech re educational opportunity and an outline of the Tittle III program. 1965
Box 31
L-Federal Aid Cumulative
Scope and Contents
Contains the 1963 National Education Improvement Act, the 1965 Teachers' Sabbatical leave program, and the 1965 elementary and secondary education act. Also contains the statement of principles and other material from the bipartisan committee for Federal Aid for Public Elementary and Secondary Education. Reports from the NEA on federal policy, various congressional records re state aid, the 1964 report to the NY State legislature re federal subsidies and a set of guidelines for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act are also included. 1965
Box 31
Federal Legislation Copyright Bill.
Scope and Contents
Contains documents re implication of the act for teachers. 1965
Box 31
L-Mandatory Health Insurance
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo re health insurance plans. 1965
Box 31
L-Hearing Excise Committee-Drinking Age
Scope and Contents
Contains the joint report of the Senate Excise and Assembly Excise Committee re NY State's minimum drinking age. Also contains Goold's statement before these two committees and a report on highway accidents resulting from driving by New Jersey Drivers under 21 years of age. 1965
Box 31
Legislative Program
Scope and Contents
contains the 1965 Legislative Program and record. 1965.
Box 31
L-Legislation for Consideration
Scope and Contents
contains acts dealing with establishment of a minimum ordinary death benefit and the duties of the commissioner of education with respect to teachers. A document re public school personnel relationships and a report of the Resolutions Committee to t he House of Delegates (Nov. 24, 1964) are also included. 1965
Box 31
L-Memos to Legislators. 1965
Box 31
L-Memos Other Than Legislators
Scope and Contents
contains general correspondence and a government bulletin re payment for schools. 1965
Box 31
L-Original copies-Bills and Memos. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement re Joint Legislative Committee
Scope and Contents
Education Law (NYSTA Project #12) Contains general correspondence. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement-Death Benefit-One Year Extension
Scope and Contents
Contains acts and memos re death benefits, credit for military service, special service retirement, election of members to the retirement board, final average salary, and deferred retirement allowance, 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement-Minimum Death Benefit
Scope and Contents
Contains a minimum death benefit act and memo. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement-Death Benefits-Permanent
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo re death benefits. 1965
Box 31
L-disability Retirement
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo re disability retirement. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement-Final Average Salary
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo re final average salary for determination of retirement allowance. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement Military
Scope and Contents
Contains an act re military service in war after WWII. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement-Military Service Credit
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and brief explanatory memo re credit for military service in war after WWII. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement Election of Delegates to Retirement System (Leahy)
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo dealing with the election of delegates to the annual convention of the NYS Teachers; Retirement System. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement-Elected Members of the Retirement Board
Scope and Contents
Contains act and memo dealing with elected members to the retirement board. 1965
Box 31
Scope and Contents
Elected Members Memo #2. Contains memo re elected members of the NYS Teachers' Retirement Board. 1965
Box 31
L-Elected Members to NYS Teachers' Retirement Board Memo #3
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo re elected members of the NYS Teachers' Retirement Board. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement 55-year
Scope and Contents
Contains an re time within which members of the NYS retirement system may elect to join the special service retirement plan. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement Superannuation.
Scope and Contents
Out of State Service (superintendents) contains an act and explanatory memo re superannuation retirement. 1965
Box 31
L-Retirement Superannuation
Scope and Contents
Out of State Service (Superintendents) Contains an act and explanatory memo re superannuation retirement. 1965
Box 31
Scope and Contents
Contains an act, memo, and general correspondence re deferred retirement allowance. 1965
Box 31
Legislation-Roll Call Votes
Scope and Contents
Contains the vote on the ACCES Bill, shared time, tax sheltered annuities, minimum salaries for teachers, supplemental state aid, state aid, school district reorganization, Condon Waldin, vesting, vesting (one year), 30 year retirement, military service credit, death benefit, extension, permanent death benefits, retirement board members, minimum death benefits, sick leave, sales tax, and cigarette tax. 1965
Box 31
L-Salary Campaign
Scope and Contents
Contains memos and correspondence re minimum salary bill. 1965
Box 31
Special Delegation Re Salary Bill (May 18)
Scope and Contents
Contains the minimum salary bill along with a salary schedule for NYS and a salary survey of the U.S. by state
Box 31
L-Minimum Salary Revision
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo re minimum salaries for teachers. Also contained are news clippings and proposed minimum salaries. 1965
Box 32
L-Principals Salary
Scope and Contents
Contains an act re principals salaries, and NYSTA's position on that act. Also contains a study of the Principal's Salary Law. 1965
Box 32
Teachers' Salary Campaign
Scope and Contents
Includes an act and memo re minimum salaries for teachers. Various salary schedules are also included. 1965
Box 32
Teachers' Salary Clippings. 1965
Box 32
L-Salary Repealer (Cook Bill).
Scope and Contents
Contains memo relating to the bill. 1965
Box 32
L-Teacher's Salary Rules #1
Scope and Contents
Contains the minimum salaries act with explanatory memo. General correspondence re the act is also included. 1965
Box 32
L-Teachers' Salary Rules #2 Bill Only
Scope and Contents
Includes an act and memo re minimum salaries for teachers. Also includes the interpretation of this act by State Education Department Counsel. 1965
Box 32
L-Teacher's Salary Rules #2 Memo Only
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memos re minimum salaries for teachers. 1965
Box 32
Legislation Salary-Rules #2 Supplemental Memos
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo re minimum salaries for teachers. Also contains a discussion of State mandated teachers' salaries and pensions, and their financing outside of NYC. And a survey of instructional expenditures exclusive of NYC. 1965
Box 32
Legislation-Sick Leave
Scope and Contents
Includes an act with memo and addendum relating to leave of absence for personal illness. Also includes a memo to the Governor re the act, a survey of various types of leave of absence found in NY State, and a survey of the cost of sick leave. 1965.
Box 32
L-School Nurse Teachers
Scope and Contents
Included is an act and memo from the NY State Nurse-Teachers Association relating to programs of health service in public schools. Also included is an appeal re health services in Union Free School District #1. 1965
Box 32
State Aid
Scope and Contents
Contains an estimate of aid increases exclusive of NYC. 1965
Box 32
Clippings-State Aid. 1965
Box 32
L-State Aid Correspondence Only. 1965
Box 32
State Aid-New York City. 1965
Box 32
L-Supplemental State Aid
Scope and Contents
contains an act re apportionment of aid to school districts and a memo re the same. Also included is a survey of estimated gains under the act. 1965
Box 32
Legislation-Tax Sheltered Annuity
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo re such compensation. 1965
Box 32
Legislation-Cadet Teachers Compensation.
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo re such compensation. 1965
Box 32
Legislation-Teachers elected to Office
Scope and Contents
contains an act and memo re leaves of absence for teachers elected to office.
Box 32
L-Teacher-School Board Relations
Scope and Contents
contains the act re duties of school authorities and the Board of Regents to teachers, and an UFT opposition memo. Also included are Goold's memo explaining the act. Also included are Goold's memo explaining the act and a listing of NYSTA's 1965 legislative program. An act re public employee strikes is also included. 1965
Box 32
L-Teacher-School Board Relations. Memo #2
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo re duties of school authorities and the Board of Regents to teachers, and a UFT memo voicing opposition to the bill. 1965
Box 32
Legislation-Textbook Bill
Scope and Contents
Includes the text book act, Goold's memo voicing opposition to the bill, a memo to aid compliance and a policy statement by the Counsel to the State Education Department. 1965
Box 32
Legislation-ACCES Bill
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, memos, and news clippings re the bill. 1966
Box 32
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, memos, and news clippings re the bill, 1966
Box 32
L-Tax Sheltered Annuities Bill. 1966
Box 32
L-Tax Sheltered Annuities
Scope and Contents
Correspondence. Contains the bill and the opinion of counsel. 1966
Box 32
L-Tax Sheltered Annuities-Memo. 1966
Box 32
L-School Bands at Public Functions.
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and general correspondence related to school bands at public functions. 1966
Box 32
Letters to Brydges. 1966
Box 32
L-Budget. 1966
Box 32
L-Bulletin Mailing List. 1966
Box 32
Box 32
L-Teachers Conference Days
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo re conference days. 1966
Box 32
L-Correspondence Assemblyman Lipset.
Scope and Contents
Also contains a memo on minimum salaries for teachers. 1966
Box 32
L-Bill Educational Conference Board
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill on apportionment of aid to school districts along with a study draft of that bill. Also contains the position of the board on legislation to liberalize and extend laws pertaining to shared services among schools and the 1966 legislative program. 1966
Box 32
Scope and Contents
Educational Conference Board. Contains various memoranda re the state aid bill. 1966
Box 32
L-Memo. Educational Conference Board. 1966
Box 32
L-Educational Conference Board. Working Papers
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill, and memos re apportionment of aid to school districts. Also contains a copy of the proposals to increase state aid for education and the report of the NY State Educational Conference Board. 1966
Box 32
Joint Legislative Committee to Revise the Educational Law
Scope and Contents
Contains the Preliminary Report of the Joint Legislative Committee. 1966
Box 32
L-eye Safety Devices
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill, memos and general correspondences re eye safety devices. 1966
Box 32
Clippings-Federal Aid. 1966
Box 32
Clippings-Federal Aid, Church-State Issue. 1966
Box 32
L-Federal Ad-elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Scope and Contents
Contains a document re federal government and education, and the testimony on the NEA amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Educations Act. Also contains the pamphlets dealing with the National Defense Education Act (Title III) in NY State, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (title I), and an evaluation of ESEA. 1966
Box 32
L-Federal Aid to Impacted Areas
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence. 1966
Box 32
Federal Legislation
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence re expenses for education, and a federal pamphlet explaining the proposed bill on educational expenses. Also contains a document explaining the demonstration cities program, the president's Health programs, higher education amendments of 1966, and education messages sent to congress. 1966
Box 32
L-5% Take Home Pay One Year Extension Bill. 1966
Box 32
L-5% Take-Home Pay One Year Extension Bill. Memos 1966
Box 32
L-Bill Health Insurance. 1966
Box 32
L-Memo, Health Insurance
Box 32
L-Health Insurance. Working Papers.
Scope and Contents
Contains a listing of health insurance plans issued by profit and commercial companies in various school districts, a primer on NYS Health Insurance Plan for school district employees, and a pamphlet on the Statewide Insurance Plan. 1966
Box 32
L-Mandated Health
Scope and Contents
Teaching in Secondary Schools. Contains a supportive memo for Health Education Legislation. 1966
Box 32
NYSTA Legislative Program. 1966
Box 32
L-Bills to Watch.
Scope and Contents
Contains the 1966 legislative program of NYSTA
Box 32
Clippings-General Legislation. 1966
Box 32
Final Report on Legislation, 1966 Session. 1966
Box 32
Highlights of 1966 Legislative Program. 1966
Box 32
L-Original Drafts
Scope and Contents
Contains bills and memos dealing with minimum salary, the supervision by the Board of Regents of professional organizations of teachers, health insurance, sabbatical leave, deferred retirement allowance, increased take-home pay, minimum death benefits, the election of members to the NYSTR board, disability requirement, supperanuation retirement, and an additional retirement allowance. 1966
Box 32
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and news clippings dealing with the lottery. 1966
Box 32
Lottery Amendment-Against-Citizens' Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence as well as an off-track betting report from Britain. 1966
Box 32
L-Governor's Message to the Legislature. 1966
Box 32
Scope and Contents
Contains a special message on crime and narcotics addiction. 1966
Box 32
L-New York Library Association. 1966
Box 32
L-Operating Expenses Aid.
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill re the above. 1966
Box 32
Governor's Committee on Public Employee Relations-General
Scope and Contents
Contains a comparison between the Rose-Dominick and Taylor Committee Bills, and the Rosetti Bill. Also contains a position statement on Public Employee Relations by NYSTA, and the Interim Report by the Taylor Committee. General correspondence and news releases also contained. 1966
Box 32
Governor's Committee on Public Employee Relations
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and memo re the right of public employees to organize and bargain collectively. 1966
Box 32
Report of Committee
Scope and Contents
Governor's Committee on Public Employee Relations. Contains the interim report of the 1968 committee plus recommended revisions. Also contains the summary report and the final report of the 1966 committee, with a special memo, and an analysis of the provision of the Taylor Committee Bill. 1966, 1968.
Box 32
Clippings-Governor's Committee on Public Employee Relations. 1966
Box 32
Correspondence and NYSTA releases re governor's Committee on Public Employees
Scope and Contents
also contains excerpts from a press conference with Walter Reuther re public employees and the report by the Bar Association of NYC re public employee disputes. 1966
Box 32
G.H.. Goold's Statement of March 4, 1966 before Governor's Committee on Public Employee Relations
Scope and Contents
Box 32
Requests for Report of Committee on Public Employee Relations. 1966
Box 33
Public Hearings for the Joint Legislative Committees 1966
Box 33
L-Hearings-Budget Local Assistance
Scope and Contents
contains Goold's statement before the Finance Committee of the Senate and the Ways and Means Committee of the Assembly. 1966
Box 33
L-Racetrack Employment
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence. 1966
Box 33
Requests for Bills. 1966
Box 33
L-Requests for Bulletin. 1966
Box 33
L-Retirement Variable Annuities
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re variable annuities and various pamphlets re the program. Also contains information about variable annuities in Wisconsin and New Jersey. 1966
Box 33
L-Bill-Retirement-Death Benefits. 1966
Box 33
L-Memo-Retirement-Death Benefits. 1966
Box 33
L-Death Benefits-Working Papers
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo re minimum death benefits. 1966
Box 33
L-Disability Retirement Bill. 1966
Box 33
L-Correspondence -Disability Retirement. 1966
Box 33
L-Memo-Disability Retirement. 1966
Box 33
L-Bill-Retirement-8%. 1966
Box 33
L-Correspondence-Retirement 8%. 1996
Box 33
L-Memo-Retirement 8%. 1966
Box 33
L-Working Papers
Scope and Contents
Contains various memoranda re 8% take-home pay plan. 1966
Box 33
L-Extension of Earning Period of Retirees
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill re the above. 1966
Box 33
L-Retirement-Election of Delegates
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re the election of delegates. 1966
Box 33
L-Election of Members to Retirement Board
Scope and Contents
held in Albany. Contains a memo re the above. 1966
Box 33
L-Retirement System Purchase of Equities
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill re purchase of equities by NYSTRS. 1966
Box 33
L-Bill-Retirement-Flexible Benefits. 1966
Box 33
L-Clips-Retirement-Flexible Benefits. 1966
Box 33
L-Memo-Retirement-flexible Benefits.1966
Box 33
L-Loans to Members of NYSTRS
Scope and Contents
contains a bill and short memo re loans. 1966
Box 33
L-Military Service
Scope and Contents
contains the bill re credit for military service. 1966
Box 33
L-Bill-Retirement Board Representation. 1966
Box 33
L-Memo-Retirement Board Representation. 1966
Box 33
L-Elimination of Age 60 Retirement Requirement
Scope and Contents
(Extra Service Pension) General Correspondence. 1966
Box 33
L-Unused Sick Leave Credit Upon Retirement
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re health insurance contributions for district superintendents of schools. 1977
Box 33
L-Retirement-Supplemental Allowances
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo re supplemental retirement allowance. 1966
Box 33
L-Bill-30 Year Retirement. 1966
Box 33
L-Clips-30 Year Retirement. 1966
Box 33
L-Memo-30 Year Retirement. 1966
Box 33
L-30 Year Retirement Plan
Scope and Contents
Working Papers. Contains acts and memos re special service retirement and deferred retirement. 1966
Box 33
L-Bill-Retirement-Vesting. 1966
Box 33
Scope and Contents
Contains the above plus a cost estimate. 1966
Box 33
Roll Call Votes-Legislation
Scope and Contents
Contains the roll call votes on health insurance, sabbatical leave, disability retirement, cost of living, 8% take home pay plan, take home pa plan, 4% interest, death benefits, death benefit calculation, 10 year vesting, retiree earnings, Medicaid, the exemption of the transit workers from Condon-Waldin, the Taylor Bill, state aid and principal's salary. 1966
Box 33
L-Possible Amendments to Rose Dominick
Scope and Contents
Contains the above plus an act and memo re the duties of the school authorities and the Board or Regents re teachers. 1966
Box 33
L-Bill-Sabbatical Leave. 1966
Box 33
L-Sabbatical Leave-Correspondence. 1966
Box 33
L-Sabbatical Leave-Working Papers
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re sabbatical leave and a report on sabbatical leave practices of various State Education Associations. 1966
Box 33
L-Sabbatical Leave-Working Papers.
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re sabbatical leave and a report on sabbatical leave practices of various State Education Associations. 1966
Box 33
L-Principal's Salaries
Scope and Contents
Includes the act dealing with minimum salaries for principals and accompanying memos. 1966
Box 33
L-Principals' Salaries-Correspondence. 1966
Box 33
L-Principals' Salaries-Correspondence (2) 1966
Box 33
Principals' Salary Law.
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re salary increases for school principals.1966
Box 33
Requests for Principal's Salary Law. 1966
Box 33
L-State University Salaries. 1966
Box 33
L-Teacher's Salary Differentials 5th and 6th Years.
Scope and Contents
Contains copies of the act. 1966
Box 33
L-Teachers' Salary
Scope and Contents
Differentials-Memos. Contains cost estimates of career increments and salary differentials along with a memo re minimum salary for teachers with preparation beyond the 5th or 6th year. 1966
Box 33
L-Teachers' Salary-Career Increments-Memos. 1966
Box 33
L-Career Increments-Working Papers.
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo re the cost of resolutions re career increments and salary differentials. 1966
Box 33
Minimum Salary
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo with salary schedule data, and interpretation of the Minimum Salary Statute (Annual Increments), and cases involving denial of promotional increment study credits. (Miller, Goldman, and Jacobs vs. Board of Education of the City School District of NYC Also contains median salary data and a summary of the 1962 Teacher' Salary Law. 1966-69
Box 33
L-Summary of the Effects of the Minimum Salary Law
Scope and Contents
Contains the act and memo re minimum salary for teachers with preparation beyond the 5th or the year, as well as the summary. 1966
Box 33
L-Extended School Year.
Scope and Contents
Contains a copy of NYS Education, a pamphlet re the economy and increased opportunity through an extended school year programs, a study of the implications of the program, and a statement by the president of NYSTA re the proposal. 1966
Box 33
Clippings-School Year Study. 1963
Box 33
L-State Aid.
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo re apportionment of funds to school districts. Also contains a memo re supplemental School Aid Bill, and the report of the NYS Edcational conference Board. General correspondence is also included. 1966
Box 33
L-State Aid
Scope and Contents
contains a bill and memo re apportionment of funds to school districts. Also contains a memo re supplemental School Aid Bill and the report of the NYS Educational Conference Board. General correspondence is also included. 1966
Box 33
State Aid.
Scope and Contents
Contains budget information for the Ramapo Central School District, a news release re the Dominick- Knottler Bill, plus an analysis of New York State School Aid Correction. Also contains the bill dealing with apportionment, and a report on equal opportunity as adopted by the House of Delegates, resolutions of NEA on Urban Educational Problems, desegregation and fair housing, data pertinent to state aid, and Goold's statement to members of the committee to revise and simplify the Education law are also included. 1966-67
Box 33
Legislation-State Aid-Current Year Expense
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo re apportionment of public moneys to school districts employing eight or more teachers. 1966
Box 33
L-State Aid-Burke Memos
Scope and Contents
Contains a draft of the size correction bill, and a memo re the statutory tax rate. 1966
Box 33
State Aid-Personal.
Scope and Contents
Contains memos re state aid and alternate proposals. 1966
Box 33
Legislation-State Aid for Summer Schools and Adult Education
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1966
Box 33
Legislation-superannuation Memo. 1966
Box 33
Analysis of the Provision of the Taylor Committee Bill. 1966
Box 33
1965 Teacher-School Board Relations Bill. 1966
Box 33
L-Bill-Teacher-School Board Relations
Scope and Contents
Comtaoms a no;; re the si[ervosopm nu the Board of Regnets of professional organizations of teachers.1966
Box 33
L-Bulletin re Teacher-School Board Relations. 1966
Box 33
Scope and Contents
Teacher-School Board Relations. 1966
Box 33
L-Correspondence- Teacher School Board Relations.
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill on Public Employee Labor Rights as well as general correspondence. 1966
Box 33
Teacher-School Board Relations
Scope and Contents
(Education Department's Position on Taylor) Contains the Taylor Bill with a memo outlining the reasoning behind the support of the Taylor Committee Report with modification. 1966
Box 33
L-Memo-Teacher-School Board Relations
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo dealing with the supervision by the Board of Regents of professional organizations of teachers. 1966
Box 33
L-Teacher-School Board Relations
Scope and Contents
Contains a billl and memo dealing with the Rose-Dominick Bills. 1966
Box 33
L-Teacher-School Board Relations Opposition Memos
Scope and Contents
Contains memos from the UFT. 1966
Box 33
L-Teacher-School Board Relations-Working Papers
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memos re t he duties of school authorities and the Board of Regents with respect to teachers. Also contains information on plans for school board- teacher relation in Great Neck and California. 1966
Box 33
Legislation-Textbook Law
Scope and Contents
Contains the textbook act and a memo from the associate commissioner for Education Finance and Management Services, re compliance with the law. 1966
Box 33
Legislation-Vocational Education
Scope and Contents
Contains an act re continuation of vocational and special education in the county of Nassau and a pamphlet re cooperative educational services. 1966.
Box 33
Legislators' Voting Record. 1966
Box 33
Legislation-Yonkers Endorsement of Certain Bills
Scope and Contents
Contains clarification of provision of the Text Book Law. 1966
Box 34
Legislation-General (Clippings, etc.) 1966
Box 34
Scope and Contents
Contains a pamphlet re cooperative educational services. 1966
Box 34
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill re construction and funding of cooperative education services. 1966
Box 34
Scope and Contents
Contains memo and news clippings re the state budget. 1967
Box 34
L-Bulletins and Wires-Special. 1967
Box 34
L-Commissioner of Education-To Limit Power of Review Board. 1967
Box 34
Committee of 100,000.
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1967
Box 34
L-Conference Days.
Scope and Contents
Contains memo and bill re conditions under which districts are entitled to apportionment. 1967
Box 34
L-Conference Days-Memos
Scope and Contents
Contains the memo re apportionment of funds to school districts. 1967
Box 34
Constitutional Convention-Labor, Civil Service, Pensions Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains summaries of proposition introduced, the statement of Goold to the committee, and various propositions re wages, work, civil service appointment, membership in public pension and retirement s systems, and taxation of compensation of public officers and disciplinary proceedings to employees in the civil service, and the right to organize and bargain collectively, workmen's compensation, and a labor bill of rights. Contains the rules of the 1967 constitutional convention. 1967
Box 34
Constitutional Convention (Booklets, Documents, etc.)
Scope and Contents
Contains the NYS Constitution (amended to 1/1/67) the proposed constitution, the rules of the'67 convention, an analysis of proposals affecting education which might come before the convention, the recommendations of the NYS Educational conference Board to the convention, an analysis of the proposed NYS Constitution, and the text, abstract, and highlights of the proposed constitution. 1967
Box 34
L-Copies Sent To NYSTA of Correspondence to Legislators, From Members, and Other Organizations.
Scope and Contents
Contains a letter from the Director of Public Education Association re the need for an increased budget, plus the statement of the Superintendent of NYC Schools, Re State financing of public education. 1967-68
Box 34
Priser Education.1967
Box 34
Educational Conference Board
Scope and Contents
Contains news release re amendment of the state aid formula. 1967
Box 34
L-Gun Control Legislation
Scope and Contents
Contains bills re possession of rifles and shotguns, the licensing of dealers in rifles and shotguns, and the sales of ammunition, also contains an article by Adlai Stevenson's III and a Reader's Digest article re gun control. General correspondence also included. 1967
Box 34
L-Civil Service Law
Scope and Contents
re Health Insurance for Retirees of School Districts. Contains a memo and bill re the above. 1967
Box 34
Health Insurance Memo
Scope and Contents
Contains memo re requirement that school authorities provide a health insurance plan for employees and their dependents. 1967
Box 34
Other Health Insurance Bills
Scope and Contents
Contains bill re employee contributions under the state health insurance plan. 1967
Box 34
Proposed and Final Legislative Program
Scope and Contents
Contains various proposed legislation, the 1967 legislative program, and highlights of the legislative year. 1967
Box 34
Association-Proposed Legislative Program
Scope and Contents
Working Papers. Contains various memos re proposed legislation. 1967
Box 34
Scope and Contents
Contains bills re the organization of the city school district in NYC, and employer contributions under the state health insurance plan. 1967
Box 34
August 2nd-Meeting with Dr. Helsby
Scope and Contents
Contains the Taylor Act, selections from the NLRA and representation procedures. 1967
Box 34
L-Minimum Wages-Federal and State Requirements.
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo re Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, and the New York Minimum Wage Act. 1967
Box 34
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1967
Box 34
Professional Negotiations
Scope and Contents
Materials Used at Workshops. Contains sample agreement with negotiation aids. 1967-68
Box 34
NYSTA Staff Negotiations Procedures
Scope and Contents
Contains a guide for field representatives, memos on staff organization and operation procedures, election strategy and application of pressure. Also contains a negotiation digest. 1967
Box 34
NYS Public Employment Relations Board (General)
Scope and Contents
Contains the partial report and recommendations of counsel in regard to NYSTA vs. Helsby et al (PERB) the preliminary guidelines for local public employers and employee organizations on the Taylor law, a memo outlining the provisions of the public employees, fair employment act, and a pamphlet dealing with PERB. 1967-68
Box 34
PERB-Newspaper Clippings. 1967-69
Box 34
PERB-Public Hearings
Scope and Contents
Contains a statement made by Goold in support of modification in the draft rules of the Employment Relations Board. 1967
Box 34
PERB-Publications: Guidelines, Questions and Answers, Rules. 1967
Box 34
PERB-Rules and Regulations
Scope and Contents
Contains a statement of procedures under the public employees' fair employment act, and a copy of the draft rules with correspondence from counsel re the act, plus a brief supporting modification in the draft rules of the public employment relations board. 1967
Box 34
L-Bill-Public School Support
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill re the apportionment of public moneys to school districts. 1967
Box 34
L-Regional Supplemental Education Centers
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo re supplemental educational centers plus a project proposed for a Title III operational grant for a career line training program of semi-professionals in education (West Genesee Central School and Camillus Central School District) 1967
Box 34
L-Resolutions Which Require Legislative Action
Scope and Contents
Contains a full text of resolutions approved by the House of Delegates in 1966. 1967
Box 34
L-Retirement Bills
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and memo re the establishment of non-contributory retirement plans and death benefits for members of NYS Teachers Retirement System. 1967
Box 34
L-Retirement Bill, Amended. 1967
Box 34
Scope and Contents
Contains memo dealing with the establishment of non-contributory retirement plans and death benefits for members of the NYS Teachers Retirement system. 1967
Box 34
Working Papers
Scope and Contents
Contains memo and bill re non-contributory retirement plans and death benefits. Also contains a retirement bulletin and an estimate on the value of retirement allowance after 30 years. 1967
Box 34
L-Retirement-Cost-of-Living Retirement Benefit Bills
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and correspondence with comptroller Levitt re cost of living retirement benefits. 1967
Box 34
L-Memo-Disability and Deferred Retirement Death Benefits. 1967
Box 34
Legislation-General Special Memo re Retirement Elections. 1967
Box 34
L-Retirement Election Bill. 1967
Box 34
L-Retirement Elections-Papers
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and original drafts re retirement elections. 1967
Box 34
L-Retirement Bills-Memos to get Two of Mr. Crawford's Bills Out of Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains memos re contributions by member of the NYST Retirement System, and special service retirement. 1967
Box 34
L-Retirement 1/60th Plan-Cr. Briand
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and correspondence related to the 1/60th plan. 1967
Box 34
L-Retirement-Repayment of Loans by Payroll Deduction
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1967
Box 34
Bulletin re Special Service (early) Retirement and the 1/120th Reopening-Working Papers. 1967
Box 34
Legislation-Roll Call Votes
Scope and Contents
Contains the votes on the Taylor Bill, the Coop Board Bill, the Variable Annuity Bill, the Health Insurance Bill, the Lottery, the Protection of Tenure Bill, and the cost of Living Supplemental Pension Bill, 1967
Box 34
L-Principals' Salaries.
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and general correspondence re minimum salaries for principals. 1967
Box 34
L-Principals' Salary Bills and Memos Prepared for John L. French, Great Neck. 1967
Box 34
L-Bill-Teachers' Salaries
Scope and Contents
Also contains a memo re minimum salaries for teachers. 1967
Box 34
Scope and Contents
Contains the act re minimum salary for teachers
Box 34
L-Unused Sick Leave
Scope and Contents
Contains act and memo re health insurance premiums. 1967
Box 34
L-Duryea State Aid Bill
Scope and Contents
Also contains a memo re the bill. 1967
Box 34
Clippings-State Aid. 1967
Box 34
Working Papers
Scope and Contents
Contains tax rates of schools in Nassau county. 1967
Box 34
L-State Aid for Depressed Districts
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill dealing with apportionment of funds to school districts. Also contains the statement and resolutions of Senator Giuffreda and Speno. 1967
Box 34
State Education Department
Scope and Contents
PERB Hearing, Conferences, etc. 1967
Box 34
L-Taylor Committee Bill (general)
Scope and Contents
Contains the Bill with a memo from the Governor, representation procedure, the final report of the 1966 Committee on Public Employee Relations (1966), and the opinion of Counsel of the State Education Department on the Taylor Law. 1967
Box 34
L-Taylor Bill-Reactionists
Scope and Contents
Contains newspaper clippings. 1967
Box 34
Taylor Law-Meeting
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1967
Box 34
Taylor Act-Primer. 1967
Box 34
Scope and Contents
Teacher school board relations. 1967
Box 34
L-Revised Teacher-School Board Relations Bill
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and a bill to grant to public employees the right of organization and representation for the purpose of bargaining collectively. 1967
Box 34
Clippings-Teacher-School Board Relations. 1967
Box 34
Scope and Contents
Contains a copy of the Professional Negotiation agreement in District No. 2, Uniondale, and a copy of the Indiana School Board's Association Resolution on Teacher-School Board Negotiations. 1967
Box 34
Scope and Contents
Re the supervision by the Board of Regents of professional organizations of teachers. 1967
Box 34
Working Papers
Scope and Contents
Contains Teacher-School Board Relations Memo. 1967
Box 35
Budget Bills Passed in Legislature
Scope and Contents
Contains the Local Assistance Budget Bill. 1968
Box 35
Budget Hearings
Scope and Contents
Contains a news release re Mrs. Barrett's statement at the 1968-69 local assistance budget hearing. Also contains her statement at the New York State Local Assistance Budget for 1968-70. 1968
Box 35
L-Buffalo Income Tax-Rules Bill. 1968
Box 35
Candidates for Legislature. 1968
Box 35
L-Interstate Certification
Scope and Contents
Contains a pamphlent, and memo re the interestate certification project, 1968
Box 35
L-Maximum Class Size
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo re grants to school districts in order to reduce class size 1968.
Box 35
L-Comment and Reactions
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence re operating expenses. 1968
Box 35
L-Educations Conference Board (State Aid)
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and memo re appropriation of funds to school districts. Also contains a memo with data pertinent to need for state aid increases. 1968
Box 35
L-Election and/or Lobby Expenses
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence. 1968
Box 35
L-Mandatory Health Insurance
Scope and Contents
Contains memo and bill re health insurance. 1968
Box 35
Legislative Program
Scope and Contents
Contains the legislative record and a description and summary of that program. 1968
Box 35
L-Clippings. 1968
Box 35
L-NYSTA Proposed
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, the 1968 legislative program, and the minimum salary proposal. 1968
Box 35
Letters to Governor Rockefeller
Scope and Contents
In Support of Legislation. 1968
Box 35
List of Legislators-Senators and Assemblymen. 1968
Box 35
Scope and Contents
Contains the Lottery Bill and correspondence and memos re the lottery. 1968
Box 35
NY City Transit Bill. (Re retirement). 1968
Box 35
PERB Impasse
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo re declaration of an impasse. 1968
Box 35
Governor's Conference on PERB. 1968
Box 35
Governor's Committee of Public Employee Relations
Scope and Contents
Interim Report. Contains the interim report plus recommendations. 1968
Box 35
Meeting with PERB-Oct. 1, 1968
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1968
Box 35
PERB-Streiff Speech at Baltimore. 1968
Box 35
Resolutions Approved by the House of Delegates
Scope and Contents
Contains a full text of resolutions as reached by the House of Delegates. 1968
Box 35
L-J. Interest on Contributions
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo re interest. 1968
Box 35
L-Military Service Credit
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo re the above. 1967
Box 35
Non-Contributory Retirement Plan (Compromise Version)
Scope and Contents
contains the bill and memo re the retirement plan. General correspondence also included. 1968
Box 35
L-Retirement (Non-Contributory)
Scope and Contents
Contains an outline of the bill, the bill itself, and a memo. General correspondence also included. 1968
Box 35
NYS Teachers' Retirement System
Scope and Contents
2% Non-Contributory Bill. Contains the bill and various memos. Also includes opposition memo of AFT, news releases, and the report of the retirement Board and general correspondence. 1968
Box 35
Final Revised Version of Retirement Bill
Scope and Contents
Contains an act and general correspondence re the non-contributory retirement bill. Also contains AFT opposition memo. 1968
Box 35
New Legislation-Retirement Simplification and Modernization. 1968
Box 35
Legislation-Roll call Vote
Scope and Contents
Contains the votes on the retirement bill, state aid, variable annuity, supplemental pensions, judgeships, and interest rates. 1968
Box 35
L-Minimum Salary
Scope and Contents
Contains the minimum salary bill and memoranda. Also contains general data on teachers salaries and operating expenses, a history of teacher minimum salary legislation, the dollar amounts for teacher minimum salary proposals for various school districts, a report on school district expenditures, comparison of teachers' salaries and other occupations. 1968
Box 35
Final Bill-Minimum Salary
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo. Also contains general correspondence. 1968
Box 35
L-Supplemental Pension
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill, explanatory memo, and general correspondence. 1968
Box 35
L-Unused Sick Leave. 1968
Box 35
L-Public School Support (State Aid)
Scope and Contents
Contains apportionment bills with amendments, a description of high tax aid formulas, and data on the state fiscal situation. 1968
Box 35
State Aid-Clippings. 1968
Box 35
Kheel report on Taylor Law. 1968
Box 35
Scope and Contents
Contains the tenure bill and memo. 1968
Box 35
Tenure Bill
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill with a section by section analysis. 1968
Box 35
L-Transportation bond Issue.
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, pamphlets, and gubernatorial addresses re the bond issue. 1968
Box 35
L-Variable Annuity
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill with an analysis and explanation of the bill's operation. Also includes a memo to the Governor. 1968
Box 35
L-Variable Annuity
Scope and Contents
Contains the 1968 bill with memo and the 1967 bill, a pamphlet dealing with variable annuity, and and explanatory letter to Dr. Brind (counsel to the Dept./ of Education) re variable annuity. Also contains a draft bill wit revisions 1968
Box 35
L-Voting Record on Various Bills. 1968
Box 35
L-Salary Brochure
Scope and Contents
Contains brochure with accompanying information. 1968
Box 35
Civil Service Salary Bill. 1968
Box 35
L-Final Average Salary.
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and memo. 1968
Box 35
Memorandum to Legislators re Salary and Retirement Bills. 1968
Box 36
Anti-Busing Bill
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo re prohibition of discrimination in connection with the education of children of the State
Box 36
Anti-Busing Bill
Scope and Contents
Contains a bill and memo re prohibition of discrimination in connection with education of children of the State. 1969
Box 36
Budget Hearings
Scope and Contents
Contains the statements of Mrs. Barrett, Buhrmaster, Chairman of the NYS Educational Conference Board, Bernard Donovan, Superintendent of Schools, NYC., and John Lindsay, Mayor of NYC. 1969
Box 36
College Campus Disorders
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo re the bill approval. 1969
Box 36
L-Driver Education
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill dealing with drive education on Saturday, with proposed resolutions and a Legislative Bulletin issued by Driver and Safety Educators Association of NY State. 1969
Box 36
Speaker Duryea
Scope and Contents
Contains news clippings. 1969
Box 36
Governor Rockefeller's Proposed Federal Legislation in Support of Schools
Scope and Contents
Contains the Federal State Education Act of 1969 with an outline of the program. 1969
Box 36
Financing of Community Colleges
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill 1969
Box 36
Gun Control
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and news articles. 1969
Box 36
Legislative Bulletin (1968-70) 1969
Box 36
Miscellaneous Legislation (Correspondence)
Scope and Contents
Also contains a bill authorizing school authorities and Board of Cooperative Educational Services or county vocational education and extension boards to reimburse teachers for tuition. 1969
Box 36
Legislation Proposed by Governor
Scope and Contents
Contains bills and memos re transportation aid, school district reorganization, minimum apportionment of state aid for school districts, allowable operating expenses for state aid purposes, allocation of funds to districts with special educational needs and apportionment of capital outlays and debt service for school building purposes. 1969
Box 36
Letters to Legislators
Scope and Contents
Contains bills re apportionment of public moneys for capital outlays and debt service for school building purposes for the support of common schools, loans by the New York Higher Educations Assistance Corporation, special service retirement and additional pension provisions, definition of final average salary, and exemption from the sales tax of organizations of students in elementary schools. 1969
Box 36
Letters to the Ways and Means Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence plus memos re defining final average salary, crediting additional interest for teachers in the retirement system, establishing a variable annuity program for the teachers' retirement system and crediting for military service in the retirement system. 1969
Box 36
List of Legislators. 1969
Box 36
List of Legislators-Senators and Assemblymen. 1969
Box 36
Local Assistance Budget
Scope and Contents
Contains the statement of Mrs. Barrett before the public hearing on NYS Local Assistance Budget (Feb. 12, 1969) plus various information re educational finance. Also contains reasons for the request for more state aid and an explanation of how NY State can support an increased state aid program with examples of school districts losses if the Governor's proposal were adopted. 1969
Box 36
Major Problems Before 1969 Legislature. 1969
Box 36
Meeting with governor (March 11, 1964)
Scope and Contents
Contains Mrs. Barrett's statement before the public hearing on the local assistance budget (Feb. 12, 1969) plus various information re educational finance. Also contains reasons for the request for more state aid and an explanation of how NY State can support an increased state aid program, with examples of school districts losses if the Governor's proposal were adopted. 1969
Box 36
NYC Decentralization
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill. 1969
Box 36
New York City Teachers Retirement Bill
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and an explanation of its veto. 1969
Box 36
PERB Meetings
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and the statements of the president of NYSTA before the Board of Regents (Sept. 5, 1969)
Box 36
Public Hearings-Standing Committees. 1969
Box 36
Public Hearing Assembly Standing Committee on Education (Assemblywoman Cook)
Scope and Contents
Contains a news release and the statement of NYSTA president before the committee. 1969
Box 36
Public Hearing-Assembly Standing Committee on Government Employees-Sept. 25, 1969
Scope and Contents
Contains the report dealing with "The Role of the Legislative Body" (with regard to negotiations), the statement of NYSTA before the committee. 1969
Box 36
Hearing Conducted by Assemblywoman Stanley Harwood at Levittown
Scope and Contents
Contains the statement of the NYSTA president at the Public Hearing re education Nassau County. 1969
Box 36
L-Employment of Teachers at Race Tracks
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill and general correspondence. 1969
Box 36
Requests for Bills (1968) 1969
Box 36
Civil Service Employee Retirement Bill. 1969
Box 36
State Employees Retirement Plan
Scope and Contents
contains the bill and memo. 1969
Box 36
Roll Call Vote-Legislation
Scope and Contents
Contains the vote on state aid to education variable annuity, protection of tenure, 3 year final average salary, the financing of community colleges, retirement board-teacher members, election of retirement delegates, and Taylor Law amendment. 1969
Box 36
Principals' Salary Law
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and a teacher' salary schedule for 1968-69. 1969
Box 36
State Employees Final Average Salary
Scope and Contents
contains the bill. 1969
Box 36
State Employees Salary Increase
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and news clipping. 1969
Box 36
State Police Salary.
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and news clippings. 1969
Box 36
Senate Education Committee (Correspondence) 1969
Box 36
Sex Education
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence. 1969
Box 36
Standing Committees of Legislature. 1969
Box 36
State Aid Bill
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill with revisions and a memo outlining the 1969 school aid legislation. 1969
Box 36
State Aid Cutbacks, Clippings Various Districts. 1969
Box 36
State Aid
Scope and Contents
Contains the State Aid Bill, a memo re new taxing power for small school districts, an estimated tax rate of Rockefeller's proposals for permanent reduction of school aid formulas. Also contains EEO programs report to NYSTA, a Negotiations Bulletin re sick leave and personal leave, some date re teacher salaries, and an explanatory memo on state aid. 1969
Box 36
Revisions in School Aid Formulas
Scope and Contents
Contains summaries of the revisions. 1969-70, 1970-71
Box 36
Schedule of State Aid Payments and Retirement Deductions
Scope and Contents
1968-69 School Year. 1969
Box 36
Taylor Law (Amendments)
Scope and Contents
Contains Taylor law and amendments plus the Public Employees' Fair Employment Law. Also contains news clippings, an empire State Federation of Teachers memo, and general correspondence. 1969
Box 36
Mr. Goold's Folder on the Taylor law
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill, an amendment analysis and a news release (after passage of the amended Taylor Law) 1969
Box 36
Taylor Law Amendments (Laverne Committee) 1969
Box 36
Owego-Institute on Taylor Law (Oct. 16-17)
Scope and Contents
Richard R. Rowley Speeches. 1969
Box 36
Taylor Law Amendments (as presented to the Governor)
Scope and Contents
Also contains memos re the bill, and legal opinion re the law. 1969
Box 36
Taylor Law Amendment-Probation of Teachers
Scope and Contents
Contains the bill re penalties for striking public employees. 1969
Box 36
Teachers Assistants
Scope and Contents
Contains bill and amendment re employment of teachers' assistants. 1969
Box 37
Chapters and Vetoes, Cumulative, 1959-1965
Scope and Contents
Documents related to NYS legislation including copies of bills and veto messages. 1959-65
Sub-Series c: Other Organizations, 1934-1970
Scope and Contents
This series contains Goold's files concerning other organizations affiliated with NYSTA. The files contains memos, correspondence, press releases, newspaper clippings, and legislative programs. The bulk of the materials deals with organizations within New York State, wit some files on the NEA, NYSTA and other organizations with which NYSTA is affiliated. The files arrangement is essentially alphabetic, with chronological ordering within an organization. There are some problems in consistency, as the original files were in disarray when received. Boxes 154-155 which contain additional State Education Department files, are arranged alphabetically. Where needed, files of organizations which changed their names have been cross-indexed.
Box 38
Americans United for Separation of church and State
Scope and Contents
contains a publication of the organization (which contains information about various Supreme court cases dealing with aid to parochial schools.) Also contains general correspondence. 1962
Box 38
Annual Joint Conference of Council of School Superintendents and NYS Association of School District Administrators
Scope and Contents
Contains committee reports of both organizations. Also contains data re superintendents (education, experience, salary, etc.) Sept. 25-28, 1966
Box 38
Association of Colleges and Universities of the State of New York. 1961
Box 38
Association of colleges and Universities of the State of New York
Scope and Contents
Contains newsletters and addresses by various university presidents. Also contains a statement from the association urging the retention of the exemption of non-profit educational institutions from the Collective Bargaining Provisions of the New York State Labor Relations Act. 1962-63
Box 38
Association of Colleges and Universities of the State of New York
Scope and Contents
Contains newsletters. 1964
Box 38
Association of Educational Salesman, New York State.
Scope and Contents
Contains bulletins and general correspondence. 1958-1961
Box 38
Association of Teachers of Agriculture of New York
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence. 1954
Box 38
Big Six Conference of Large City boards of Education of New York State
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, outlines of legislative programs for various years, minutes of meetings, and a statement by conference members with regard to school financing. 1961-65
Box 38
Big Six Conference of Large City Boards of Education of New York State
Scope and Contents
Continuation. 1961-65
Box 38
Capital Area School Development Association (CASDA)
Scope and Contents
Contains newsletters and general correspondence. 1959-61
Box 38
Central New York-Finger Lakes Regional Council
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1966
Box 38
Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research. 1960-61
Box 38
Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research
Scope and Contents
Continuation. 1960- 61
Box 38
Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research
Scope and Contents
Contains a copy of an act to amend the education law in re to the apportionment of public moneys to school districts, recommendations to the Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research on transportation aid and aid to schools in general (WADA) and a report of the financial provisions for public education in major school districts of New York State. 1962
Box 38
Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research
Scope and Contents
Contains a sheet outlining statistics on teacher turnover, a report on the Assay of Public Opinion (on public education), a summary of the midwinter meeting of the committee, minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the committee for Educational Research, a direction paper re reorganizing New York State for sharing education services, and the conclusions of the Brickell report Subcommittee. Also contains the committees statement on Legislative Needs of Rural School Districts, and t he Eleventh Annual Summer Work Conference Report. A pamphlet explaining the purpose of the committee is also contained.
Box 38
Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research
Scope and Contents
Contains financial and salary data, a speech on school board-staff relations, legislative recommendations, and a report of the 12th annual conference of the committee. Also contains a statement of committee purpose. 1964
Box 38
Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research
Scope and Contents
Contains 1965 special reports, general correspondence, 14th annual Summer Work Conference, 1965 Finance Report on major school districts in NYS.
Box 38
Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research
Scope and Contents
Contains newsletters and the report of the legislation and finance subcommittee. 1969
Box 38
Central School Board Committee. Summer Conference.
Scope and Contents
General Correspondence. June 26-28, 1969
Box 38
Central School Principals Association. 1995
Box 38
Central School Principals Association
Scope and Contents
Contains the report of the 5th annual work conference of the Central School Boards Committee for Educational Research, and pamphlets on various educational methods. 1956
Box 38
Central School Principals Association
Scope and Contents
Contains newsletters. 1961
Box 38
Central School Study councilMonday Oct. 27, 1969. contains the proposed legislative program. 1969
Box 38
Chief State School Officers, New York State
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence. 1962
Box 38
Citizens Committee for children of New York, Inc.
Scope and Contents
Contains statements of committee members dealing largely with ESEA, the City University, and school suspensions. 1967
Box 38
Citizen's Public Expenditure Survey
Scope and Contents
Contains newsletters and news clippings re a teacher shortage. Also contains a report and analysis of t he survey. 1941, 1951, 1955, 1961
Box 38
Citizen's Public Expenditure Survey
Scope and Contents
Contains newsletters. 1958-62
Box 38
Citizens Union (George H. Hullett, Jr.)
Scope and Contents
Contains outlines of legislative programs. 1965, 1968, 1969
Box 38
City Teachers' Association
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, correspondence re development of the CTA, a statement re the CTA-NEA position on school finance crises, and the strike threat, a proposal for cooperative crtiicism of the UFT salary agreement with NYC. Also contains a discusson of the validity of the contract of the NYC Board of Education with the UFT. 1962-63, 1964-65
Box 38
City Teachers Association (New York City
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence and memo re legislation dealing with choice of representatives in grievance procedures. Also contains a memo and bill re equity in salary schedules for elementary school teachers. 1964.
Box 38
City Teachers Association of NY
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence re a merger with NYSTA and re legislation re grievance procedures and promotional differentials. Also contains a report from the American Arbitration Association dealing with the agreement between the city of New York, and the representatives of municipal employee organizations on improved collective bargaining procedures. 1966
Box 38
City Teachers Association of New York. Proposal
Scope and Contents
Contains proposal re unification of membership with NYSTA. 1966
Box 38
The civil Service employees Association Inc.
Scope and Contents
Contains a report on the legislative program, an example of a model grievance procedure, correspondence and memos dealing with bills re grievance machinery and health insurance, and a copy of JFK's executive order 10983 insuring Federal employees and employee organizations. 1959-60, 1962-63, 1965
Box 38
Civil Service Employees Association-Non-Teaching
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence dealing with the recommendations of the Diefendorf committee which urged that certain categories among no-professional employees be immediately transferred to the State Education Department. 1963
Box 38
Classroom Teachers Association of NS. 1954
Box 38
Classroom Teachers Association of NYS (cont.) 1954
Box 38
Classroom Teachers Association of NYS. 1955
Box 38
Classroom Teachers Association of NYS
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1956
Box 38
Classroom Teachers Association of NYS
Scope and Contents
Contains copies of the classroom teachers papers and general correspondence. 1957
Box 38
Classroom Teachers Association of NYS
Scope and Contents
Contains the report of the resolutions committee and correspondence re merger or affiliation with NYSTA. 1959, 1960, 1961-63
Box 38
Classroom Teachers Association of NYS
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, correspondence re merger of CTA with the Classroom Teachers Council of NYSTA. And reports of the Classroom Teachers Objectives Committee. 1964-66
Box 38
Collegiate Association for Development of Educational Administration
Scope and Contents
contains general correspondence and recommended preparation programs leading to certification of educational administrators in NYS. 1962/63, 1964
Box 38
Collegiate Association of Development of Educational Administration
Scope and Contents
Contains association minutes, an address re Teacher Personnel and the law, and a guide for developing programs for training educational administrators. 1965
Box 39
Conference of Large City Boards of Education
Scope and Contents
Legislative bulletins. Contains legislative bulletins re federal and state legislation, An outline of the '67 program, and financial data, 1967
Box 39
Conference of Large City Boards of Education Legislative Bulletins
Scope and Contents
Contains legislative bulletins and financial data. 1967
Box 39
Conference of Large City Boards of Education (Big Six)
Scope and Contents
Legislative Program. Contains legislative bulletins, resolutions, and a memo dealing with decentralization. 1968
Box 39
Conference of Large City Boards of Education
Scope and Contents
Legislative Program. Contains an outline of the 1969 program, an analysis of budget bill proposals for reallocation of school aid, and newsletters, 1969
Box 39
Cooperative Research Project
Scope and Contents
Personnel Relations. Contains correspondence and rough drafts of the report on the project. 1963
Box 39
Cooperative Research Project
Scope and Contents
Personnel Relations (cont.) Contains the minutes of a meeting on the proposed study and the reactions of the council of administrative leadership to the interim report of the Diefendorf Committee. Also contains a study design of the project, sample questionnaires for teachers and board members, and the final project report. 1963
Box 39
CAL (Council for Administrative Leadership)
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes and reports, a memo re professional vs. union organization, and a memo re teacher certification 1960-61
Box 39
Scope and Contents
Contains CAL's platform, minutes of the meeting of officers and legislative chairmen of Administrator groups (Dec. 18, 1961), and correspondence re civil defense activates. 1962
Box 39
Scope and Contents
Contains newsletters and papers re administration of schools. Also contains a memo re Taylor law and pamphlets re collective negotiations and tenure. 1967
Box 39
Council for Administrative Leadership (cont.) 1967
Box 39
Council for Basic Education
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence re misleading publication of the council. 1960
Box 39
Council of chief State School Officers
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence re federal aid to schools, a statement to Senate Subcommittee on Education re federal loans to private schools, and addresses dealing with federal state relations and administration of departments. 1958-61
Box 39
Council of Chief State School Officers
Scope and Contents
Contains copies of presentations made at the annual meeting of the council (Nov. 18-23, 1962) Dealing with data processing, the roles of public education in the US, and state responsibility for educational research. 1962
Box 39
Council of Chief State School Officers (National)
Scope and Contents
Contains council resolutions, and addresses re various topics (aid to education, responsibilities of national and state education agencies). Also contains brief correspondence with the Washington Post re financial aid to education. 1963-64
Box 39
Council of Chief State School Officers
Scope and Contents
Contains a history of the state financing of elementary and secondary education and a presentation of the issues in the present NEA-AFT conflict. 1965
Box 39
Council of Chief State School Officers
Scope and Contents
Contains resolutions and a paper by G. Goold on the relationships of state education departments to the organized teaching profession
Box 39
Council on Education Needs
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence and financial data with regard to the Bethlehem Central School District Organization concerned with limiting tax increases. 1958-61
Box 39
Council on Educational Needs. 1959
Box 39
Council on Rural Education. General Correspondence. 1962
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents. 1949
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents. 1950
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents. 1951
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents. 1954
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents. 1955
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents-Legislative Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, resolution and correspondence re the conference board's thinking re school finance. 1961
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents-cities and Villages NYS
Scope and Contents
Contains a letter to Charles Diefendorf re his committee's recommendations concerning school financing and minutes of business meetings (Feb. 1 and 19, 1962). Also contains salary data for superintendents and principals, and the reports of the research, physical fitness, and resolutions committees. 1962
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents-Legislative Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains various memos to the legislative committee. 1962
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents-City and Village
Scope and Contents
Contains committee minutes (Jan. 15, Feb. 18, Sept. 30, 1963) which emphasize need for revision of state aid formula. 1963
Box 39
Council of a Superintendents-Legislative Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains a summary of the 1st meeting: Dec. 17, 1962 concerning school financing. 1962
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents-City and Village
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes, resolutions, a draft of proposed legislation re secret societies, fraternities and sororities, and general correspondence. 1964
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents -Legisative committee
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's report. 1964
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents-cities and Villages-NYS
Scope and Contents
Contains memos from the chairperson of the legislative committee of the New York State Association of school district administrators pertaining to cooperative educational services and the Educational Conference Board State Aid Bill. Contains minutes for Feb. 4 and 14, 1996, correspondence and the commissioner of education's decision dealing with the dismissal of a superintended (Peter Dugan) from the Liverpool School system. Also contains a list of council committees. 1966
Box 39
Council of School Superintendents-Cities and Villages-NYS
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes of a business meeting (Feb 13, 1967) and the recommendations of the constitutional convention committee. 1967
Box 39
Council of Supervisory Organizations-New York City 1964
Box 39
Democratic Programs for Action
Scope and Contents
Contains an outline of NYSTA's legislative program, education plans from the 1960 platform of the Democratic party, and a flyer outlining JFK;s and LBJ's stand on education. Also contains a more in-depth outline of Democratic programs on education. 1960
Box 39
Diefendorf Committee-Problems in Districts
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence outlining problems in various districts. 1962-63
Box 39
Eastern Regional Institute for Education. 1967
Box 39
Education Commission of the States
Scope and Contents
(formerly States' compact for education) contains minutes of the executive committees, steering committee meetings, the 1st issue of Compact Review of Education, a pamphlet by Terry Sanford dealing with poverty and the state, a copy of the Commission's Constitution, and resolutions passed by the Planning Commission of the Compact for Education. Also contains correspondence with Kames Allen re suggestions for compact programs. 1966
Box 39
Educational and cultural Center Serving Onondaga and Oswego Counties (ECCO) 1967
Box 39
Educational Conference Board-Articles of Agreement 1934-35, 1954-55
Box 39
Educational Conference Board
Scope and Contents
Evaluation of Heald Commission Report. Jan 21, 1956
Box 39
Educational Conference Board-History (Digest)
Scope and Contents
Contains an address by Everett Dyer, executive direction of the NYS school boards association re legislative effectiveness and the boards approach. 1963
Box 39
Educational Conference Board-Minutes. 1963-66
Box 39
Educational Conference Board-Minutes. 1966, 67
Box 39
Educational Conference Board
Scope and Contents
Contains the articles of agreement of the Board, correspondence re State aid, a report and correspondence re teacher shortage problems, a statement by Goold before the Republican Platform Committee, and correspondence re an inter organizational tiff over public employer-public employee relations (involves state school boards association and the rest of the board.) 1967
Box 39
Educational Conference Board
Scope and Contents
Constitutional Convention Committee, Contains correspondence re the constitutional convention and the proposed constitutional interest re education. 1967
Box 39
Educational Conference Board-Legislative Program
Scope and Contents
Contains an outline of '67 Legislative goals and correspondence re disagreement over public employer public employee relations (disagreement seems to be between State School Boards Association, the Conference Board.) 1967
Box 39
Empire State Chamber of Commerce 1965
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence. 1965
Box 39
Empire State Chamber of Commerce
Scope and Contents
NYS Convention Report, 1967
Box 39
Empire State Chamber of Commerce
Scope and Contents
NYS Legislative Reports, 1967
Box 40
Empire State Chamber of Commerce
Scope and Contents
Legislative Bulletins. 1967
Box 40
Faculties Association-State University of New York-Liaison Committee
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes and correspondence re closer affiliation with NYSTA. 1961
Box 40
Faculties Association-SUNY
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence ca. 1962-65
Box 40
Horace Mann League ca. 1965
Box 40
Joint Educators Council for Retirement Reform. 1965
Box 40
Joint Legislative Committee. 1967-68 lists
Box 40
Joint Legislative Committees. 1968
Box 40
Joint Legislative Committee on Industrial and Labor Conditions
Scope and Contents
Contains the committees report for 1961-62, correspondence re proposed amendments to the Condon-Waldin Act, a staff report on employee-management relations in the public service and a staff report proposed bill and supporting report on employee-management relations in the public service. Also contains a statement by the NEA re amendment to the condon-Waldin Act. 1961-64
Box 40
Joint Legislative Committee to Revise and Simplify the Education Law
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence re committee inaction and NYSTA correspondence re activities with the committee, 1966-67
Box 40
Joint Legislative Committee to Revise and Simplify the Education Law
Scope and Contents
Contains the committee's interim report, a statement before the committee by Arid Burke re taxing and borrowing powers of school boards in large cities, a statement by Goold before the committee, and a suggestion from the NYS Educational Conference Board re committee proposals re the Education Law. 1964-65
Box 40
Joint Legislative Committee on School Financing
Scope and Contents
Contains the NYSTA statement to the committee, press releases, a copy of the new aid plan proposed by the committee's research staff, and proposed revisions of that plan, Also contains a review of the staff proposals of the committee on financing, the interim report of the committee, and the final formal proposals and staff studies.
Box 40
Joint Legislative Committee on School Financing]
Scope and Contents
Contains an explanation of the operation of the 1962 school aid law, presentation from Walter Crewson, Associate Commissioner for Elementary and Secondary and adult education, for Diefedork Commission. And memos dealing with aid for districts schedules for reorganization, the 500 limit on operating expenses per pupil, and size correction. Also contains the bill re apportionment of state aid with various proposals for alteration of the original bill and the interim report of the committee. 1962-63
Box 40
Joint Legislative Committee on School Financing
Scope and Contents
Contains a statement by Goold on the committee's interim report. Memos on full growth aid allowance and the 20% limit on aid increase. 1962-63
Box 40
Joint Legislative Committee on School Financing Accounts
Scope and Contents
(bills for services, etc.) 1962-63
Box 40
Joint Legislative Committee on School Financing Hearing
Scope and Contents
Contains statements on the committee's interim report issued by various educational administrative and teachers' groups. Jan. 22, 1963
Box 40
Local Government Conference, Albany, June 5-8
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1960
Box 40
Long Island Association (Chamber of Commerce)
Scope and Contents
Contains the association's report on public schools in Nassau and Suffolk counties, and news clippings referring to the report. 1964-65
Box 40
Long Island Committee on School Finance.
Scope and Contents
Contains committee's report offering recommendations, memos outlining proposals on school aid, data on school aid and tax rates, and an outline of the 1961 program of school finance legislation. 1959-60, 1963-
Box 40
Long Island Daily Press
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1964
Box 40
Long Island Educational Leadership Conference
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and news clippings re activities of the group aimed at increasing state aid to local schools. Also contains report of Executive Committee which relates to the council. 1962-63-64
Box 40
Long Island School Lunch Directors Association
Scope and Contents
Contains material outlining the standard for affiliation of local professional education associations. 1963
Box 40
Long Island Teachers committee for Action
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence re the committee's efforts to establish programs of continuing education for teachers on Long Island. Also minutes of TEPS meeting pertaining to such efforts are included. 1966
Box 40
Long Island Teachers' Union. General Memo. 1966
Box 40
Metropolitan NY TEPS Commission. 1965
Box 40
Metropolitan School Study Council
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo dealing with the legal aspects of public school teacher negotiations and participation in concerted activities. 1963-64
Box 40
Metropolitan School Study Council
Scope and Contents
Contains a copy of Goold's remarks to the council's conference re teacher negotiations. Also contains a copy of The Exchange, an MSSC publication, containing a special report on the changing face of education. 1966
Box 40
Mid Hudson School Study Council
Scope and Contents
Contains copies of the council's publication: The Channel. One issue deals specifically with collective bargaining and professional negations, and another deals with grievance procedures. Also, a newsclippign dealing with the best method of teacher payment. 1962-62
Box 40
Mid Hudson School Study-Council
Scope and Contents
ca. 1964-66
Box 40
Mid-Hudson School Study council
Scope and Contents
February 24, 1966
Box 40
Nassau County Association of Chief School Administrators
Scope and Contents
-Nassau school development council.n.d.
Box 40
Nassau County Association of chief School Administrators
Scope and Contents
Contains memo from the legislative committee of the association re the union of VEEB and ACCES. 1966
Box 40
Nassau County BOCES
Scope and Contents
Contains news clippings about the creation of the BOCES program. 1967
Box 40
Nassau County Classroom Teachers' Association
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence with NYSTA re teacher-school board relations, a pamphlet dealing with grievance machinery and collective bargaining, correspondence with NYSTA re a proposal for help to suburban, local, county association, and correspondence and a news clipping dealing with a NCCTA-NYSTA conflict. Also contains news clippings dealing with teachers' unions, integration, school budgets, and anti-teacher association actions on the part of the school boards. A summary of the conference on the World confederation of Organization of the Teaching Profession are also included. 1960-62
Box 40
NCCTA-The Nassau Teacher. 1962-63
Box 40
Nassau County Classroom Teachers' Association
Scope and Contents
Contains a memo outlining the functions of the State Association Committee, and the National Associations Committee, and a clipping from the Association's publication re conflicts with NYSTA and the NEA. Also contains correspondence dealing with a comparison of legislation between NYSTA and AFT, a telegram from Daniel Sanders (Regional Field Director-AFT), to Peter Goudis (Chairperson NCCTA Delegation to NEA convention), and the latter's reply, all of which deal with integration, and the report of the NEA team which visited NCCTA. News clippings re Goudis and integration are also included. 1963
Box 40
Nassau County Classroom Teachers' Association. 1964
Box 40
Nassau County Classroom Teachers' Association
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence, news clippings, and memos outlining the Association's stand on legislation. Also contains a policy statement on professional negotiations, the text of the Educational Conference Board Bill, and correspondence re NYSTA-NCCTA strife. 1964
Box 40
Nassau County Classroom Teachers' Association.
Scope and Contents
Long Island Teacher. 1964
Box 40
Nassau county Elementary Principals Association
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence with Goold re legislation (principals' salary, retirement credits, career increments). 1966, 67
Box 40
Nassau county Local Leaders' Workshop
Scope and Contents
Contains memos re the requirement that school districts with 100+ employees establish grievance procedures. Also contains correspondence re a workshop dealing with the establishment of those procedures and sample of grievance procedure developed by Mineola Public Schools. Sept. 21, 1962
Box 40
Nassau County Local Presidents
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence re conflict between the NCCTA and NYSTA with regard to control of Long Island Locals.(Problem seems to be connected with the need to develop grievance machinery.)
Box 40
Nassau County School Superintendents Association
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1964-
Box 40
Nassau County Sole Supervising District Teachers' Association
Scope and Contents
General correspondence. 1967
Box 40
Nassau County Vocational Educational and Extension Board
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and correspondence re fears that teachers in VEEB would lose tenure of superseded by BOCES. 1964-
Box 40
Nassau School Development Council
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence and news clippings generally outlining the council's goal of attaining better instruction. 1963
Box 40
Nassau-Suffolk Classroom Teachers Association
Scope and Contents
Contains 1964 resolutions, correspondence re conflict with various Long Island teacher groups, and an act dealing with collective bargaining by teachers organizations and compulsory arbitration of disputes. 1964
Box 40
Nassau-Suffolk Classroom Teachers Association
Scope and Contents
Contains news clippings re the Association's stands on strikes, legislation, and the teachers' union. Also contains correspondence with NYSTA in an effort to get its support for NEA aid to the Association. (Shows rivalry between the two organizations) and correspondence with NYSTA re legislation. 1965)
Box 40
Nassau-Suffolk Classroom Teachers' Association
Scope and Contents
Long Island Teacher. Contains copies of the News Letter of the above name. 1965.
Box 40
Nassau-Suffolk Classroom Teachers Association
Scope and Contents
Contains the Association's legislative proposals for 1966, correspondence with assemblywoman Rose re her legislation dealing with collective bargaining rights for teachers, and Goold's response to the Association's analysis of Rose's legislation, and a transcript of a meeting between the Association and NYSTA re an attempt to reconcile differences. (Transcript highlights bitter feelings between the two organizations).
Box 40
Nassau-Suffolk Classroom Teachers Association Legislation Program
Scope and Contents
Contains the Association's legislative proposals for 1906. 1966
Box 40
Nassau Suffolk Clearing House.
Scope and Contents
Information office and legislative workhouse. 1958
Box 40
Nassau-Suffolk School Boards' Association
Scope and Contents
Contains news clipping re efforts to gain increased state aid and re NSSBA's stand on teachers' unions. Also contains a pamphlet on a program for better financing of education, and a memo with NYSTA response re NSSBA's statement re plans for 1967-68 salary negotiations. 1961-62, 1963, 64-65, 66
Box 40
National association for Public School Audit Education (NEA)
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence and newsletters, correspondence re legislative efforts, and a memo on the implications of legislation (Economic Opportunity Act, Manpower Development and Training Act, etc. ) for adult education. 1964-65
Box 40
National Association of Secretaries of State Teachers Associations NASSTA
Scope and Contents
Contains information re social security and state retirement systems, and the committee's report. 1954
Box 40
Scope and Contents
Contains association minutes, newsletters, and general correspondence. 1954-55
Box 41
Scope and Contents
Contains general correspondence, and a chronological outline dealing with legislation re school aid, newspaper clippings concerning aid to Catholic schools, and an article from The Nation dealing with the representational election in NYC between the NEA affiliate and UFT. 19