International Workers Order (IWO) Records, 1915-2002
Collection Number: 5276
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
International Workers Order (IWO) Records, 1915-2002
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
This collection consists of the records of the International Workers' Order (IWO).
Papers include many items related to Socialist, Communist and radical activities.
42.44 cubic feet
Collection material in English, Spanish, Yiddish, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Hungarian,
Ukrainian, Italian
The International Workers Order (IWO) was an insurance, mutual benefit and fraternal
organization founded in 1930 and disbanded in 1954 as the result of legal action undertaken
by the state of New York in 1951 on the grounds that the organization was too closely
linked to the Communist Party. At its height in the years immediately following World
War II, the IWO reached nearly 200,000 members and provided low-cost health and life
insurance, medical and dental clinics, and supported foreign-language newspapers,
cultural and educational activities. The organization also operated a summer camp
and cemeteries for its members.
The Liquidation Bureau of the State of New York Insurance Department transferred International
Workers' Order (IWO) records to Cornell University in 1961. Records documenting the
Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the IWO were donated by the Saltzman Schwartz family
to the Cornell University Library in 1984.
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials.
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
International Workers Order (IWO) Records #5276. Kheel Center for Labor-Management
Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Bedacht, Max, 1883-1972
Greene, David
Kent, Rockwell, 1882-1971
Milgram, Sam
Pezner, Sam
Saltzman, Reuben
Seeger, Pete, 1919-2014
Thompson, Louise
Wilkins, Roy, 1901-1981
American Committee for Yugoslav Relief
American Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists
American Jewish Assembly
American Jewish Congress
American Jewish Labor Council
B'nai B'rith
Distributive, Processing, and Office Workers of America
German-American Committee on Spanish Relief
Hebrew Sheltering of Immigrant Aid Society of America
Hellenic American Society
Illinois. Department of Insurance
International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers
of America
International Workers Order
National Conference of Christians and Jews
National Urban League
New York (State). Insurance Department
New York (State). Legislature. Joint Legislative Committee on Charitable and Philanthropic
Agencies and Organizations
Pennsylvania. Insurance Department
Russian Mutual Aid Society
United Office and Professional Workers of America
Yiddish Cooperative Book League
Socialism -- United States
Communism -- United States
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Pre IWO Documents
1927-1931 |
Scope and Contents
Workingmen's Sick, Benevolent & Educational Federation. Includes correspondence &
Certificate of Incorporation. Joseph Kertesz, Executive Secretary correspondence with
legal representatives re laws of various states relative to fraternal beneficiary
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Pre IWO Documents
1927-1931 |
Scope and Contents
Workingmen's Sick, Benevolent & Educational Federation. Includes correspondence &
Certificate of Incorporation. Joseph Kertesz, Executive Secretary correspondence with
legal representatives re laws of various states relative to fraternal beneficiary
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Pre IWO Documents
1927-1931 |
Scope and Contents
Workingmen's Sick, Benevolent & Educational Federation. Includes correspondence &
Certificate of Incorporation. Joseph Kertesz, Executive Secretary correspondence with
legal representatives re laws of various states relative to fraternal beneficiary
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
Constitutions - IWO
1942-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Included in "minutes" are actual minutes, summaries of minutes & reports.
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
1938 |
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Item 1: Minutes of Plenary Sessions of the General Executive Board of the International
Workers Order, Inc.
1938 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Held at Hotel Center, New York City, September 10th and llth, 1938. 25 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Item 2: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1938 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
9/10/38 - General Secretary Max Bedacht reported to the Board on the convention goal
of 300, 000 members by next convention (2 years). Suggests more rapid growth & development
of IWO, discusses weaknesses & shortcomings and the importance to organize politically
not mechanically. "We must mobilize anti-fascist fighters -- not membership solicitors".
Discusses how to organize lodges, educating the public to the meaning of proletarian
fraternalism, improving communication between national & local leadership. Bedacht
then submitted a plan for the general membership drive.
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Item 3: Report by National Treasure Peter Shipka
1938 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
9/11/38 - National Treasurer, Peter Shipka - submitted financial report, discussed
membership in relation to dues income, and selling sanitorium stamps.
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Item 4: Report by English Section Secretary Louise Thompson
1938 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
English Section Secretary - Louise Thompson - read letter of President Weiner from
Commissioner of In- surance, Commonwealth of Massachusetts which states that IWO is
communist. Thompson comments that Massachusetts Commission created its own Dies Committee
to engage in a "Red" hunt. Explains steps taken when the letter arrived & what occurred
at the following hearings.
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
1939 |
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 1: Minutes of the Semi-Annual Plenary Session of the General Executive Board
of the International Workers Order, Inc.
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Held at Manhattan Center, New York City, March 4th, 5th and 6th, 1939. 27 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 2: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
3/4/39 - General Secretary Max Bedacht's report - possibility of establishing a home
for aged members, status of the campaign for doubling membership by the next convention,
inadequate sick benefit fund, dealing with neighborhood problems as a means to increasing
membership. He states that growth in English speaking lodges is a priority and discusses
organizers will be help responsible for speeding up growth in their areas, leadership
training in May.
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 3: Report by General Counsel J. Brodsky
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
General Counsel J. Brodsky - reports that the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision
on license renewal should be handed down any day and that "the outlook is that the
decision will be favorable to the Order".
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 4: Report by National Treasure Peter Shipka
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
3/5/39 - Treasurer Shipka - submitted financial report as of 12/31/38.
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 5: Report by B. McLaurin
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
B. McLaurin reported favorably for the Auditing.
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 6: Report by N. Polak
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
3/6/39 - N. Polak - reports of misappropriation of lodge moneys by financial secretaries
and suggests bonding of same.
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 7: Resolutions
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
M. Bedacht - submits resolutions for consideration - including resolutions on work
among and with National Groups, and establishment of Negro Work Commission - all passed
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 8: Proposals submitted by Brother Levin
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
3/6/39 (cont.) - Brother Levin - submitted proposals on educational work - unanimously
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 9: Minutes of Plenary Session
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
G.E.B. Plenary Session, Summary of Discussion - March 6, 1939. Brother Bedacht. 8
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 10: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
1/4/39 - Report of Max Bedacht, General Secretary I.W.O. To the Organization Committee
and Eastern District Organizers Hotel. Pennsylvania, New York. January 4, 1939. 18
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Item 11: Various Discussions
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Discusses speeding up the organization effort, campaign quotas, restructuring the
apparatus of I.W.O., Figures and comparisons of recruits and losses, analyzes the
weakness of English section, suggests consolidation of lodges, role of district leaders
as problem solvers in their territory, solutions for turnover, financial problems.
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
1940 |
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Item 1: Summary of Discussions
1940 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Summary of the Discussion By General Secretary Max Bedacht - Meeting of the General
Executive Board - January 29, 1940. 5 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Item 2: Commendation of Polish Section
1940 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Commended Polish section for successful organizing, mentioned turnover discussion
including Philadelphia, Jewish, Italian, English, Chicago, Ukrainian lodges. Political
Responsibilities of Districts, citing Turkish lodge problems.
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Item 3: Minutes of General Executive Board Meeting
1940 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
September 14-15-16, 1940. Hotel Picadilly, New York. 4 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Item 4: Report by Herbert Benjamin
1940 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Brother Benjamin submitted report on Social Security Campaign, during discussion,
proposals made including endorsement of American Youth Act, support of bill protecting
foreign born - report & proposals adopted. Motions adopted include - American Peace
Mobilization, constitutional changes.
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
1941 |
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Item 1: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
April 11, 1941. 1 page.
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Item 2: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
September 3, 1941. 1 page. Routine.
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Item 3: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
October 21, 1941. 6 pages. Resolution passed supporting Federal Program for Civilian
Defense including directives for participation in civilian defense work.
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Item 4: Minutes of the Plenary Session
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Minutes of Plenary Session of the General Executive Board, February 22-23-24, 1941.
5 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Item 5: Guests Introduced
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Two guests introduced - Paul Robeson, Earl Robinson. Discussion of Supreme Courts
dismissal of the appeals of William Weiner and Earl Browder. Rev. B.W. Harris of Norfolk
addressed the Board, and discussion followed on Negro problems.
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Item 6: Minutes of the Semi-Annual Plenary Session of the General Executive Board
of the International Workers Order, Inc.
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
September 6-7, 1941. 6 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Item 7: Resolution to support the U.S. fight against Nazism
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Resolution to support the U.S. fight against Nazism following Hitler's assault on
the Soviet Union discussed, support of Earl Browder, William Weiner and Brother Sam
Darcy discussed. Resolution opposing discrimination against Negro people in the armed
forces & defense industries, and repeal of Poll tax adopted. Resolution selling Oakridge
Jewish Cemetery, Proviso Township, Hook County, Illinois lost to IWO Cemetery Dept.
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Item 8: Summary of Discussions
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Summary of Discussion by Brother Max Bedacht, Meeting of the General Executive Board.
September 7, 1941. 3 pages. Includes comments on ending the IWO's isolationism.
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
1942 |
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Item 1: Minutes of the General Executive Board Plenary Sessions
1942 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
February 7-8, 1942. New York City. 10 pages & resolutions.
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Item 2: Resolution passed enacting a Plan and Program for National Group Victory Councils
1942 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Sam Pevzner read a message from President Weiner. Peter Shipka submitted financial
report. Resolutions to urge the House of Representatives to disband the Dies Committee,
establish of Victory Councils, to release Earl Browder, to restore Dale Zysman to
active duty on the Navy, on Negro rights, citizenship cases were adopted. Resolution
to communicate with Secretary of Navy Knox re dismissal of IWO members from Navy Yards
in New England on the basis of their IWO membership was referred to Resident Board
for Study.
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Item 3: Speech of Herbert Benjamin
1942 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
General Executive Meeting, February 7, 1942. 11 pages. Discusses how IWO members can
best serve the war effort, Victory Councils, Nationality Group, Civil Defense, condemns
Red Cross attitude toward Negro donors, Navy attitudes toward Negroes, Browder imprisonment.
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Item 4: Minutes of General Executive Board
1942 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
June 27, 1942. 6 pages. Discuss resolutions including Herbert Benjamin's resignation,
activating more members for the war effort, setting up a Western front, urging Front
Line Fighters Fund to intensify Russian War Relief.
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Item 5: Proceedings of the General Executive Board
1942 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
November 6,7,9, 1942. 7 pages. Senator Stanley Nowak of Michigan addressed the Board.
Reaffirmed effort to free William Weiner, read telegram to be sent to CIO convention,
discussed membership lethargy re war activities, establishment of a commission to
study Negro problems.
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Proceedings of General Executive Board, February 26-27, 1943. 21 pages. Vice President
Rockwell Kent in his address to the Board discusses IWO leaders in the armed forces,
reads a letter from Dave Green which includes treatment of Negroes in the service
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
1944 |
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Item 1: Minutes of General Executive Board
1944 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Plenary Session, February 12-13, 1944. 19 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Item 2: Milgrom's resolutions call for National Unity
1944 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Milgrom's resolutions call for National Unity citing the Teheran Conference, IWO's
role in the war effort, building the Negro American section, Executive Secretary of
New York District, Middleton submitted sub report on the general lodges. Brother Vail,
Secretary New England District, suggested a name change for I.W.O. Vrabel remarked
on the progress of the Slovak Workers Society as affected by the war. Middleton spoke
on a fourth term for President Roosevelt, June Gordon reported on the Front Line Fighters
Fund, and called on the GEB to take a stand against the "Equal Rights Amendment" which
would "wipe out all protective legislation for women..". Rymer proposed a resolution
in favor of the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Social Security Bill. A resolution on Legislative
work was proposed including passage of Lucas-Green-Worley Federal Ballot Bill, Marcantonio
Anti-Poll Tax Bill, Lynch Bill, Marcantonio-Scanlon-Dawson Bills to establish Fair
Employment Practice Committee (FEPC), and defeat of Bankhead Bill. Resolutions submitted
to combat anti-semitism, on British White Paper re Jewish Community in Palestine,
on Japanese slayings of American P.O.W.'s, on deportation of Mrs. E. Browder, on repatriation
of Italian anti-fascist refugees to return to Italy, convention arrangements.
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Item 3: Minutes of General Council Meeting
1944 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
November 24-25-26, 1944. 15 pages. General Secretary submitted report on plans for
the future. Treasurer Shipka discussed new membership certificate decided on at 6th
convention, detailing new endowment plan for adults and savings-insurance plan for
juniors. Discussion on General Secretary's report included problems of returning veterans.
President Croatian Society IWO, Gerlach introduced Mr. Alatko Balokovic who addressed
the Council re heroism in Yugoslavia and support of a Relief Ship to Yugoslavia. Discussion
on organizing the Negro Community, including repealing the Poll tax, establishing
closer relations with organizations of the Negro people. Mr. James W. Ford, 1936 candidate
for Vice President was presented and spoke on Negro situation. Mrs. Eurah Gerrard
spoke about Negro community in Chicago. Nationality leaders gave reports on their
sections. J. Brodsky, IWO attorney read New York Insurance Examiners Report of June
9, 1944 and a motion was made to carry out recommendations contained in that report.
Resolution on Social Security, anti-fascist election campaign, anti-discrimination
legislation, war risk clause, war relief, servicemen's welfare, anti-semitism, Taylor
Rape case.
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Item 4: Closing Remarks of General Secretary Max Bedacht
1944 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
General Council Semi-Annual Session, November 24-26, 1944. 4 pages. Stresses cultural
activities, political activities.
Box 56 | Folder 1 |
1946 |
Box 56 | Folder 1 |
Item 1: Minutes of General Council Meeting
1946 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
March 16-17, 1946. 8 pages.
Box 56 | Folder 1 |
Item 2: Message from Rockwell Kent
1946 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Message from Rockwell Kent read re cultural activities. Reports from lodges, General
Treasurers financial report submitted by Peter Shipka, J. Brodsky reported that Indiana
approved license, Wisconsin is still pending and Missouri has denied the application.
Resolutions on Social Security, Negro rights, People's Peace Movement, Women's Activities,
Price Control, Democratic Europe including condemnation of Churchill's anti- Soviet
activities and restoration of Roosevelt's foreign policies.
Box 56 | Folder 2 |
1947 |
Box 56 | Folder 2 |
Item 1: Minutes of General Council Meeting
1947 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
March 1 and 2, 1947. 7 pages.
Box 56 | Folder 2 |
Item 2: Sam Milgrom's Executive Committee Report
1947 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Included discrimination against national groups by reaction forces, reorientation
of General Lodges. Lodge reports, Skipka submitted Treasurer's Report. Letter from
Max Bedacht asking for leave of absence and granting of request with full pay. Constitution
Committee Report.
Box 56 | Folder 2 |
Item 3: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1947 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
December 5, 1947. l page. Discussion on Attorney- General Clark's charges.
Box 56 | Folder 2 |
Item 4: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1947 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
December 8, 1947. 3 pages. Statement on Attorney- General Clark's designation of the
IWO as an organization of questionable loyalty and discussion on this subject.
Box 56 | Folder 2 |
Item 5: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1947 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
December 16, 1947. 1 page.
Box 56 | Folder 2 |
Item 6: Report of Brother Charles Musil
1947 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Report of Brother Charles Musil, to the Executive Committee. 1 page. Establishment
Czech Workers Society IWO, report of the Czeck lodges of IWO.
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
1948 |
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 1: Minutes of General Council Meeting
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Saturday-Sunday, March 13-14, 1948, Fraternal Clubhouse, New York City (10 pages,
10 pages resolutions).
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 2: Report by National Treasure Peter Shipka
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Secretary-Treasurer, Shipka presented financial report, discussion on new name for
the IWO, Memorial observance for J. Brodsky, Welfare Fund, Dave Greene reported on
membership drive, Resolutions discussed included adopting an official ritual establishing
Welfare Fund, Resolution on unconstitutional list of attorney General Clark, Peace,
Work in Negro community, Mrs. Rosa Lee Ingram, Deportation, children's work, English
speaking work.
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 3: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
March 8, 1948. 2 pages. Financial Report, proposed name changes for the IWO, discussed
aged members in re Welfare Fund, retiring Lee Pressman as attorney for case against
Clark listing.
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 4: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
March 30, 1948. 3 pages. Discussed Pilgrimage to Washington arranged by the United
Committee to Save the Jewish State and United Nations, General Council meeting re
IWO Defense Fund.
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 5: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
April 6, 1948. 2 pages. Discussed name change for IWO, Welfare Fund, IWO Defense,
progress of membership drive.
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 6: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
April 7, 1948. 3 pages & 2 page attachment. Discussed cultural festivals, membership
drive, letter from Dave Green to organizers.
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 7: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
April 20, 1948. 3 pages. Approved recommendation opposing Un-American Committee Bill
in Congress. Discussed State of Pennsylvania's inquiry to Attorney General Clark's
listing of IWO, and challenging revocation of IWO's tax exempt status by U.S. Tax
Commissioner, radio censorship of foreign language broadcasts.
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 8: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
May 4, 1948. 3 pages. Discussed possibility of organizing Mexican-Americans, Draftee
rates, Saltzman reported on his European trip, Negro communities, Defense Fund, defeat
of Mundt Bill, and Hobbs Concentration Camp Bill.
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 9: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
June 4, 1948. 3 pages. Discussed Treasury Department's revocation of IWO's tax exempt
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 10: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
June 15, 1948. 2 pages. Greene reported on Defense Fund, membership drive. Discussed
citizenship cases.
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 11: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
June 29, 1948. 3 pages. Saltzman reported not to recruit Mexican Americans. Recommendation
to continue to correspond with the Hollywood Ten. Discussed Platform Hearings of the
New Party.
Box 56 | Folder 3 |
Item 12: Minutes of the Executive Committee
1948 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
September 14, 1948. 4 pages. Discussed Attorney Clark's reply to court case, Starr
reported on delegation to State Department, discussed United Nations week, Shipka
reported on Festivals, Greene reported on Defense Fund.
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
1937 |
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
Item 1: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1937 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
To the Enlarged Meeting of the National Executive Committee, I.W.O. - Hotel Latham,
New York City, October 2, 1937. 47 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
Item 2: Membership Discussions
1937 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Discusses membership - capacity to recruit, maintain members, "We want the masses,
we must have them", definition of solidarity and workers fraternal benefit society,
changing fascist workers into progressive ones, occupational health, negro problems,
women's activities, sports, "anti-fascist month", establishing an official organization.
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Report to the G.E.B. by the General Secretary. 21 pages. See: Box 1 - FF 5 - Minutes,
1938 for report summary, also includes list of officers, G.E.B. members, plan for
official organ, "Policy To Guide the Order."
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
1939 |
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Item 1: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
March 4, 1939, by the General Secretary. 36 pages. See: Box 1 - FF 6 - Minutes, 1939
for report summary.
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Item 2: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1939 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
To The Plenary Session of The General Executive Board, August 26, 1939. 31 pages.
Discusses the organizing campaign, home for the aged, structure of I.W.O., Organization
of lodges, social membership, English-speaking lodges, support of New Deal, Social
Security finances, - also includes pre-convention discussion, "Our Tasks.".
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
1940 |
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Item 1: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1940 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
To the Plenary Session of the G.E.B. - January 27, 1940. 25 pages. Discusses organizing
campaign, progress of lodges, consolidation of IWO, attacks on IWO.
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Item 2: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1940 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
To the Plenary Session of the G.E.B. - September 14, 15, 16, 1940. New York. 27 pages.
Discusses the threat of reaction, organizing campaign, district financing, Youngstown,
Ohio lodges, consolidation, Brighton Beach area in Brooklyn, English and Jewish lodges.
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Item 3: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1940 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
For the General Executive Board. 19 pages. Delivered at District Convention, discusses
fascism, war, Social Security campaign, General Lodges, consolidation, New Jersey
lodges. Also includes proposed draft resolution on consolidation, list of G.E.B. members,
two pre-convention discussion issues "Our Tasks", "Resolution on the establishment
of an IWO Home for the Ages", supplementary resolution on consolidation, Directives
on applying the Policy of Consolidation.
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
1941 |
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Item 1: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
To the G.E.B., February 22-23, 1941. New York City. 9 pages. Discusses fascism, world
politics, Dies Committee, raid on Philadelphia office, William Weiner's conviction,
Jewish Section finances, (incomplete).
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Item 2: Summary of Discussions
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Summary of Discussion on Report on Social Security Campaign by Brother Herbert Benjamin.
8 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Item 3: Remarks of Herbert Benjamin
1941 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Discussion on the Resolution Meeting of the G.E.B., I.W.O. New York, September 6,
1941. 18 pages. Discusses resolution to support U.S. fight against Nazism following
Hitler's assault (see also Box 1, FF 8).
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
1942 |
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
Item 1: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1942 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Report (2/7/42) 15 pages. Discusses organizational problems including consolidation,
community lodges and councils, Williamsburg, New York Community Council, establishment
of a membership department, recruiting, community centers, financing system.
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
Item 2: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1942 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Officers' Report to the G.E.B., February 7-8, 1942. 19 pages. Discusses fascism, political
activities, service to unions, Dies Committee, Front Line Fighters Fund, Civilian
Defense, youth activities, Stelmach Scroll, activities of Nationality Sections, and
Departments, membership.
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
1942 |
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Item 1: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1942 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
"IWO & Its Tasks" - Report by Max Bedacht, General Secretary at the Functionaries
Conference - August 24, 1942. 15 pages. Discusses Jewish Section problems, organizing
congressional elections, Nationality Sections, and 4 page summary of this report.
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Item 2: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1942 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Report on the State of the Order by Max Bedacht, General Secretary, IWO to the GEB
- November 6-9, 1942. 22 pages. Discusses anti-fascist activities, war bonds, war
propaganda, civilian defense, war relief, congressional elections, major IWO weaknesses,
organizing, national group lodges, women's work, Negro communities, district functionnaires
& staffs, also includes Bedacht's report on work for victory, motions on IWO work
for victory and memo on the structure of the IWO.
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
1943 |
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Item 1: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1943 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Report to the GEB on the Progress of the Order during the year 1942. February 26-27,
1942. 32 pages. Discusses war activities, politics, fascism, Finnish-American Lodge
in Norwood, MA re: red cross auxiliary, Front Line Fighters Fund, Aid to Russia, finances,
postponement of convention, home for aged, Social Security, benefits, organizing,
membership, licensing, departments, nationality sections, cultural activities.
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Item 2: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1943 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
A memorandum on the problems of our youth work by Max Bedacht. 6 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
1943 |
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Item 1: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1943 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
"Our Civic and Organizations" Report to the GEB of the IWO, February 26, 1943. 24
pages. Discusses the Russians in the war effort, Nazism in North Africa, Fascism in
America, Democracy, Dies Committee, sectarianism, functionaries, organizing, postponing
convention, tribute to Peter Shipka - also includes.
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Item 2: Resolutions in Action
1943 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Adopted by GEB, September 25-26, 1943.
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
1944 |
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Item 1: Pre-Convention Discussion Reports
1944 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
By W. Weiner, President & Max Bedacht, General Secretary - GEB, February 12-13, 1944.
New York City. 31 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Item 2: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1944 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Hotel Riverside Plaza, New York City, February 12-13, 1944. l8 pages and summary.
Discusses fascism, education members on political matters, cultural work.
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
1944 |
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Item 1: Towards 175,000 members by the 6th National Convention
1944 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
By Ben Gordon, Secretary, National Organization Department - Report given at G.E.B.,
IWO, February 12-13, 1944. 16 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Item 2: Resolutions
1944 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
G.E.B. resolutions passed at February 12-13, 1944 meeting. See also: Box 1, FF 11.
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
Report to the General Council by Max Bedacht, General Secretary
1944 |
Scope and Contents
New York, November 24-26, l944. Includes discussion on Fraternal Committee for the
Reelection of President Roosevelt, elections, organizing drive, Negro equality & organizing,
relief activities, social security.
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
1945 |
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
Item 1: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1945 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Financial report, Report to the General Council of the IWO by the General Secretary
- "The Order in 1944" 34.
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
Item 2: Our Anti-Fascist Task of Today
1945 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Report of Max Bedacht, General Secretary, to the General Council, September 15-16,
1945. 38 pages, 19 pages. Discusses post-war fight against fascism, including national
unity, Social Security, election campaigns, Negro rights, fraternal insurance, youth,
immigration, veterans.
Box 56 | Folder 4 |
1946 |
Box 56 | Folder 4 |
Item 1: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1946 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
The Order in 1945 and its perspectives for 1946 - Report of Max Bedacht, General Secretary
to the General Council, March 16-17, 1946. 23 pages and 8 pages statistics. Discusses
work of Jewish Society, Ukrainian, Russian, Slovak, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Croatian,
Serbian, Carpatho-Russian, Spanish, Romanian, Greek, Finnish, general lodges, organizing
campaign, Western Pennsylvania Drive, finances, Front Line Fighters Fund, Fascism,
ideological mobilization, Wagner Health Bill.
Box 56 | Folder 4 |
Item 2: On Veterans Work
1946 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Report to the General Council by Jerry Trauber - March 16-17, 1946. 9 pages.
Box 56 | Folder 4 |
Item 3: Report by General Secretary Max Bedacht
1946 |
Format: Pamphlet
Scope and Contents
Report of Max Bedacht, General Secretary, To the General Council Meeting of the IWO
- September 7-8, 1946. 16 pages and 2 pages summary. Discusses Negro persecution,
Social Security legislation, Fascist immigration, congressional elections, national
society, lodges.
Box 56 | Folder 5 |
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Report by Sam Milgram to the General Council of the IWO - New York - March 1-2, l947.
31 pages. Discusses discrimination against Negroes, Jews, establishment of FEPC, second
generation in lodges, "Youngstown Story".
Box 56 | Folder 6 |
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Section of Executive Secretary, Brother Sam Milgrom's Report to general Council, Sunday,
March 14, l948. 6 pages. "Our English-Speaking Work" also a resolution on this subject,
minutes of Committee on English-Speaking Work, March 24, l948. 4 pages.
Box 56 | Folder 7 |
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Report of Brother Peter Shipka, General Secretary-Treasurer to the General Council
of the IWO held on November 12-13, l949. 25 pages. Discusses Examination Report of
New York Insurance Department, financial, membership, expulsions, Dunne's Insurance
Box 56 | Folder 8 |
1951 |
Scope and Contents
Report of the Officers Presented to the General Council, IWO, February 3-4, 1951 -
Delivered by Peter Shipka, General Secretary-Treasurer. 21 pages. Discusses convention
cancellation, liquidation, Report of Examiners of New York Insurance Department, In
Box 56 | Folder 9 |
IWO Financial Data
1930-1952 |
Scope and Contents
incomplete misc. financial data.
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Convention Documents
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes reports, speeches, resolutions, attendance lists, proceedings, bulletin
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Convention Documents
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes reports, speeches, resolutions, attendance lists, proceedings, bulletin
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Convention Documents
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes reports, speeches, resolutions, attendance lists, proceedings, bulletin
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
Convention Documents
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes reports, speeches, resolutions, attendance lists, proceedings, bulletin
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
Convention Documents
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes reports, speeches, resolutions, attendance lists, proceedings, bulletin
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Convention Documents
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes reports, speeches, resolutions, attendance lists, proceedings, bulletin
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
President - Kent, Rockwell
1940-1941 |
Scope and Contents
Two letters to Max Bedacht discusses Kent's book, "This Is My Own". Kent suggests
trying to keep cost down so members (IWO) and others can afford it. Kent says how
important education is for the IWO and "An important part of education is the reading
Box 56 | Folder 10 |
President, Kent, Rockwell
1947-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally to and from Sam Milgrom, Executive Secretary re some legal
matters, Hungarian celebrations, recruiting drive, meeting arrangements, Henry Wallace
political campaign; 3/1/48 to Milgrom, "I believe that if we could get thru the iron
Box 56 | Folder 11 |
President, Kent, Rockwell
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Mostly with Sam Milgrom re meeting and speaking arrangements; re financial difficulties
of those identified with the left wing in politics, 10/15/49; 12/10/49 statement to
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) endorsing their
Box 56 | Folder 12 |
President - Kent, Rockwell
1950 |
Scope and Contents
With Milgrom re sending observers to the NAACP crusade meeting; celebrations of IWO's
20th Anniversary; NY Times quoted TASS (USSR) in Kent's speech in Moscow saying "that
the United States government is not my government" and Kent's letter with corrected
Box 56 | Folder 13 |
President - Kent, Rockwell - Miscellaneous manuscripts
Scope and Contents
Includes statement, appeal, articles.
Box 56 | Folder 14 |
General Secretary - Bedacht, Max
1938-1948 |
Scope and Contents
August 25, l942 memo from Gene Kahn, National Fraternal Congress to Bedacht enclosing
list of organizations of National Fraternal Congress, Kahn explains "I have designated
in pencil on the side names of IWO functionaries to whom I believe letters or memo
Box 56 | Folder 15 |
General-Secretary - Bedacht, Max - Miscellaneous Mss.
Scope and Contents
Includes "Our General Project for 1941-42"; "Our Anti-Fascist Task of Today," 1945;
"Labor Fraternalism, A Guide to the Lodges and Members of the IWO," 29 pages; "Our
Plan for Plenty,"; "The Concern of All..." - about National Health Act and miscellaneous
Box 56 | Folder 16 |
General-Secretary - Bedacht, Max - Miscellaneous Mss.
Scope and Contents
Includes "Our General Project for 1941-42"; "Our Anti-Fascist Task of Today," 1945;
"Labor Fraternalism, A Guide to the Lodges and Members of the IWO," 29 pages; "Our
Plan for Plenty,"; "The Concern of All..." - about National Health Act and miscellaneous
Box 56 | Folder 17 |
General-Secretary - Bedacht, Max - Miscellaneous Mss.
Scope and Contents
Includes "Our General Project for 1941-42"; "Our Anti-Fascist Task of Today," 1945;
"Labor Fraternalism, A Guide to the Lodges and Members of the IWO," 29 pages; "Our
Plan for Plenty,"; "The Concern of All..." - about National Health Act and miscellaneous
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
Vice-President - Middleton, John E.
1940-1942 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence, form letters, speeches re civil service employee being questioned
about his association with IWO; 8 page report, "For An Offensive On a Second European
Front"; speech, "Defeat Fascism's Attack on the Soviet Union"; "The IWO and th
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
Director of Organization - Milgrom, Sam
1945-1947 |
Scope and Contents
March 1945 -June 1947. Correspondence re organizing new lodges; to various societies
re meeting arrangements; national health bill legislation; membership drive, plans
for general convention of Slovak Workers Society; organization of a city committee
in M
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
Director of Organization - Milgrom, Sam
1947 |
Scope and Contents
July-September. Correspondence re membership; memo re proposed organizational changes;
plans for separate Portuguese lodge in Fall River, Massachusetts; lists (1947) by
Society giving number of lodges, and active builders.
Box 4 | Folder 3a |
Director of Organization - Milgrom, Sam
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Johannes Steel Tour
Box 4 | Folder 3b |
Director of Organization - Milgrom, Sam
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Steel re speaking tour, newsletters, broadsides and routine.
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
General Director of Organization - Greene, Dave
1947-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence from United Resort Workers of America requesting IWO to hire union
people for work in summer camps; from I. Gish, government employee, re criticism of
Camp Kinderland by Sam Friedlander; other correspondence re Cam Kinderland; deportation;
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
General Director of Organization - Greene, Dave
1950-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re deportation of Krishna Chandra and others because of past membership
with IWO; Johnstown, Pennsylvania Lodge concerned re officers being accused of being
Communists; 7 page outline "Attacks on the IWO," 6/19/50; memorandum re aid to IWO
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
General Director of Organization - Greene, Dave
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Memo to all societies re preparation of the appeal to secure a reversal of the liquidation
decision, to Rockwell Kent requesting him to attend hearing in Albany; reinstatements
of membership; and other correspondence re appeal hearings; memo including and
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
General Director of Organization - Greene, Dave
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Memo to all societies re preparation of the appeal to secure a reversal of the liquidation
decision, to Rockwell Kent requesting him to attend hearing in Albany; reinstatements
of membership; and other correspondence re appeal hearings; memo including
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
General Director of Organization - Greene, Dave
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Memo to all societies re preparation of the appeal to secure a reversal of the liquidation
decision, to Rockwell Kent requesting him to attend hearing in Albany; reinstatements
of membership; and other correspondence re appeal hearings; memo including
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
General Director of Organization - Greene, Dave - Training School correspondence
1948-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence, lists, financial reports, notes, programs for various training
schools within the IWO, some of which were held at Camp Kinderland.
Box 57 | Folder 1 |
General Director of Organization - Greene, Dave - Training School correspondence
1948-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence, lists, financial reports, notes, programs for various training
schools within the IWO, some of which were held at Camp Kinderland.
Box 57 | Folder 2 |
General Director of Organization - Greene, Dave - Training School correspondence
1948-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence, lists, financial reports, notes, programs for various training
schools within the IWO, some of which were held at Camp Kinderland.
Box 57 | Folder 3 |
General Director of Organization - Greene, Dave - Training School - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Includes mss. of reports re schools
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
Executive Secretary - Milgrom, Sam
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence, minutes, form letters with
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
Executive Secretary - Milgrom, Sam
1948-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Minutes, 2/27/48 - Committee for Establishment of National Council of Lodges in Negro
Communities; information on General Lodge Milk Fund Campaign; membership drive reports;
reports and resolution on English-speaking work; tours; anti-lynching bill; state
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
Executive Secretary - Milgrom, Sam
1948-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Minutes, 2/27/48 - Committee for Establishment of National Council of Lodges in Negro
Communities; information on General Lodge Milk Fund Campaign; membership drive reports;
reports and resolution on English-speaking work; tours; anti-lynching bill;
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
Executive Secretary - Milgrom, Sam
1948-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Minutes, 2/27/48 - Committee for Establishment of National Council of Lodges in Negro
Communities; information on General Lodge Milk Fund Campaign; membership drive reports;
reports and resolution on English-speaking work; tours; anti-lynching bill;
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
Milgrom, Sam - Miscellaneous
1946-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes notes, memos, statistics, correspondence re Portuguese located in various
geographical areas; lists of organizers by society; report on Parent-Children's Festival
Tour; membership stats by society, 1946; letter to Milgram from J. Finley Wilson,
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
Executive-Secretary - Benjamin, Herbert
1941-1942 |
Scope and Contents
Includes "Resolution on Brother William Weiner," (President, IWO) to show support
after his arrest and imprisonment, along with Earl Browder; 4 page form letter to
all District and Section Secretaries re the building of membership in the organization;
Box 5 | Folder 7 |
Executive Secretary - Benjamin - Mss., reports, speeches
Scope and Contents
Re personnel policy; "The True Picture of America," 31 pages; "For Victory in the
War Against the Fascist Axis," 11 pages; "Work Among the National Groups," 7 pages;
"Review of Our Work, Our Shortcomings, Our Further Tasks,; 36 pages; Remarks by Benjamin
Box 5 | Folder 8 |
Executive Secretary - Benjamin - Mss., reports, speeches
1941-1942 |
Scope and Contents
"We Give Aid and Comfort - Report on Income Disbursements Activities Response, Front
Line Fighters Fund, 1941-42," unpaged; "To the GEB"; ll page memo re problems within
the organization of the IWO; "Summary of Discussion, GEB, 4/27/42 by John Middleton,"
Box 5 | Folder 9 |
Executive Secretary - Benjamin - Mss., reports, speeches
1941 |
Scope and Contents
"Resolutions and Proposals on the Work of the Order Among National Groups," 4 pages;
"Introduction to the Discussion on Resolution and Concrete Proposals for Improved
National Group Work," 2/22/41, 13 pages; "Concrete Proposals Recommended for Adoption
Box 5 | Folder 10 |
Executive Secretary = Benjamin - Mss., reports, speeches
1941 |
Scope and Contents
"Labor's Battle, The Fight for William Weiner is the Fight For Freedom and the People's
Welfare," 13 pages; Radio Speech, "The Plan For Plenty," 3/13/41, 30 pages; "For An
Offensive On A Second European Front," 5/25/42, 8 pages; Speech "Unity for V
Box 57 | Folder 4 |
Rymer, Harry - Administrative Department
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Includes routine office correspondence between Rymer and past and present employees
Box 57 | Folder 5 |
Officers - General Information
1944-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Lists of officers; requests for leaves of absence; resignations; list of dates of
renewals for State Insurance Department licenses; memo re activities of IWO and other
organizations, n.d.; memo from P. Shipka to William Karlin re collection of assessment
Box 57 | Folder 6 |
Administrative Correspondence - General
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Mostly routine office correspondence re dues, membership eligibility, staff recommendations,
life insurance and general operation of headquarters.
Box 57 | Folder 7 |
Administrative Correspondence - General
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Mostly routine office correspondence re dues, membership eligibility, staff recommendations,
life insurance and general operation of headquarters.
Box 57 | Folder 8 |
Administrative Correspondence - General
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Mostly routine office correspondence re dues, membership eligibility, staff recommendations,
life insurance and general operation of headquarters.
Box 57 | Folder 9 |
Administrative Correspondence - General
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Mostly routine office correspondence re dues, membership eligibility, staff recommendations,
life insurance and general operation of headquarters.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes one letter from George Glover to "Eddie", an organizer in Alabama. Discusses
loss of IWO Charter in Alabama.
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
1940-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re membership (suspension & reinstatements), local offices, recruitment
drive, minutes of City Central Committee, for 8/23/44, letter to Milgrom from Baltimore,
Secretary of City Central Committee Robert Meyers, re problems of the Committee
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Includes 33 page, "Report by H. Shiller, Secretary of the Bronx District Committee
of the Jewish-American Section of the IWO to the Third Annual Convention of the Bronx
District, held on Saturday and Sunday, March 27th and 28th, 1943." Report discusses
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
1939-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re San Diego Local 577 members involved in strike with employers of
a furniture company represented by United Furniture Workers - asking for IWO to investigate
the situation and to give support; correspondence and legal documents re case of
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Louise (Thompson) Patterson and Sam Milgrim and other re activities
of lodges throughout the Chicago area, which includes Du Sable Lodge 751 and Midwest
District (Miriam Cheifitz), re recruitment, IWO publications, social activities,
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Louise (Thompson) Patterson and Sam Milgrim and other re activities
of lodges throughout the Chicago area, which includes Du Sble Lodge 751 and Midwest
District (Miriam Cheifitz), re recruitment, IWO publications, social activities,
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Louise (Thompson) Patterson and Sam Milgrim and other re activities
of lodges throughout the Chicago area, which includes Du Sble Lodge 751 and Midwest
District (Miriam Cheifitz), re recruitment, IWO publications, social activities,
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Louise (Thompson) Patterson and Sam Milgrim and other re activities
of lodges throughout the Chicago area, which includes Du Sble Lodge 751 and Midwest
District (Miriam Cheifitz), re recruitment, IWO publications, social activities,
Box 6 | Folder 9 |
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Louise (Thompson) Patterson and Sam Milgrim and other re activities
of lodges throughout the Chicago area, which includes Du Sble Lodge 751 and Midwest
District (Miriam Cheifitz), re recruitment, IWO publications, social activities,
Box 6 | Folder 10 |
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Louise (Thompson) Patterson and Sam Milgrim and other re activities
of lodges throughout the Chicago area, which includes Du Sble Lodge 751 and Midwest
District (Miriam Cheifitz), re recruitment, IWO publications, social activities,
Box 6 | Folder 11 |
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Louise (Thompson) Patterson and Sam Milgrim and other re activities
of lodges throughout the Chicago area, which includes Du Sble Lodge 751 and Midwest
District (Miriam Cheifitz), re recruitment, IWO publications, social activities,
Box 6 | Folder 12 |
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Louise (Thompson) Patterson and Sam Milgrim and other re activities
of lodges throughout the Chicago area, which includes Du Sble Lodge 751 and Midwest
District (Miriam Cheifitz), re recruitment, IWO publications, social activities,
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Louise (Thompson) Patterson and Sam Milgrim and other re activities
of lodges throughout the Chicago area, which includes Du Sble Lodge 751 and Midwest
District (Miriam Cheifitz), re recruitment, IWO publications, social activities,
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally between officers of Michigan State Committee and Sam Milgrom
re conflict between officers with Detroit lodges; Negro History Week Program plans;
financial problems; recruitment drive; political campaign for Roosevelt; Romanian
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally between officers of Michigan State Committee and Sam Milgrom
re conflict between officers with Detroit lodges; Negro History Week Program plans;
financial problems; recruitment drive; political campaign for Roosevelt; Romanian
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally between officers of Michigan State Committee and Sam Milgrom
re conflict between officers with Detroit lodges; Negro History Week Program plans;
financial problems; recruitment drive; political campaign for Roosevelt; Romanian
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally between officers of Michigan State Committee and Sam Milgrom
re conflict between officers with Detroit lodges; Negro History Week Program plans;
financial problems; recruitment drive; political campaign for Roosevelt; Romanian
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally between officers of Michigan State Committee and Sam Milgrom
re conflict between officers with Detroit lodges; Negro History Week Program plans;
financial problems; recruitment drive; political campaign for Roosevelt; Romanian
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally between officers of Michigan State Committee and Sam Milgrom
re conflict between officers with Detroit lodges; Negro History Week Program plans;
financial problems; recruitment drive; political campaign for Roosevelt; Romanian
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally between officers of Michigan State Committee and Sam Milgrom
re conflict between officers with Detroit lodges; Negro History Week Program plans;
financial problems; recruitment drive; political campaign for Roosevelt; Romanian
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally between officers of Michigan State Committee and Sam Milgrom
re conflict between officers with Detroit lodges; Negro History Week Program plans;
financial problems; recruitment drive; political campaign for Roosevelt; Romanian
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally between officers of Michigan State Committee and Sam Milgrom
re conflict between officers with Detroit lodges; Negro History Week Program plans;
financial problems; recruitment drive; political campaign for Roosevelt; Romanian
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Edward Nelson, organizer and person interested in establishing
a lodge in Florida once application for charter is approved.
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Re IWO supporting Steel strikers; plans for state conference.
Box 7 | Folder 11a |
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re recruiting drive, lists of members, and routine.
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
1943-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Secretary of Lodge 596, St. Paul re election of officers and defense
of the farmer labor movement; with member of Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union
who is eager to establish a Scandinavian lodge in Minnesota; resolution on Black Mar
Box 8 | Folder 1 |
New England District
1940-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes "Proceedings, 1st Constitutional State Convention, IWO of Massachusetts,
Held November 9 and 10, 1940," 17 p. mimeograph; correspondence between Sol Vail,
Executive Secretary, New England District, Max Bedacht, General Secretary, and Sam
Box 8 | Folder 2 |
New Haven, Connecticut
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Harold Peters, New Haven organizer and later President of New
Haven Lodge, and Sam Milgrom re recruitment and establishment of new lodge which was
named "Frederick Douglass Society, IWO, Lodge 909."
Box 8 | Folder 3 |
New Jersey
1940-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Includes "Minutes, 5th Annual Convention, IWO, New Jersey, November 30th and December
1st, 1940," unpaged; correspondence between David Vines, Executive Secretary, New
Jersey, IWO, and Milgrom and others re district budget; plans for the political campaign
Box 8 | Folder 4 |
New York City
1941-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Includes monthly program announcement for Lodge 500; lists of members of Hungarian,
Carpatho-Russian, Greek, Roumanian, Yugoslavian, Puerto Rican, Spanish, Russian, Slovakian,
and Italian members in New York City, 1942; correspondence with John Middleton,
Box 8 | Folder 5 |
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re support of the Price Control Bill; personnel problems with officers
in Cleveland District; Toledo, Lodge 770 re problems with financial secretary office;
Ohio District re political campaign for Roosevelt and state elections.
Box 8 | Folder 6 |
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re situation of IWO lodges in the Ohio Valley; 2 p. mimeograph of "Minutes,
June 25, 1945, Cleveland City Committee of IWO"; also minutes for July 30, 1945 and
September 24, 1945; and routine.
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re personnel needed for organizing in Ohio; plans for Health and Social
Security Conference re bill, S. 1606; re organizing a City Central Committee in Youngstown;
and routine.
Box 8 | Folder 7a |
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re recruiting drive in Ohio, largely correspondence with Cleveland
City Committee; membership lists; and routine.
Box 8 | Folder 8 |
1947-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence form an organizer relating experiences of members dropping out because
of fear; financial problems in lodges - Milgrom writes that expenses have to be cut;
"Minutes of the City Central" (Cleveland), 2/10/47; from a member in Akron requesting
Box 8 | Folder 9 |
1938-1949 |
Scope and Contents
List of Anthracite Districts by lodge number, giving Secretary's name and number of
members, June 1938; "Proceedings of the Anthracite Area, 5th District Convention of
the IWO, November 9-10, 1940" and "Resolutions of the Anthracite Area, 1940"; correspond
Box 57 | Folder 10 |
1944-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Sol Rotenberg, Executive Secretary, Eastern Pennsylvania District
Committee and Sam Milgrom re election campaign; recruitment of Negroes; Social Security
campaign; National Health Act legislation; correspondence and news clippings re
Box 57 | Folder 11 |
1944-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Sol Rotenberg, Executive Secretary, Eastern Pennsylvania District
Committee and Sam Milgrom re election campaign; recruitment of Negroes; Social Security
campaign; National Health Act legislation; correspondence and news clippings re
Box 58 | Folder 1 |
1944-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re recruitment drive and 9 p. "Draft Plan - Western Pennsylvania Membership
Drive" by Sam Milgrom; memo on Christmas parties for miners' families; statistics
on membership campaign tour; "Report on Western Pennsylvania Drive," n.d.; and rou
Box 58 | Folder 2 |
West Virginia
1941-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re financial difficulties with operation of Lodge 624 in Charleston;
and routine.
Box 58 | Folder 3 |
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re obtaining a charter for Milwaukee, Wisconsin; dissolving the Italian
lodge in Milwaukee; building up the City Central; list of Wisconsin lodges.
Box 9 | Folder 1 |
General lodges
1938-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Immigrant and Naturalization Services re becoming naturalized
citizens whether or not members of IWO; re IWO license in state of Ohio as fraternal
beneficiary society; statistics on membership by lodge # (1944); program planning
for bu
Box 9 | Folder 2 |
General Lodges
1946-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Statistical sheets, "Membership Campaign" gives number of members by Lodge number;
"Membership in Negro Concentration Lodges" - statistics by Lodge number, also gives
location; draft program of "Summerdale Leadership Training School"; "Minutes of General
Box 9 | Folder 3 |
Carpatho-Russian Society
1942-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Substantial amount of correspondence from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Bridgeport, Connecticut
and Gary, Indiana most of which I cannot translate - The few letters in English contain
certain routine correspondence re death and sick claim benefits, meeting arrangement
Box 9 | Folder 4 |
Carpatho-Russian Society
1942-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Substantial amount of correspondence from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Bridgeport, Connecticut
and Gary, Indiana most of which I cannot translate - The few letters in English contain
certain routine correspondence re death and sick claim benefits, meeting
Box 9 | Folder 5 |
Carpatho-Russian Society
1942-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Substantial amount of correspondence from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Bridgeport, Connecticut
and Gary, Indiana most of which I cannot translate - The few letters in English contain
certain routine correspondence re death and sick claim benefits, meeting
Box 9 | Folder 6 |
Carpatho-Russian Society
1942-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Substantial amount of correspondence from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Bridgeport, Connecticut
and Gary, Indiana most of which I cannot translate - The few letters in English contain
certain routine correspondence re death and sick claim benefits, meeting
Box 9 | Folder 7 |
Carpatho-Russian Society
1942-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Substantial amount of correspondence from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Bridgeport, Connecticut
and Gary, Indiana most of which I cannot translate - The few letters in English contain
certain routine correspondence re death and sick claim benefits, meeting
Box 9 | Folder 8 |
Cervantes Fraternal Society - Miscellaneous
1944-1947 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mss., "The Hispanic American Section from January 1940 to January 1944;" statistical
sheet re membership of Society for l946.
Box 9 | Folder 9 |
Cervantes Fraternal Society - Lodge 4792 (New York City)
1947-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Spanish. The few letters in English re sick benefits for members; dues payments; list
of members.
Box 9 | Folder 10 |
Cervantes Fraternal Society - Lodge 4792 (New York City)
1947-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Spanish. The few letters in English re sick benefits for members; dues payments; list
of members.
Box 58 | Folder 4 |
Cervantes Fraternal Society - Lodge 4792 (New York City)
1947-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Spanish. The few letters in English re sick benefits for members; dues payments; list
of members.
Box 58 | Folder 5 |
Cervantes Fraternal Society - Lodge 4792 (New York City)
1947-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Spanish. The few letters in English re sick benefits for members; dues payments; list
of members.
Box 58 | Folder 6 |
Cervantes Fraternal Society - Convention
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes 3 page, "Short Report on the Highlights of the National Convention of the
Cervantes Fraternal Society of the IWO, June 13-14, 1947, New York City." Remainder
of folder in Spanish - (minutes, constitution).
Box 10 | Folder 1 |
Croatian - American Section
1940-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re problems with personnel and the location of headquarters; 5 page
report in letter from to Bedacht from N.S. Rajkrovich, Secretary of Section giving
detailed report of developments and activities from 1940 - January 1944; sheets re
Box 10 | Folder 2 |
Czechoslovakian Workers Club
1933-1936 |
Scope and Contents
2 items - unable to translate
Box 10 | Folder 3 |
Douglass-Lincoln Fraternal Society
1949-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Includes scattered minutes; 4 pages "Remarks to Thirty Party Platform. Hearings Committee,
Philadelphia, July 21, 1948" re health, wages, housing of Negroes; memo re Societies
forming a Fraternal Committee of the American Labor Party; Report of Lodge 816
Box 10 | Folder 4 |
Finnish Workers Federation
1941-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Includes pamphlet "The Unity & Merger of the Finnish Workers Federation with the IWO,"
January 1941. 10 pages; 5 page report to Bedacht covering the period 1942-44 of Activities
of Finnish Workers Federation; 2 page report to Bedacht, January 1946 re t
Box 10 | Folder 5 |
Greek-American Fraternal Society
1944-1956 |
Scope and Contents
Includes constitution; Report (3 pages) on the development of Greek-American Section
& Activities, and political problems in Greece; list of members of National Committee
of the Hellenic-American Fraternal Society; correspondence.
Box 10 | Folder 6 |
Hungarian-American Section
Scope and Contents
Constitution (n.d.); "Hungarian-Americans, Who Are They?" by John Roman, IWO, n.d.,
48 pages; 4 page report re membership, United Front Actions, 1946 re issue of the
Hungarian minority in Czechoslovakia, aid to new Hungarian democracy, American Hungarian
Box 10 | Folder 7 |
Hungarian-American Section
Scope and Contents
Constitution (n.d.); "Hungarian-Americans, Who Are They?" by John Roman, IWO, n.d.,
48 pages; 4 page report re membership, United Front Actions, 1946 re issue of the
Hungarian minority in Czechoslovakia, aid to new Hungarian democracy, American Hungarian
Box 10 | Folder 8 |
Italian-Garibaldi American Fraternal Society
1937-1943 |
Scope and Contents
With Congressman Vito Marcantonio re Society's political support and giving his assurance
to do "all in my power ... to end Hitlerism"; letter to "Supreme Order Sons of Italy
in America" form National Commission of Italian Americans Section IWO re joining
Box 10 | Folder 9 |
Italian-Garibaldi American Fraternal Society
1944-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Letter to War Department in support of funds being sent to Sicily, 2/14/44; political
election (1944); to Congressmen re Marcantonio' s resolution to recognize Italy as
an Ally (1945); routine with Congressman Vito Marcantonio; financial; membership recruit
Box 10 | Folder 10 |
Italian-Garibaldi American Fraternal Society
1948-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Several issues of Society's Monthly Letter; Correspondence re "defense of the Order";
memo (7 pages) re Shipka's report to General Council concerning the attack on the
Order; correspondence re member in Arnold, Pennsylvania, "framed" due to his membership
Box 10 | Folder 11 |
Italian-Garibaldi American Fraternal Society
Scope and Contents
10 page "Prospectus for an Italian-American Community Center in East Harlem"; and
Box 58 | Folder 7 |
Italian-Garibaldi American Fraternal Society
Box 58 | Folder 8 |
Italian-Garibaldi American Fraternal Society
Box 58 | Folder 9 |
Italian-Garibaldi American Fraternal Society
Box 11 | Folder 1 |
Polish-American Section
1940-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re suspension of members of Lodge 3544 for not abiding by constitution
of the Order; 4 page memo to Max Bedacht from Boleslaw Gebert, President (Polish-American
Section) re proposals for building membership, 6/30/42, "the best possible base
Box 11 | Folder 2 |
Polish-American Section
1947-1957 |
Scope and Contents
3 page "Extracts from the Speech delivered by President Gebert at the Conference of
the Polonia Society ..., December 14-15, 1947" re fight against fascism, supporting
the labor movement, and political support; 8 page description of various Polish organization
Box 11 | Folder 3 |
Polish-American Section
Scope and Contents
Membership Record sheets by lodge number.
Box 11 | Folder 4 |
Polish-American Section
Box 11 | Folder 5 |
Polish-American Section
Box 11 | Folder 6 |
Romanian-American Fraternal Society
1944-1946 |
Scope and Contents
10 page "Informative Notes on the Situation in Lodge 4503 - Dearborn, Michigan," re
religious situation and lodge involvement; membership statistics; 4 page report (in
letter form) to Bedacht from Mary Mila, describes political efforts, war efforts,
Box 12 | Folder 1 |
Russian National Mutual Aid Society - Convention
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Convention material in Russian including delegates list, proceedings, correspondence,
delegate instructions.
Box 12 | Folder 2 |
Russian National Mutual Aid Society - Convention
1929 |
Scope and Contents
Proceedings in Russian.
Box 12 | Folder 3 |
Russian National Mutual Aid Society - Convention
1930 |
Scope and Contents
Proceedings in Russian.
Box 12 | Folder 4 |
Russian National Mutual Aid Society - Convention
1933 |
Scope and Contents
Minutes in Russian and English - discusses unemployment, unity with IWO, Comrade Radsy
- representative from Russian Section, Communist Party addressed the delegates, White
Guardists, political militancy, International Labor Defense, organizing women's, c
Box 12 | Folder 5 |
Russian National Mutual Aid Society - Convention
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Proceedings and pamphlet in Russian.
Box 12 | Folder 6 |
Russian National Mutual Aid Society - Certificates and Licenses
1928-1934 |
Scope and Contents
License from Division of Insurance, Ohio, certificates from Pennsylvania, Insurance
Box 12 | Folder 7 |
Russian Section, IWO - Reports and Proceedings
1931-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Proceedings and finances of Russian Section, in Russian.
Box 12 | Folder 8 |
Russian Section, IWO - Reports and Proceedings
1936-1938 |
Scope and Contents
Plenum proceedings of the Central Committee, Russian Section, IWO, 1936; Report of
Daniela Kazoushchika at the meeting of the Russian Section, IWO - 1938; proceedings
of Russian Section, IWO, 1938, in Russian.
Box 59 | Folder 1 |
Russian Section, IWO - Reports and Proceedings
1940-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Report of the Russian Section, IWO to the 5th National Convention, IWO, in Russian.
Box 13 | Folder 1 |
Russian Section - Lodge 3057
1946-1917 |
Scope and Contents
Sick Benefit correspondence expulsion correspondence, and routine, mostly in Russian.
Box 13 | Folder 2 |
Russian Section - Lodge 3103
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Sick Benefit correspondence in Russian, 1947.
Box 13 | Folder 3 |
Russian Section, IWO - Miscellaneous
1944-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Memos, speech, certificate of Incorporation of United American Societies for Soviet
Relief, Inc., 1944-47; correspondence in Russian, unable to translate, 1945.
Box 13 | Folder 4 |
Serbian-American Federation, IWO - Correspondence
1943-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence; report on progress since 1940; plan for recruiting drive;
correspondence re Yugoslav Relief, Peter Vukcevich correspondence.
Box 13 | Folder 5 |
Serbian-American Federation, IWO - Correspondence
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Form letter re Tag Day Campaign; pledged projects, correspondence re Yugoslav relief
and routine; copy of letter to Max Bedacht from Edward C. Carter re American Society
for Russian Relief; memos; N. Baltich correspondence.
Box 13 | Folder 6 |
Serbian-American Federation, IWO - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Leaflet from American Committee for Yugoslav Relief; IWO bulletin of Activities Aids;
newsletter; minutes of the regular bi-monthly meeting of Executive Committee of the
American Association for Reconstruction in Yugoslavia, November 30, 1946, at Hotel
Box 13 | Folder 7 |
Serbian-American Federation, IWO
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Serbian, includes Nikola Baltich correspondence.
Box 13 | Folder 8 |
Serbian-American Federation, IWO
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Serbian, includes Nikola Baltich correspondence.
Box 13 | Folder 9 |
Serbian-American Federation, IWO
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Serbian, includes Nikola Baltich correspondence.
Box 59 | Folder 2 |
Serbian-American Federation, IWO
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Serbian, includes Nikola Baltich correspondence.
Box 59 | Folder 3 |
Serbian-American Federation, IWO
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Serbian, includes Nikola Baltich correspondence.
Box 14 | Folder 1 |
Slovak Workers Society, Pre-IWO
1922-1925 |
Box 14 | Folder 2 |
Slovak Workers Society - Constitutions and By-laws
1915-1938 |
Box 14 | Folder 3 |
Slovak Workers Society - Convention Reports
1923-1947 |
Box 14 | Folder 4 |
Slovak Workers Society - Convention Reports
1923-1947 |
Box 14 | Folder 5 |
Slovak Workers Society - Convention Reports
1923-1947 |
Box 59 | Folder 4 |
Slovak Workers Society - Reports to IWO Conventions
1933-1944 |
Box 15 | Folder 1 |
Slovak Workers Society - Bulletin
1917-1933 |
Box 15 | Folder 2 |
Slovak Workers Society - Bulletin
1917-1933 |
Box 15 | Folder 3 |
Slovak Workers Society - Correspondence
1943-1947 |
Box 15 | Folder 4 |
Slovak Workers Society - History of Slovaks
1938-1941 |
Box 15 | Folder 5 |
Slovak Workers Society - Miscellaneous
1945-1947 |
Box 15 | Folder 6 |
Ukrainian Section, IWO - Constitutions
1938-1945 |
Box 15 | Folder 7 |
Ukrainian Section, IWO - Proceedings and Reports
1935-1950 |
Box 15 | Folder 8 |
Ukrainian Section, IWO - Correspondence
1944-1951 |
Scope and Contents
form letters; letter from M. Bonn (Pittsburgh) discussing John Derkascz incident;
routine; and untranslatable correspondence memo form Frank Ilchuk, President re Ukrainian
folk festivals.
Box 59 | Folder 5 |
Ukrainian Section, IWO - Miscellaneous
1926-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Unable to translate, includes itinerary of lecture tour - Brother Riback
Box 16 | Folder 1 |
Abraham Lincoln School
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Documents re summer school in Chicago for IWO members.
Box 16 | Folder 2 |
1941-1942 |
Scope and Contents
Pamphlets, releases, clipping (some published by the American Committee for Protection
of Foreign Born).
Box 16 | Folder 3 |
American Labor Party
1949 |
Scope and Contents
memo re national registration campaign proposals and fund raising.
Box 16 | Folder 4 |
Atlantic Charter
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Includes official text of White House statement and articles.
Box 16 | Folder 5 |
Camp Association
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Includes proposed constitution of the IWO Camp Association, form letter and list of
members to be called to Camp Committee meeting.
Box 16 | Folder 6 |
Civil Defense
1941-1942 |
Scope and Contents
Pamphlets; news clippings; memo re volunteers; statement by General Executive Board,
IWO on responsibilities.
Box 16 | Folder 7 |
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Miscellaneous clippings.
Box 16 | Folder 8 |
Committees - Administration Committee
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Form letter re dues paid by social members may be applied to initiation fee.
Box 16 | Folder 9 |
Committees - Appeals Committee
1940-1941 |
Scope and Contents
Minutes of the National Appeals Committee discusses various issues and cases brought
before the Committee by lodges.
Box 16 | Folder 10 |
Committees - City School Committee
1938-1943 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re annual census of Jewish Schools in New York; statistics on the number
of pupils; and generally routine correspondence.
Box 16 | Folder 11 |
Committees - Committee for the Freedom of Sam Milgrom
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Broadsides, form letters, releases re the unconstitutional denial of bail in the McCarran
Act deportation of Sam Milgrom.
Box 16 | Folder 12 |
Committees - Executive Committee
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Includes May 5, 1941 "Minutes of the Executive Committee," 2 pages.
Box 16 | Folder 13 |
Committees - IWO Policyholders Protective Committee
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Form letters, releases, brochures, statement, memos re the Attorney-General's McCarran
Act citation ("Communist-front" organization).
Box 16 | Folder 14 |
Committees - National Education Committee
1941 |
Scope and Contents
"Minutes of the National Education Committee (IWO), May 7, 1941," 2 pages.
Box 16 | Folder 15 |
Committees - National Women's Committee
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Routine form letter; minutes, 4/26, 5/7, 9/3, 1941.
Box 16 | Folder 16 |
Committees - New York City Central Committee
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Routine form letter re plans for May Day celebration.
Box 16 | Folder 17 |
Committees - Organization Committee
1940-1941 |
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes of the committee and "Report to the Organization Committee and Plan
of Concentration for Negro Work," by M. Moran Weston, 4 pages.
Box 16 | Folder 18 |
Committees - Social Security Committee
1941-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Report of income (1941) and release February 1946.
Box 16 | Folder 19 |
Committees - State Legislative Committee
Scope and Contents
3 page release published by the Committee re legislative bills before Congress.
Box 16 | Folder 20 |
1941-1944 |
Scope and Contents
2 publications re consumer information (not published by IWO).
Box 16 | Folder 21 |
Cultural Activities
1943-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes, reports, correspondence, broadsides, clippings, release re various
cultural events.
Box 16 | Folder 22 |
Cultural Activities - Abner Greentour
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence generally re plans for meetings in various cities; broadside re "I
Am An American Day."
Box 16 | Folder 23 |
Film Division
1944-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Financial reports, reports of activities.
Box 16 | Folder 24 |
Fraternal Outlook - Memos
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Routine form letters
Box 16 | Folder 25 |
Fraternal Welfare Fund
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Form letter re aid for aged members of the Order
Box 16 | Folder 26 |
Front Line Fighters Fund
1940-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence, articles, pamphlets re "fund that provides aid in a spirit
of patriotic devotion and international solidarity"; correspondence with President's
War Relief Control Board re rules and regulations of fund raising activities by organizations
Box 60 | Folder 1 |
Front Line Fighters Fund
1940-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence, articles, pamphlets re "fund that provides aid in a spirit
of patriotic devotion and international solidarity"; correspondence with President's
War Relief Control Board re rules and regulations of fund raising activities by
Box 60 | Folder 2 |
Front Line Fighters Fund
1940-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence, articles, pamphlets re "fund that provides aid in a spirit
of patriotic devotion and international solidarity"; correspondence with President's
War Relief Control Board re rules and regulations of fund raising activities by
Box 60 | Folder 3 |
1942-1943 |
Scope and Contents
Includes publications, clippings, bulletins, (non-IWO) re general public and workers'
health during wartime.
Box 60 | Folder 4 |
Health and Social Security Campaign
1945-1946 |
Scope and Contents
4 page resolution on organization of the Campaign adopted at IWO Conference.
Box 17 | Folder 1 |
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes typed drafts of various sections of Part 1 "History of the IWO and Role of
the Fraternal Movement in the U.S."; Part 2 "Insurance"; Part 3 "The Lodge Program."
Box 17 | Folder 2 |
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes typed drafts of various sections of Part 1 "History of the IWO and Role of
the Fraternal Movement in the U.S."; Part 2 "Insurance"; Part 3 "The Lodge Program."
Box 17 | Folder 3 |
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes typed drafts of various sections of Part 1 "History of the IWO and Role of
the Fraternal Movement in the U.S."; Part 2 "Insurance"; Part 3 "The Lodge Program."
Box 17 | Folder 4 |
Home for the Aged
Scope and Contents
5 page manuscript, "IWO Home for the Aged" re plans and preparations for a home for
aged members of IWO.
Box 17 | Folder 5 |
I Am An American Day
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence; release; lists of supporters by Society; brochure, "Thoughts of an
American" by Frank Sinatra.
Box 17 | Folder 6 |
IWO Defense Fund
1948-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence; handwritten notes; form letters re raising funds "to defend our beloved
Order against the unconstitutional, slanderous attacks made against us by Attorney-General
Clark"; also includes financial/statistical information - report "Present St
Box 17 | Folder 7 |
Ingram Children's Education and Welfare Fund
1948-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence releases re raising funds for the education and care of the children
of Rosa Ingram, Negro mother of 12 children who, with 2 of her sons, was sentenced
to a life sentence for the self-defense slaying of a white sharecropper.
Box 17 | Folder 8 |
Ingram Children's Education and Welfare Fund
1948-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence releases re raising funds for the education and care of the children
of Rosa Ingram, Negro mother of 12 children who, with 2 of her sons, was sentenced
to a life sentence for the self-defense slaying of a white sharecropper.
Box 17 | Folder 9 |
Ingram Children's Education and Welfare Fund
1948-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence releases re raising funds for the education and care of the children
of Rosa Ingram, Negro mother of 12 children who, with 2 of her sons, was sentenced
to a life sentence for the self-defense slaying of a white sharecropper.
Box 17 | Folder 10 |
Jewish History Week
1945-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Includes handwritten notes, correspondence, minutes, 28 page "Verbatim Report of Proceedings
at a Meeting Against Anti-Semitism and for a Jewish History Week - Under the Auspices
of New Masses," 1945.
Box 17 | Folder 11 |
Labor - Miscellaneous
1945-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Newspaper clippings, information sheet on proposed labor legislation, publications,
form letter.
Box 17 | Folder 12 |
Legal Correspondence
1944-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Generally correspondence with Lee Pressman, IWO Attorney, and others re income matters,
incorporation certificates, various court cases, naturalization proceedings, financial
matters and other legal routine.
Box 17 | Folder 13 |
Legal Correspondence
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Generally correspondence with Lee Pressman, IWO Attorney, and others re income matters,
incorporation certificates, various court cases, naturalization proceedings, financial
matters and other legal routine.
Box 60 | Folder 5 |
Legal Deportation and Loyalty Cases
1948-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence, releases, form letters, court brief re Gwinn Amendment (Housing)
occupancy of building if "subversive"; legal correspondence re members requesting
assistance in fighting deportation and concern re possibilities of revoking citizen
Box 60 | Folder 6 |
Legal - Loyalty Petitions
1947-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Signed resolutions form lodges all around the country condemning the arbitrary, scandalous
declaration of the Attorney-General who questioned the IWO's loyalty.
Box 60 | Folder 7 |
Legal - New York State Insurance Department
1949-1950 |
Scope and Contents
"Report on Examination of the International Workers Order, Inc." by James B. Haley,
Opinion and Findings of the Deputy Superintendent, Brief to Dismiss Proceedings.
Box 18 | Folder 1 |
Legal - Massachusetts
1938 |
Scope and Contents
17 page legal document, "Report of Examination re: Use of Corporate Funds of the IWO,
Inc.," submitted in Boston, Massachusetts, re sending corporate funds to support the
Spanish government, using funds for publication of political magazine, and using fun
Box 18 | Folder 2 |
May Day
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Publications and clippings.
Box 18 | Folder 3 |
Membership and Lodge Membership Records
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Sheets re membership - new, reinstatements, expiration, by Society; also information
re discontinued lodges.
Box 18 | Folder 4 |
Membership Campaign
1944 |
Scope and Contents
[15] page document, "Vital Information on 6th Pre-Convention Membership Campaign,
March 1 to June 15, 1944," (IWO National Organization Department).
Box 18 | Folder 5 |
Membership Department - Reinstatements
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with members requesting to be reinstated under special plan announced
by IWO whereby members who had dropped out over a 3 year period could apply by paying
only 3 months back dues along with a signed health statement.
Box 18 | Folder 6 |
Membership Department - Reinstatements
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with members requesting to be reinstated under special plan announced
by IWO whereby members who had dropped out over a 3 year period could apply by paying
only 3 months back dues along with a signed health statement.
Box 18 | Folder 7 |
Membership Department - Reinstatements
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with members requesting to be reinstated under special plan announced
by IWO whereby members who had dropped out over a 3 year period could apply by paying
only 3 months back dues along with a signed health statement.
Box 18 | Folder 8 |
Membership Department - Reinstatements
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with members requesting to be reinstated under special plan announced
by IWO whereby members who had dropped out over a 3 year period could apply by paying
only 3 months back dues along with a signed health statement.
Box 18 | Folder 9 |
Membership Department - Reinstatements
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with members requesting to be reinstated under special plan announced
by IWO whereby members who had dropped out over a 3 year period could apply by paying
only 3 months back dues along with a signed health statement.
Box 18 | Folder 10 |
Membership Department - Reinstatements
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with members requesting to be reinstated under special plan announced
by IWO whereby members who had dropped out over a 3 year period could apply by paying
only 3 months back dues along with a signed health statement.
Box 18 | Folder 11 |
Membership Drive
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Includes report, manual for builders, 10 page "Why and How the IWO Organizes - Its
Grand Campaign of 1939."
Box 18 | Folder 12 |
Membership Drive - Pennsylvania
1945 |
Scope and Contents
9 page document "Draft Plan - Western Pennsylvania Membership Drive" re strengthening
the Order in the mine, steel and aluminum industries, strengthening existing lodges,
Box 18 | Folder 13 |
Membership - General
1938-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes completed questionnaires from lodges re number of members, what language,
average attendance, women members, and of special interest, which are replies when
asked for General Remarks concerning experiences or opinions on any of the problems
of th
Box 18 | Folder 14 |
Membership - General
1938-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes completed questionnaires from lodges re number of members, what language,
average attendance, women members, and of special interest, which are replies when
asked for General Remarks concerning experiences or opinions on any of the problems
of th
Box 18 | Folder 15 |
Membership - General
1938-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes completed questionnaires from lodges re number of members, what language,
average attendance, women members, and of special interest, which are replies when
asked for General Remarks concerning experiences or opinions on any of the problems
of th
Box 61 | Folder 1 |
Membership Records
1938-1940 |
Scope and Contents
Statistical sheets giving membership information by Sections.
Box 61 | Folder 2 |
Membership Records
1938-1940 |
Scope and Contents
Statistical sheets giving membership information by Sections.
Box 19 | Folder 1 |
Membership - Social Members
1947-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Sheets stamped "social members," giving date, names and lodge number.
Box 19 | Folder 2 |
Membership - Social Members
1947-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Sheets stamped "social members," giving date, names and lodge number.
Box 19 | Folder 3 |
Membership - Weekly Recruiting Reports
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Statistical charts re weekly reports on District recruiting and recruiting of sections.
Box 19 | Folder 4 |
Memoranda - General
1941 |
Scope and Contents
General memos re office supplies, etc.
Box 19 | Folder 5 |
Memorial Day
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Lists of members killed in World War II, newspaper clippings.
Box 19 | Folder 6 |
Scope and Contents
Miscellaneous manuscript drafts re U.S. Dilemma in the Middle East, Guiding Policy
for the Communists in their leadership and work in the IWO; memo on Editorial policy
of Fraternal Outlook; manuscript, "Activities of the Order on Behalf of Labor," 16
Box 19 | Folder 7 |
Mundt-Nixon Bill
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Includes 4 page "Analysis of the Mundt Police State Bill (HR 5852)" by IWO; clippings;
transcript of proceedings of IWO National Conference to Defeat the Mundt Bill; copies
of the bill; form letter from President Kent to all lodges and miscellaneous.
Box 19 | Folder 8 |
National Women's Committee
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Minutes of meeting, 3/19/41, 2 pages.
Box 19 | Folder 9 |
1941-1949 |
Scope and Contents
3 page letter to the editor of The Daily Compass from Edward L. Nelson, New Haven,
Connecticut, in disagreement with an editorial by a Mr. Ottley concerning the Negro
people's progress in general (includes several drafts) (ff 9); 3 page "Minutes of
the Na
Box 19 | Folder 10 |
1941-1949 |
Scope and Contents
3 page letter to the editor of The Daily Compass from Edward L. Nelson, New Haven,
Connecticut, in disagreement with an editorial by a Mr. Ottley concerning the Negro
people's progress in general (includes several drafts) (ff 9); 3 page "Minutes of
the Na
Box 19 | Folder 11 |
1941-1949 |
Scope and Contents
3 page letter to the editor of The Daily Compass from Edward L. Nelson, New Haven,
Connecticut, in disagreement with an editorial by a Mr. Ottley concerning the Negro
people's progress in general (includes several drafts) (ff 9); 3 page "Minutes of
the Na
Box 19 | Folder 12 |
1941-1949 |
Scope and Contents
3 page letter to the editor of The Daily Compass from Edward L. Nelson, New Haven,
Connecticut, in disagreement with an editorial by a Mr. Ottley concerning the Negro
people's progress in general (includes several drafts) (ff 9); 3 page "Minutes of
the Na
Box 19 | Folder 12a |
1941-1949 |
Scope and Contents
3 page letter to the editor of The Daily Compass from Edward L. Nelson, New Haven,
Connecticut, in disagreement with an editorial by a Mr. Ottley concerning the Negro
people's progress in general (includes several drafts) (ff 9); 3 page "Minutes of
the Na
Box 61 | Folder 3 |
People's Radio Association
Scope and Contents
Form letter sent out to potential sponsors for PRA.
Box 61 | Folder 4 |
Peoples Songs, Inc.
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Brochures and newsletter re songs of labor.
Box 61 | Folder 5 |
1942-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Articles; endorsements of IWO by state; broadsides; news clippings; "Report on Movie
Tours and Showings During Election Campaign," 4 pages, 1944.
Box 61 | Folder 6 |
1942-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Articles; endorsements of IWO by state; broadsides; news clippings; "Report on Movie
Tours and Showings During Election Campaign," 4 pages, 1944.
Box 61 | Folder 7 |
1942-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Articles; endorsements of IWO by state; broadsides; news clippings; "Report on Movie
Tours and Showings During Election Campaign," 4 pages, 1944.
Box 20 | Folder 1 |
Publications - Requests for
1944-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Routine requests for IWO publications.
Box 20 | Folder 2 |
Publications - Requests for
1944-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Routine requests for IWO publications.
Box 20 | Folder 3 |
Publications - Requests for
1944-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Routine requests for IWO publications.
Box 20 | Folder 4 |
Publications Department - Negro History Week
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Order blanks; plan of publicity and promotion; news releases and routine re publications
to be issued.
Box 20 | Folder 5 |
Publication Department - Requests for Film Strip
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Requests for film strip "Health and Security for America," by IWO.
Box 20 | Folder 6 |
Publications Department - Requests - "Negro History Week Bulletin"
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes routine requests for publications.
Box 20 | Folder 7 |
Publications Department - Requests - "Negro History Week Bulletin"
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes routine requests for publications.
Box 20 | Folder 8 |
Publications Department - Requests - "Negro History Week Bulletin"
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes routine requests for publications.
Box 20 | Folder 9 |
Radio Programs
Scope and Contents
Form re IWO broadcasts.
Box 20 | Folder 10 |
Radio Project
Scope and Contents
Re suggestions for project re Russian Radio Project (some handwritten pages).
Box 20 | Folder 10a |
Relief and Rehabilitation
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence, news releases, requests for publication, re United Nations Relief
and Rehabilitation Administration's distribution of food to invaded countries.
Box 61 | Folder 8 |
Roosevelt, F. D.
1941-1943 |
Scope and Contents
Includes newspaper clippings, 8 page "President Roosevelt's Radio Address - George
Washington's Birthday, 2/22/48."
Box 61 | Folder 9 |
Salvage and Conservation
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Broadside and government publication.
Box 61 | Folder 10 |
Servicemen's Vote
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Box 61 | Folder 11 |
Servicemen's Welfare
1944 |
Scope and Contents
"Memorandum on Servicemen's Welfare, Prepared for Brother Bedacht, September 1941-April
1944," 4 pages, re gifts sent to servicemen by IWO.
Box 61 | Folder 12 |
Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 1517
1953-2002 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges.
(Unable to translate some of this correspondence.)
Box 61 | Folder 13 |
Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 1517
1953-2002 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges.
(Unable to translate some of this correspondence.)
Box 61 | Folder 14 |
Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 1517
1953-2002 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges.
(Unable to translate some of this correspondence.)
Box 61 | Folder 15 |
Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 1517
1953-2002 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges.
(Unable to translate some of this correspondence.)
Box 61 | Folder 16 |
Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 1517
1953-2002 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges.
(Unable to translate some of this correspondence.)
Box 21 | Folder 1 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 2 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 3 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 4 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 5 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 6 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 7 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 8 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 9 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 10 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 11 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 12 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 13 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 14 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 15 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 16 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 17 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 18 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 19 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 20 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 21 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 22 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 23 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 24 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 25 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 26 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 27 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 28 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 29 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 30 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 31 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 32 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 33 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 34 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 35 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 21 | Folder 36 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 61 | Folder 17 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 61 | Folder 18 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 61 | Folder 19 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 62 | Folder 1 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 2005-3548
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 1 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 3549-3579
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 2 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4012
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 3 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4251-4254
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 4 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4255-4257
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 5 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4258-4266
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 6 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4268-4272
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 7 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4273-4276
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 8 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4278-4283
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 9 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4286-4290
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 10 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4292-4296
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 11 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4297-4299
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 12 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4300-4305
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 13 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4307-4314
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 14 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4316-4333
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 22 | Folder 15 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4339-4351
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 62 | Folder 2 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4355-4363
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 62 | Folder 3 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4366-4372
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 62 | Folder 4 |
SBD (Sick Benefit Department - Lodge 4373-4385
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re payment of sick benefit claims to members of Slovak local lodges,
appears to be all Slovak locals. (Unable to translate most of box.)
Box 62 | Folder 5 |
Social Security Crusade Fund
1940-1941 |
Scope and Contents
Statistical/financial sheets, "Report of Income."
Box 62 | Folder 6 |
Soviet-Nazi War
1941 |
Scope and Contents
6 page "Speakers' Guide on the Soviet-Nazi War and Its Significance to Americans."
Box 62 | Folder 7 |
United Nations
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Includes publications, Declaration by the U.N., copy of the Atlantic Charter, and
Box 62 | Folder 8 |
United Office and Professional Workers, Local 16
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Union represented National Office staff of IWO - Includes correspondence, seniority
lists, agreement and supplemental agreement
Box 62 | Folder 9 |
Veterans Work
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence form Dave Green re benefits for veterans; news releases; broadsides;
form letters.
Box 62 | Folder 10 |
War Relief
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Release; pamphlet; article re war relief.
Box 62 | Folder 11 |
Win the Peace Conference
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Releases; program; form letter.
Box 62 | Folder 12 |
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Form letters from IWO, National Director of Women's Work, re pending legislation.
Box 62 | Folder 13 |
Women's Department, National
1942 |
Scope and Contents
6 page "Mother's Day - 1942 - For Victory"; and 1 page "Proposals on Work of the IWO
Women's Clubs".
Box 62 | Folder 14 |
Workers Alliance of America
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Form letter re conference on unemployment.
Box 62 | Folder 15 |
Workmen's Benefit Fund
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Minutes of Joint meeting with IWO.
Box 62 | Folder 16 |
Young Fraternalists
1941 |
Scope and Contents
7 page "Proceedings of the Eastern National Encampment - Young Fraternalists."
Box 23 | Folder 1 |
Liquidation - General
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re Supreme Court ruling listing the IWO as a subversive organization
was arbitrary and unconstitutional; 3 page memo from Shipka to Raphael H. Weissman,
Esq., re the impact of the injuction upon the overall operations of the IWO; memos
re i
Box 23 | Folder 2 |
Liquidation - Illinois
1950-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Court documents; correspondence with Illinois Department of Insurance requesting list
of all lodges in the state.
Box 23 | Folder 3 |
Liquidation - Illinois
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Court documents and routine correspondence.
Box 23 | Folder 4 |
Liquidation - New York State
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Includes releases, form letter, 4 page release "War with Russia Given as Grounds for
Liquidation of Fraternal Order" by Elmer Bendiner; letters to Alfred Bohlinger, Superintendent
of Insurance, in reply to his letter which was sent to all locals - IWO rep
Box 23 | Folder 5 |
Liquidation - New York State
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence; form letters to lodges re steps in fight for life of the Order; fact
sheet and questions re Albany hearing; 3 page "Statement to the Members of the New
York State Senate and Assembly by a Delegation of the IWO Policyholders Protective
Box 23 | Folder 6 |
Liquidation - New York State
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Releases; 57 page "Analysis of Haley Report - for Purposes of Cross Examination."
Box 23 | Folder 7 |
Liquidation - New York State
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re request for approval of purchase of building for IWO home office
use and routine re hearings, membership, requests for information; broadsides; IWO
News Bulletin, 2 issues,(April 1951 and May 1951); 3 page list of signers of petition
Box 23 | Folder 8 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Includes petitions, order to show cause, briefs.
Box 62 | Folder 17 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Includes petitions, order to show cause, briefs.
Box 63 | Folder 1 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Includes petitions, order to show cause, briefs.
Box 24 | Folder 1 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 2 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 3 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 4 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 5 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 6 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 7 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 8 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 9 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 10 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 11 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24 | Folder 12 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 1 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 2 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 3 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 4 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 5 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 6 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 7 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 8 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 9 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 10 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 11 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 12 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 13 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 14 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 15 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 24.1 | Folder 16 |
Liquidation - New York State - Court Documents
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Briefs, opinions, reports.
Box 25 | Folder 1 |
Liquidation - American-Russian Fraternal Society.
Box 25 | Folder 2 |
Liquidation - Carpatho-Russian Society .
Box 25 | Folder 3 |
Liquidation - Croatian Society.
Box 25 | Folder 4 |
Liquidation - Douglass-Lincoln Fraternal Society.
Box 25 | Folder 5 |
Liquidation - Garibaldi Society.
Box 25 | Folder 6 |
Liquidation - IWO Files from Sam Milgrom.
Box 25 | Folder 7 |
Liquidation - IWO Translation of Loose Matters on Top of Files.
Box 25 | Folder 8 |
Liquidation - JPFO Cabinet D-8.
Box 25 | Folder 9 |
Liquidation - JPFO Cabinet D-9.
Box 25 | Folder 10 |
Liquidation - JPFO Translations, etc. - Cabinet D-10.
Box 25 | Folder 11 |
Liquidation - JPFO Cabinet G-22.
Box 26 | Folder 1 |
Liquidation - Jewish Young Fraternalists Cabinet D-36.
Box 26 | Folder 2 |
Liquidation - Albert E. Kahn Files, Cabinet D-207.
Box 26 | Folder 3 |
Liquidation - Polish.
Box 26 | Folder 4 |
Liquidation - Serbian American Federation.
Box 26 | Folder 5 |
Liquidation - Slovak Workers Society.
Box 26 | Folder 6 |
Liquidation - "Spanish Original Copy."
Box 26 | Folder 7 |
Liquidation - Ukrainian-American Fraternal Union Cabinet D-66 and D-67
Box 26 | Folder 8 |
Liquidation - Ukrainian-American Fraternal UnionCabinet D-66 and D-67
Box 26 | Folder 9 |
Liquidation - "Cabinet D-50 - IWO."
Box 26 | Folder 10 |
Liquidation - Miscellaneous Material Transferred from Empty Cabinets - General Lodges.
Box 26 | Folder 11 |
Liquidation - Miscellaneous
1949-1956 |
Scope and Contents
3 page manuscript to "General Council" re special meeting called because of the "Fraternal
Report" issued by the New York Insurance Department; IWO property, Arrow Farms, Inc.,
legal correspondence; handwritten notes re textbook Workers School - We Learn
Box 63 | Folder 1 |
Liquidation - Miscellaneous
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Letters of support and miscellaneous. (Mostly Yiddish.)
Box 63 | Folder 2 |
Liquidation - Miscellaneous
1950-1956 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English support letters, clippings, financial data and miscellaneous.
Box 63 | Folder 3 |
Liquidation - Mail Received by Insurance Department
1953-1956 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re loans to Camp Lakeland and Camp Kinderland; legal notices; insurance
claims; real estate; release sent to all lodges by New York State Insurance Department
re liquidating and miscellaneous notes.
Box 27 | Folder 1 |
2 page "Declaration of Principles Adopted by the JPFO of the IWO, Inc."
Box 27 | Folder 1a |
Constitution and By-laws, 7 pages
Box 27 | Folder 2 |
Minutes, National Executive Committee
1930-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Early minutes (1930-31) discuss funeral fund, establishment of a National Cemetery
Fund, land purchase for cemetery (non-sectarian); 1939 - discusses budget proposals;
1945 - re 15th Anniversary of the Order, membership drive, the Order in Canada, JPFO
Box 27 | Folder 3 |
Minutes, National Executive Committee
1930-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Early minutes (1930-31) discuss funeral fund, establishment of a National Cemetery
Fund, land purchase for cemetery (non-sectarian); 1939 - discusses budget proposals;
1945 - re 15th Anniversary of the Order, membership drive, the Order in Canada, JPFO
Box 27 | Folder 4 |
Resident Board - Minutes
1940-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1940 - movement for social security, replacement of editor of Fraternal Outlook "who
can better fill the present need of the magazine"; 1941 - membership campaign, Dies
attack, the war effort; 1946 - report on Peace Conference in Washington, reports on
Box 27 | Folder 5 |
Resident Board Minutes
1948-1953 |
Scope and Contents
1948 - National Leadership Training School, old age home, membership campaign, cultural
work, report of the schools, crisis in Palestine; 1949 - report on Pavis Peace Congress,
Centenary of Emma Lazarus, old age home, membership drive; 1950 - 20th Anniversary
Box 27 | Folder 6 |
Reports to National Board by General Secretary R. Saltzman
1946-1948 |
Scope and Contents
1946 - Hitlerism, Jewish Labor Committee, contribution of JPFO relief effort, unity
movement, political elections building of the order; 1947 - 1946 elections and the
Jewish people, aftermaths of the war, American-Jewish Conference and the Jewish Congress
Box 27 | Folder 7 |
Reports to National Board
1935-1948 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish.
Box 27 | Folder 8 |
Reports to National Board
1935-1948 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish.
Box 63 | Folder 4 |
Reports to National Board
1935-1948 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish.
Box 27.1 | Folder 1 |
4th Convention
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Includes report of Yiddish Section (in Yiddish).
Box 27.1 | Folder 2 |
5th and 6th Conventions
1940-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Includes reports and speeches in Yiddish with the exception of "Committee on English-Speaking
Work Report" by George Starr (1944), p. 81-94, discusses Jewish contributions to America,
Jewish culture, growth of lodges, schools, youth movement, need for Jewish
Box 27.1 | Folder 4 |
Report of Pre-Convention Problems
1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish - pre-presidential election of 1948.
Box 27.1 | Folder 5 |
7th Convention - Minutes
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Held at Camp Kinderland, 48 pages, includes reports from secretaries of lodges and
chairmen of various committees, and resolutions.
Box 27.1 | Folder 6 |
7th Convention - Minutes
1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Held at Camp Kinderland, 48 pages, includes reports from secretaries of
lodges and chairmen of various committees, and resolutions.
Box 27.1 | Folder 7 |
7th Convention - Reports and Speeches
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes corrected drafts of reports and speeches, R. Saltzman report to the 7th Convention,
"Looking to the Future," 31 pages.
Box 27.1 | Folder 8 |
7th Convention - Speech
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Order Convention by P. Novick in Yiddish.
Box 63 | Folder 5 |
7th Convention - Miscellaneous
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes "Plan for English-Speaking Lodges", "Pre-Convention Discussion Outline",
and miscellaneous.
Box 63 | Folder 6 |
Report of R. Salzman on Plenary Session - 20th Anniversary of IWO in Yiddish.
1949 |
Box 63 | Folder 7 |
8th Convention
1951 |
Scope and Contents
Includes 3 page "Call to the Convention" in both English and Yiddish, forms for delegates,
and form letter.
Box 28 | Folder 1 |
Emma Lazarus Division - Action Letter
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Newsletter published by Emma Lazarus Division, Women's Organization of the JPFO.
Box 28 | Folder 2 |
Emma Lazarus Division - Correspondence - General
1945-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Includes statement of Division re FEPC, outline for discussion of International Women's
Day, and routine correspondence.
Box 28 | Folder 3 |
Emma Lazarus Division - Membership Drives
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Form letters re membership drives.
Box 28 | Folder 4 |
Emma Lazarus Division - Minutes
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes for June 9, 1946 and August 21, 1947
Box 28 | Folder 5 |
Emma Lazarus Division - Miscellaneous
1946-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes bulletin, newsletter, form letters, leaflets, release.
Box 28 | Folder 6 |
Cultural Conference Committee
1948-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes financial statements, programs, clipping, 8 page "Main Address to Cultural
Conference - Answer to a People Calling" by Morris Schappes.
Box 28 | Folder 7 |
Jewish Community Council of Detroit
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re JPFO contributing to Civic Defense Fund Drive - requests that none
of the funds be given to the Jewish Labor Committee which is a "destructive force
within Jewish life."
Box 28 | Folder 8 |
Los Angeles Jewish City Committee
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Includes 5 page "Bulletin of the City Committee of the JPFO, Los Angeles, California,
February 1950."
Box 28 | Folder 9 |
New York Jewish City Committee
1940-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence (mostly Yiddish), program, announcements, form letters.
Box 28 | Folder 10 |
Committees - Minutes, Miscellaneous
1946-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Includes August 1947 minutes of the 2nd meeting of the National Youth Committee of
the JPFO; Committee on English-Speaking Work, February 1946; City Legislative Action
Committee of the City Youth Executive, May 1946; Joint Distributive Committee, release,
Box 29 | Folder 1 |
Kahn, Albert E. - President
1946-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re situation in Poland; Jews in Palestine; form letters; memo, "Statement
on Second Session of World Jewish Congress, 1948, to Executive Committee Members."
Box 29 | Folder 2 |
Pevzner, Sam - National Activities Director and Editor of the Jewish Fraternalists
1946-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Letter to Pevzner from Peter Seeger, National Director, People's Songs, Inc. requesting
his presence at their first National Convention; form letters re various activities;
and routine.
Box 29 | Folder 3 |
Rymer, E. N. - National Director Youth and Veterans Activities
1946-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence form letters re meetings, conferences, membership and routine.
Box 29 | Folder 4 |
Saltzman, Rubin - General Secretary
1938-1941 |
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence, letter from M. H. McIntyre, Secretary to the President of
U.S., thanking Saltzman for patriotic support, 11/11/41
Box 29 | Folder 5 |
Saltzman, Rubin - General Secretary
1942-1943 |
Scope and Contents
Includes 4 page letter from Saltzman to Meyer M. Weisgal re asking for re-consideration
of the IWO's application for membership on the Executive Committee of the American
Jewish Assembly and letter from Russian Ambassador, letter to Governor Dewey re impr
Box 29 | Folder 6 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1944 |
Scope and Contents
2 page "Nora Van Leewen Zhitlowsky, (A Short Biographical Sketch)"; correspondence
and form letters re July 4th celebration; correspondence with Nora Zhitlowsky re her
lectures in various cities, letter from War Department re segregation of races.
Box 29 | Folder 7 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re financial contribution to the American Jewish Conference, Hadassah,
Jewish Council for War Relief and routine.
Box 29 | Folder 8 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re new IWO organizations in Fresno, California and Tucson, Arizona,
setting up Jewish Orphans home in Poland, correspondence re a monument to Sholem Aleichem
and routine.
Box 29 | Folder 9 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Nora Zhitlowsky re routine and other routine correspondence.
Box 29 | Folder 10 |
Saltzman, Rubin - Tour
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Mostly re arrangements for tours.
Box 29 | Folder 11 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Correspondence re the Children's relief and Rehabilitation Homes in Belgium
and France and the events in Warsaw, and routine.
Box 29 | Folder 12 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Letter from Joseph Brainin, 3/26/47 to Saltzmann re whether the JPFO should include
an effective department to counteract anti- Semitism in the U.S.; 5/15/47 letter from
Brainin suggesting "the Committee of Writer to tender a dinner in honor of Gromyko";
Box 29 | Folder 13 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1948-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Letter from Rockwell Kent, 5/5/49, re speaking engagement arrangements, and a short
report of the Paris Congress which Rockwell attended; report on "Ridgefield" and "Our
Home for the Aged"; and routine.
Box 29 | Folder 14 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1949 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. 5/2/49 - complaints about Comrade Weinstein's management of Camp Kinderland
and the old age home; and routine.
Box 29 | Folder 15 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Box 29 | Folder 16 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1951 |
Scope and Contents
Letter from A. Bohlinger, New York State Department of Insurance, requesting all records
on Saltzman's possession turned over to Bohlinger, 7/25/51.
Box 29 | Folder 17 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1952 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re members' dues; correspondence with Insurance Department re lodge
bank statements; letter re discrimination at New York University killing of Enus L.
Christiani, certificate and assignment of Bail Fund of the Civil Rights Congress of
Box 29 | Folder 18 |
Saltzman, Rubin
1953-1956 |
Scope and Contents
Re cultural tour, status of legal fight for the Order; from Los Angeles Office re
"desperately in need of funds"; letter re Workmen's Circle, 1956.
Box 29 | Folder 19 |
Saltzman, Rubin
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish.
Box 29 | Folder 20 |
Saltzman, Rubin
Scope and Contents
Form letter re fund raising for protection of the shules; "New Year's Greetings From
Rubin Saltzman"; letter to President Truman; citation from the Council of Fraternal
and Benevolent Organizations.
Box 63 | Folder 8 |
Saltzman, Rubin - Speeches and Lectures
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Re Children's Camps, schools as a war front, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; manuscript
and speech - "On History of the Fraternal Movement" and "The Forward and the IWO";
speech re liquidation of IWO; speech "What Constitutes a `Hazard'" re liquidation
Box 63 | Folder 9 |
Fraternal History
Box 30 | Folder 1 |
Sandler, G. - Executive Secretary
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence and form letters re routine (meeting announcements, speaking engagements,
etc.); includes, in Yiddish, statement and report of contribution and support of orphan
homes in Biro-Bidgan and Poland programs.
Box 30 | Folder 2 |
Sandler, G.
1946 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Correspondence with Zaltzman and Yukelson; branch affairs - constitutional
issues, transfers, concert tours, camp.
Box 30 | Folder 3 |
Sandler, G. - Executive Secretary
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Box 30 | Folder 4 |
Sandler, G.
1950-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Box 30 | Folder 5 |
Sandler, G.
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Re reinstatement of members; tour agenda and expenses; arrangements of officers to
visit all lodges to explain legal difficulties, keeping membership intact, etc.
Box 30 | Folder 6 |
Starr, George - National Director and Director of English-Speaking Lodges
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence.
Box 30 | Folder 7 |
Starr, George - National Director
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Form letters re support of Crusade to End Lynching; Million Dollar Drive; Jews in
D. P. Camps and Palestine; and routine.
Box 30 | Folder 8 |
Starr, George - National Director
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re organizing a lodge in Kingston, New York; letter from member in
Hartford, Connecticut, asking about JPFO-owned cemeteries and Starr's reply; from
lodge in Milwaukee re activities of the lodge; and routine.
Box 30 | Folder 9 |
Starr, George - National Director
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Substantial correspondence with Samuel S. Shapira who called himself "the father of
the revival of the ideals of liberty, democracy and the Bill of Rights ... against
growing fascism in America...."
Box 30 | Folder 10 |
Starr, G.
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Box 30 | Folder 11 |
Starr, G.
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Box 30 | Folder 12 |
Starr, George - National Director
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Mike Hecht re article in The Fraternalist about the wages of employees
at the Ridgefield Resort.
Box 30 | Folder 13 |
Starr, George - National Director - Tours
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Generally routine correspondence re arrangements, although some information about
lodges in Houston, Texas, Florida, and California.
Box 30 | Folder 14 |
Starr, George - National Director - Tours
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Generally routine correspondence re arrangements, although some information about
lodges in Houston, Texas, Florida, and California.
Box 30 | Folder 15 |
Yukelson - Editor of the Tribune and Morgen Freiheit
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re printing articles and notices - all Yiddish.
Box 30 | Folder 16 |
Zhitlovsky, Chaim - President, Committee of Jewish Writers and Artists in America
1941-1943 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence mainly with Saltzman re opposition to "Tanks for Russia" Campaign;
lecture tour itineraries; press releases and telegrams concerning his death, letter
from his family re publication of his manuscripts.
Box 64 | Folder 1 |
Correspondence - General
1944-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine re changes of addresses, requests for publications and information.
Box 64 | Folder 2 |
Correspondence - Inter-Office Memos
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Re meeting arrangements; recruitment; general activities; dues; reinstatements.
Box 64 | Folder 3 |
Correspondence - Inter-Office Memos
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Re meeting arrangements; recruitment; general activities; dues; reinstatements.
Box 64 | Folder 4 |
Correspondence - Inter-Office Memos
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Re meeting arrangements; recruitment; general activities; dues; reinstatements.
Box 64 | Folder 5 |
Correspondence - Inter-Office Memos
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Re meeting arrangements; recruitment; general activities; dues; reinstatements.
Box 64 | Folder 6 |
Correspondence - General
1938-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Routine. In Yiddish .
Box 64 | Folder 7 |
Correspondence - Form Letters
1945-1950 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish .To various IWO branches re Book news, relief appeal, anniversary of the
Order, banquets, membership drives, tours, holidays, district conventions.
Box 31 | Folder 1 |
Lodge 5 and 14
1949-1955 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish - re help for Polish journey; not allowing a Communist to become a member
of Lodge 14 in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Box 31 | Folder 2 |
Lodge 19
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - re $10,000 campaign to open a branch in Harlem.
Box 31 | Folder 3 |
Lodge 20
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - re setting up relief campaign of which 60% would be returned to collecting
Box 31 | Folder 4 |
Lodge 24 and 26
1945-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 5 |
Lodge 27
1948-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Some Yiddish - local member resigns his membership because of IWO being placed on
list as subversive organization; Sandler (Yiddish) - fund raising is the very survival
of the organization.
Box 31 | Folder 6 |
Lodge 31 and 34
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Both Yiddish and English - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 7 |
Lodge 37
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Box 31 | Folder 8 |
Lodge 45, 46 and 48
1946-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine
Box 31 | Folder 9 |
Lodge 49 and 51
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 10 |
Lodge 55, 57 and 61
1945-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish routine.
Box 31 | Folder 11 |
Lodge 62
1947-1950 |
Scope and Contents
English - Atlanta, Georgia, Lodge - Correspondence re dues, correspondence re Henry
Wald, member, re insurance premiums and coverage and his wife being involved in a
loyalty board hearing - Wald says, "I am apparently affiliated with an inefficient
and un
Box 31 | Folder 12 |
Lodge 62
1948-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - re members resigning, attack on the Order, dissolving the lodge.
Box 31 | Folder 13 |
Lodge 69, 71 and 77
1948-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 14 |
Lodge 90
1948-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 15 |
Local 91, 92 and 93
1947-1949 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - re problems in Ohio and lodge with Youngstown Jewish Community
Relations Council demanding that JPFO be expelled as a member of the Council.
Box 31 | Folder 16 |
Local 98
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - re dissolving Lodge 257 and members transferred to Lodge 98.
Box 31 | Folder 17 |
Lodge 100 and 101
1938-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 18 |
Lodge 102, 103 and 104
1945-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 19 |
Lodge 105
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English - routine re sick benefit claims and a resignation of a member.
Box 31 | Folder 20 |
Lodge 106
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - re backing Saltzman and other leaders in the struggle to re-establish the
rights and privileges of members.
Box 31 | Folder 21 |
Lodge 111
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - reinstatement of a member.
Box 31 | Folder 22 |
Lodge 112
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - re campaign to open branch in Harlem
Box 31 | Folder 23 |
Lodge 113
1938-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 24 |
Lodge 115
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine
Box 31 | Folder 25 |
Lodge 117 and 120
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish (Lodge 117) re meeting in New Haven and routine.
Box 31 | Folder 26 |
Lodge 122
1952 |
Scope and Contents
English - re inquiry by Insurance Department as to financial statements of lodge.
Box 31 | Folder 27 |
Lodge 124 and 126
1944-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 28 |
Lodge 128
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine
Box 31 | Folder 29 |
Lodge 132
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 30 |
Lodge 36
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 31 |
Lodge 136
1945-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine
Box 31 | Folder 32 |
Lodge 138
1945-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 33 |
Lodge 141 and 142
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 34 |
Lodge 143
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 35 |
Lodge 148
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 36 |
Lodge 149
1944-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine
Box 31 | Folder 37 |
Lodge 153
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 38 |
Lodge 158 and 159
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine
Box 31 | Folder 39 |
Lodge 160
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 40 |
Lodge 165
1949-1946 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish correspondence re low wages of kitchen help at Ridgefield Resort;
scattered issues of Local newsletter.
Box 31 | Folder 41 |
Lodge 167
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish support letter and reply.
Box 31 | Folder 42 |
Lodge 169
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 43 |
Lodge 170
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 44 |
Lodge 175
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 45 |
Lodge 176
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish routine.
Box 31 | Folder 46 |
Lodge 182
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine
Box 31 | Folder 47 |
Lodge 184
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine
Box 31 | Folder 48 |
Lodge 186
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 49 |
Lodge 187
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 50 |
Lodge 191
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English - routine.
Box 31 | Folder 51 |
Lodge 192
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
English - Miami, Florida re wanting to form a "General Lodge rather than JPFO Lodge;
and routine.
Box 31 | Folder 52 |
Lodge 192
1945-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 8 |
Lodge 196, 198 and 200
1938-1952 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 9 |
Lodge 204
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 10 |
Lodge 206
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 11 |
Lodge 211
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 12 |
Lodge 215
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 13 |
Lodge 223 and 224
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 14 |
Lodge 228 and 230
1945-1954 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English - includes "General Report" in Yiddish; and routine.
Box 64 | Folder 15 |
Lodge 232
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 16 |
Lodge 236
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine
Box 64 | Folder 17 |
Lodge 247 and 250
1938-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine
Box 64 | Folder 18 |
Lodge 251 and 256
1949-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 19 |
Lodge 257
1947-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 20 |
Lodge 258
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 21 |
Lodge 263 and 265
1945-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 22 |
Lodge 267
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine
Box 64 | Folder 23 |
Lodge 273
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 64 | Folder 24 |
Lodge 277
1946-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 1 |
Lodge 278 and 279
1942-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English routine.
Box 32 | Folder 2 |
Lodge 281
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 3 |
Lodge 283
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 4 |
Lodge 283
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 5 |
Lodge 302 and 304
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 6 |
Lodge 337
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 7 |
Lodge 358
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 8 |
Lodge 400
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine
Box 32 | Folder 9 |
Lodge 419
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 10 |
Lodge 438
1947-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 11 |
Lodge 440
1950 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 12 |
Lodge 443
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Box 32 | Folder 13 |
Lodge 448
1947 |
Scope and Contents
English newsletter.
Box 32 | Folder 14 |
Lodge 454
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Box 32 | Folder 15 |
Lodge 463
1947 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine (members request to have names removed from all mailing lists).
Box 32 | Folder 16 |
Lodge 464
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 17 |
Lodge 465
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine
Box 32 | Folder 18 |
Lodge 466
1950 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 19 |
Lodge 467
1950 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 20 |
Lodge 469
1947 |
Scope and Contents
English newsletter and correspondence re staffing problems in this Los Angeles lodge.
Box 32 | Folder 21 |
Lodge 471
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
English newsletters.
Box 32 | Folder 22 |
Lodge 477
1945 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - re resolution against World War II and concentration camps.
Box 32 | Folder 23 |
Lodge 482
1945-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - Washington, D.C. lodge, substantial amount of correspondence, mostly concerning
routine lodge activities
Box 32 | Folder 24 |
Lodge 484
1950 |
Scope and Contents
English - member (Indiana) with post office position requested to have his name removed
from mailing list because the FBI and Post Office Department Taken every name of person
receiving Fraternal Outlook
Box 32 | Folder 25 |
Lodge 486
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine
Box 32 | Folder 26 |
Lodge 488
1947 |
Scope and Contents
English correspondence with Jack Greenhill (President Lodge - Los Angeles) re his
resignation due to the IWO splitting up into nationality groups which he called "discrimination".
Box 32 | Folder 27 |
Lodge 489
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine
Box 32 | Folder 28 |
Lodge 491
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 29 |
Lodge 493
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Box 32 | Folder 30 |
Lodge 498
1947 |
Scope and Contents
English - one issue of newsletter.
Box 32 | Folder 31 |
Lodge 498
1947 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 32 |
Lodge 508
1948-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 33 |
Lodge 514
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 34 |
Lodge 517
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
English newsletter and routine.
Box 32 | Folder 35 |
Lodge 521
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
English correspondence re Ridgefield Resort (a JPFO Institution) being too expensive
for the "average worker".
Box 32 | Folder 36 |
Lodge 523
1945-1950 |
Scope and Contents
English correspondence re the Jewish Community Center in Poughkeepsie, New York, denied
use of Center to JPFO.
Box 32 | Folder 37 |
Lodge 540
1948 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 38 |
Lodge 543
1945 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 39 |
Lodge 562
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 40 |
Lodge 580
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Box 32 | Folder 41 |
Lodge 585
1947 |
Scope and Contents
English newsletter.
Box 32 | Folder 42 |
Lodge 600
1946 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 43 |
Lodge 607
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 44 |
Lodge 658
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 45 |
Lodge 620
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 46 |
Lodge 660
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 47 |
Lodge 704
1946-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 48 |
Lodge 746
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 49 |
Lodge 751
1945 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 50 |
Lodge 760
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 51 |
Lodge 795
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
English - 1 issue of newsletter and routine.
Box 32 | Folder 52 |
Lodge 803
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Box 32 | Folder 53 |
Lodge 805
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 54 |
Lodge 807
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 55 |
Lodge 817
1947-1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine and newsletters.
Box 32 | Folder 56 |
Lodge 818
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 57 |
Lodge 828
1944-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 58 |
Lodge 860
1953 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 59 |
Lodge 905 and 926
1945-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish and English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 60 |
Lodge 953
1944 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 61 |
Lodge 3292
1944 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 62 |
Lodge 4507
1944 |
Scope and Contents
English - routine.
Box 32 | Folder 63 |
Chicago Lodge
1949 |
Scope and Contents
English broadside re Chanukah Party.
Box 32 | Folder 64 |
Los Angeles District
1950 |
Scope and Contents
English resolution to Governor Thomas Dewey re liquidation
Box 32 | Folder 65 |
Manhattan District
Scope and Contents
2 page manuscript "The Fight Against Racist Poison in the Manhattan District, JPFO";
2 page manuscript "An Act of White Chauvinism."
Box 32 | Folder 66 |
Philadelphia District
1944-1947 |
Scope and Contents
7 page "Minutes - Philadelphia Cultural Conference - JPFO, October 27, 1946"; scattered
issues of newsletter; clippings; correspondence re 15th Anniversary Celebration in
Philadelphia; correspondence between Sol Rotenberg, Executive Director, and John B.
Box 64 | Folder 25 |
Locals - Miscellaneous
1948-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence re some California lodges; Volume 1, Number 1, issue of The
Spark (January 1948).
Box 64 | Folder 26 |
Locals - Miscellaneous
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Completed forms by lodge number, "Report to General Office on Election of Officers"
giving elected officers' names and addresses, location of lodge and replies to questions
such as: address of meeting place, frequency of meetings, medical service available
Box 64 | Folder 27 |
Locals - Miscellaneous
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Completed forms by lodge number, "Report to General Office on Election of Officers"
giving elected officers' names and addresses, location of lodge and replies to questions
such as: address of meeting place, frequency of meetings, medical service available
Box 64 | Folder 28 |
Locals - Miscellaneous
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Completed forms by lodge number, "Report to General Office on Election of Officers"
giving elected officers' names and addresses, location of lodge and replies to questions
such as: address of meeting place, frequency of meetings, medical service available
Box 64 | Folder 29 |
Locals - Miscellaneous
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Completed forms by lodge number, "Report to General Office on Election of Officers"
giving elected officers' names and addresses, location of lodge and replies to questions
such as: address of meeting place, frequency of meetings, medical service available
Box 33 | Folder 1 |
Akron, Ohio - Mon., Feb. 4th (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 2 |
Albany, NY - Mon., Jan. 28th (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 3 |
Albany, NY - Friday, April 24th (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 4 |
Atlantic City - Wednesday, Jan. 16th, Monday, Jan. 21 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 5 |
Baltimore, MD - 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 6 |
Boston, MA - Friday, Jan. 11th (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 7 |
Bridgeport, CT - Thursday, Jan. 24th (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 8 |
Brighton, NY - Saturday, Jan. 12, Saturday, Jan. 26 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 9 |
Bronx, NY - Saturday, Jan. 17 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 10 |
Brooklyn, NY - Saturday, March 21st, Saturday, April 4th (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 11 |
Buffalo, NY - Thursday, Jan. 31st, Friday, February 1st (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 12 |
Buffalo, NY - Tuesday, April 21st, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 13 |
Chicago, Ill. - Saturday, April 18, Sunday, April 19, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 14 |
Chicago, Ill - Saturday, Feb. 9, Sunday, Feb. 10, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 15 |
Cincinnati, OH - Thursday, Feb. 7 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 16 |
Cleveland, OH - Thursday, Feb. 7, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 17 |
Cleveland, OH - Wednesday, April 15, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 18 |
Detroit, MI - Sunday, Feb. 3, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 19 |
Detroit, MI - Sunday, April 12, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 20 |
East Brooklyn Lodges, JPFO - Saturday, Jan. 26, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 21 |
Fall River, MA - Wednesday, Jan. 9 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 22 |
Far Rockaway, NY - Sunday, Jan. 6, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 23 |
Hartford, CT - Jan. 6 or Jan. 11 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 24 |
Hartford, CT - Thursday, April 30, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 25 |
Jamaica, Queens - Friday, April 3, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 26 |
Lakewood, NJ - Monday, Jan. 21 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 27 |
Los Angeles, CA - Saturday, Feb. 16, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 28 |
Manhattan, NY - Saturday, March 28, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 29 |
Miami, FL - Sunday, February 24, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 30 |
Milwaukee, WI - Monday, Feb. 10, 1951 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1951 |
Box 33 | Folder 31 |
Milwaukee, WI - Friday, April 17 or Monday, April 20, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 32 |
Minneapolis, MN - Sunday, Feb. 3, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 33 |
Minneapolis, MN - Tuesday, April 21, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 34 |
Monticello, NY - Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 35 |
Montreal, Canada - Jan. 9 or Jan. 31 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 36 |
New Haven, CT - Friday, March 20, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 37 |
Newark, NJ - Sunday, March 29, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 38 |
Newark, NJ - Tuesday, February 26 or Thursday, February 28 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 39 |
Norfolk, VA - Tues., Jan. 15 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 40 |
Passaic - Temporary - Wednesday, Jan. 23 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 41 |
Passaic, NJ - Wednesday, April 8, 1955 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1955 |
Box 33 | Folder 42 |
Patterson, NJ - Sunday, Jan. 27, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 43 |
Patterson, NJ - Sunday, April 26, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 44 |
Petaluma, CA - Monday, Feb. 18, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 45 |
Philadelphia, PA - Saturday, April 4, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 46 |
Phoenix, AZ - Thursday, Feb. 21 (Yiddish Correspondence)
Box 33 | Folder 47 |
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 48 |
Pittsburgh, PA - Friday, April 10, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 49 |
Poughkeepsie, NY - Mon., April 27, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 50 |
Providence, RI - Thursday, Jan. 10, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 51 |
Far Rockaway, NY - Sunday, March 22, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 52 |
Rochester, NY - Wednesday, Jan. 30th, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 53 |
Rochester, NY - Friday, April 24, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 54 |
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, April 15, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 55 |
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, February 13, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 56 |
San Francisco, CA - Sunday, Feb. 17, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 33 | Folder 57 |
Springfield, MA - Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 33 | Folder 58 |
Springfield, MA - Wednesday, March 25, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 65 | Folder 1 |
Stanford, MA - Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 65 | Folder 2 |
Syracuse, NY - Tuesday, Jan. 29, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 65 | Folder 3 |
Syracuse, NY - Thursday, April 23, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 65 | Folder 4 |
Toms River, NJ - Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 65 | Folder 5 |
Toms River, NJ - Tuesday, March 25, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 65 | Folder 6 |
Toronto, Canada - Saturday, Feb. 2, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 65 | Folder 7 |
Tucson, AZ - Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1952 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1952 |
Box 65 | Folder 8 |
Washington, DC - Sunday, May 3, 1953 (Yiddish Correspondence)
1953 |
Box 34 | Folder 1 |
CT - Scripts
Box 34 | Folder 2 |
Concert Schedules
1951 |
Box 34 | Folder 3 |
CT - Questionnaire Letter
Box 34 | Folder 4 |
1952 Concert Series Accounting
1952 |
Box 34 | Folder 5 |
Concert Tour
1952 |
Box 34 | Folder 6 |
Tour Receipts
Box 34 | Folder 7 |
Concert Tour Expenses
Box 34 | Folder 8 |
Concert Tour Leaflet Proofs
Box 34 | Folder 9 |
Concert Tour Pending
Box 34 | Folder 10 |
Concert Tour
1953 |
Box 34 | Folder 11 |
Leaflet - 1953 Concert Tour
1953 |
Box 34 | Folder 12 |
First Letter CT
1953 |
Box 34 | Folder 13 |
English Speech
Box 34 | Folder 14 |
Yiddish Speech - CT
Box 35 | Folder 1 |
Educational Activities
1944-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes draft of "Plan for Cultural Work in the English Speaking Lodges"; "Jews in
American Democratic Movements" by Morris U. Schappes, 13 pages, 1949; "Warsaw Ghetto
Program, Activities Manual No. 1," 7 pages, 1946; "The Jews in the Post-War World,"
Box 35 | Folder 2 |
Jefferson Players
1946 |
Scope and Contents
News release; photographs; form letter; programs; routine correspondence; history
of Jefferson Players and constitution; rates for bookings.
Box 35 | Folder 3 |
Jewish History Week
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Speech; episode in the story of Jews in America; recommended bibliography for Story
Week (in Yiddish).
Box 35 | Folder 4 |
1943-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence; proposed program services for Peoples Radio Foundation, Inc.;
Cultural Fund ledger sheets; form letters; cultural bulletin; recommendations for
Culture Panel Conference.
Box 35 | Folder 5 |
1943-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence; proposed program services for Peoples Radio Foundation, Inc.;
Cultural Fund ledger sheets; form letters; cultural bulletin; recommendations for
Culture Panel Conference.
Box 35 | Folder 6 |
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes sheet music; routine correspondence; a corrected copy of "Program Material
for the Jewish Folk Song" by Ruth Rubin, 13 pages; leaflets; tickets; etc.
Box 35 | Folder 7 |
1949-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Contents include pamphlet "Sing, America"; news release; routine correspondence; outline
for music series; leaflets; memo; souvenir journal of Jewish People's Chorus of Washington
Box 35 | Folder 8 |
National Jewish Youth Conference
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Includes proposed constitution and by-laws of the NJYC, 8 pages, 1950; "Dispel the
Climate of Fear - Save the NJYC," 27 pages, 1953
Box 35 | Folder 9 |
National Jewish Youth Conference
1949-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Includes standing committee reports; special committee reports; outline of "Program
of `Adoption' of Recently Established Agricultural Settlements by Youth Organizations
Overseas" for presentation at assembly, 2 pages, 1950; special committee report on
Box 35 | Folder 10 |
National Jewish Youth Conference
1950-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Includes form letters, post cards.
Box 65 | Folder 9 |
National Jewish Youth Conference
1950-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Includes a call to the annual conference, bulletins, newsletters, pamphlet, newspapers.
Box 65 | Folder 10 |
1947-1955 |
Scope and Contents
News release "Opening of ORT School in Havana", and miscellaneous.
Box 65 | Folder 11 |
1941-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes plays, sample scripts, routine correspondence, some correspondence in Yiddish.
Box 36 | Folder 1 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish.
Box 36 | Folder 2 |
Poems and Songs
1942-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes program of 25th mid-winter concert; Pageant Jewish Folk Chorus; and (in Yiddish)
a song to the Order, tank poems and songs to be delivered at "Ten tanks to Russia".
Box 36 | Folder 3 |
Poems and Songs
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Tank poems and songs for "Ten tanks to Russia".
Box 36 | Folder 4 |
Postwar Rebuilding Program - 191946
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Includes discussion program, broadening social security, Jewish resettlement
problems, Jewish Culture in America lectures.
Box 36 | Folder 5 |
1944-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes Warsaw Ghetto Program; Passover Program; 15th anniversary of JPFO Program
(Yiddish and English); Folklore Program; Chanukah; Emma Lazarus; Washington and Lincoln;
I. L. Perez.
Box 36 | Folder 6 |
1944-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Includes Warsaw Ghetto Program; Passover Program; 15th anniversary of JPFO Program
(Yiddish and English); Folklore Program; Chanukah; Emma Lazarus; Washington and Lincoln;
I. L. Perez.
Box 36 | Folder 7 |
Radio Scripts
1942-1946 |
Scope and Contents
People to Remember series; Our Order; routine correspondence; etc.
Box 36 | Folder 8 |
Speaker's Guides
Scope and Contents
Outlines and guides on anti-Semitism, Palestine and Zionism, Structure of the Jewish
community, Purim, etc.
Box 65 | Folder 12 |
1943-1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish .
Box 37 | Folder 1 |
National School Committee. Minutes of National School and Culture Committee
1931-1933 |
Box 37 | Folder 2 |
NSC. Minutes of School Conference held in Camp Kinderland
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - program, report, speech.
Box 37 | Folder 3 |
NSC. Workmen's Circle School Convention - Philadelphia
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - resolutions, speech.
Box 37 | Folder 4 |
NSC. Minutes - National School and Cultural Committee (NSCC)
1943-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - resolutions, speeches, report of teacher conference held in Camp Kinderland.
Box 37 | Folder 5 |
NSC. Report of NSCC meetings
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - includes staff report, Camp Kinderland report, theatre ensemble report,
article, speech.
Box 37 | Folder 6 |
NSC. NSCC 9th Convention of Schools
1949-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - includes ideas for agenda, delegate form, reports, program plan.
Box 37 | Folder 7 |
NSC. Minutes of meetings of NSCC
1949-1950 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish.
Box 37.1 | Folder 1 |
NSC. Correspondence
1938 |
Scope and Contents
I. Goldberg correspondence, mostly routine, re publications: Proletarische Derziung
and Yungvarg.
Box 37.1 | Folder 2 |
NSC. Correspondence
1938 |
Scope and Contents
I. Goldberg correspondence, mostly routine, re publications: Proletarische Derziung
and Yungvarg.
Box 37.1 | Folder 3 |
NSC. Correspondence
1938 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Re changing name of publication from Proletarische Derziung to Haim un
Derziung, and routine.
Box 37.1 | Folder 4 |
NSC. Correspondence
1938 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Re changing name of publication from Proletarische Derziung to Haim un
Derziung, and routine.
Box 37.1 | Folder 5 |
NSC. Correspondence
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Routine re publications - I. Goldberg and Synoptic translation of "Home and Education,"
January 1939; and articles for Haim un Derziung.
Box 37.1 | Folder 6 |
NSC. Correspondence
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Routine re publications - I. Goldberg and Synoptic translation of "Home and Education,"
January 1939; and articles for Haim un Derziung.
Box 37.1 | Folder 7 |
NSC. Correspondence
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Re Haim un Derziung, receipts, collection notices, book orders, etc.
Box 37.1 | Folder 8 |
NSC. Correspondence
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Re Haim un Derziung, receipts, collection notices, book orders, etc.
Box 37.1 | Folder 9 |
National School Committee. Correspondence
1940-1942 |
Scope and Contents
Includes letter form Sadie Doroshkin, State Secretary, California District, JPFO,
to S. Davidovich and reply re problems with schools; Dr. Levine's qualifications as
a teacher being questioned by Jewish Education Bureau; I. Goldberg routine (Yiddish).
Box 37.1 | Folder 10 |
NSC. Correspondence
1942 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Includes responses to letters from I. Goldberg and Sandler re openings
and closings of schools, teacher appointments, draft deferments, also correspondence
from Preble and Chefetz re Chicago Schools.
Box 37.1 | Folder 11 |
NSC. Correspondence
1942 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Includes responses to letters from I. Goldberg and Sandler re openings
and closings of schools, teacher appointments, draft deferments, also correspondence
from Preble and Chefetz re Chicago Schools.
Box 37.1 | Folder 12 |
NSC. Correspondence
1939-1944 |
Scope and Contents
I. Goldberg letters to teachers re hiring and firing and routine. In Yiddish.
Box 65 | Folder 14 |
NSC. Correspondence
1944-1946 |
Scope and Contents
form letter re 1st May, Warsaw ghetto, million dollar campaign; letter to Saltzman
re new book, routine; letter to Marc Chagall acknowledging book Brenendiger Licht
and other routine; letter from Corporal W. Saltzman to I. Goldberg re his views on
the war
Box 65 | Folder 15 |
NSC. Correspondence
1947-1948 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. To Marc Chagall re Bayla Chagall's 2nd book; to prospective member that
there is no danger in joining the JPFO; and routine.
Box 38 | Folder 1 |
NSC. Correspondence
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Box 38 | Folder 2 |
NSC. Correspondence
1948-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Letter to S. Davidovich from Estelle Thomas in Poland re pen-pals; letter to S. Davidovich
from George Starr and reply re Peretz, Cheifitz and problems in the Chicago schools;
letter from Sadie Doroshkin to I. Goldberg and written copy of phone reply re S
Box 38 | Folder 3 |
NSC. Correspondence
1945-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Form letters re meetings, salaries, attacks of Jewish reactionaries, loss of right
to teach in public schools, organized committees to remove children from the schools,
fund raising, convention (English and Yiddish); and I. Goldberg's resignation from
Box 38 | Folder 4 |
National Schools Committee. Correspondence
1940-1952 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Re publications of JPFO.
Box 38 | Folder 5 |
NSC. Correspondence
1947-1956 |
Scope and Contents
Routine and news of Supreme Court appeal hopes to cancel liquidation order.
Box 38 | Folder 6 |
NSC. Correspondence
1950-1956 |
Scope and Contents
Routine re California Schools, and letter from I. Goldberg to Mrs. Marovitch describing
curriculum in schools.
Box 38 | Folder 7 |
NSC. Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Brief history of Camp Kinderland; memo on the schools of the JPFO, 4 pages; listing
of schools in New York City area; and routine.
Box 38 | Folder 8 |
NSC. Correspondence - Boston District
1937-1950 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Re teachers pay meetings, routine with I. Goldberg, S. Davidovich, Sonia
Sokol, Jack Weinman; English language clippings and letter (7/20/49) re attack on
Chelsea school being Communist, by Jack Weinman, teacher, Chelsea Jewish Children's
Box 38 | Folder 9 |
NSC. Correspondence - Boston District
1937-1950 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Re teachers pay meetings, routine with I. Goldberg, S. Davidovitch, Sonia
Sokol, Jack Weinman; English language clippings and letter (7/20/49) re attack on
Chelsea school being Communist, by Jack Weinman, teacher, Chelsea Jewish Children's
Box 38 | Folder 10 |
NSC. Correspondence - The Bronx
1939-1950 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Routine.
Box 38 | Folder 11 |
NSC. Correspondence - Brooklyn
1948-1950 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. S. Davidovitch and I. Goldberg correspondence re distribution of Yungvarg;
description of Brooklyn schools; and routine.
Box 38 | Folder 12 |
NSC. Correspondence - Chicago
1943-1944 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Correspondence from I. Goldberg re teacher negotiations and routine.
Box 38 | Folder 13 |
NSC. Correspondence - Chicago
1943-1944 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Correspondence from I. Goldberg re teacher negotiations and routine.
Box 38 | Folder 14 |
NSC. Correspondence - Chicago
1943-1950 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Correspondence from G. Sandler, S. Davidovitch re more teachers needed
and routine.
Box 38.1 | Folder 1 |
NSC. Correspondence - Cleveland
1950 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Correspondence with I. Goldberg, S. Davidovitch re camp for children,
teachers' salaries, Yungvarg distribution, increasing school attendance and routine.
Box 38.1 | Folder 2 |
National School Committee. Correspondence - Los Angeles
1942 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Correspondence to Paver, Maymudes, Lottie Moloch, Zelig Zipper re articles
for publication, membership drives, complaints in teachers' salaries, argument between
Lottie Moloch and Z. Zipper and routine.
Box 38.1 | Folder 3 |
National School Committee. Correspondence - Los Angeles
1942 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Correspondence to Paver, Maymudes, Lottie Moloch, Zelig Zipper re articles
for publication, membership drives, complaints in teachers' salaries, argument between
Lottie Moloch and Z. Zipper and routine.
Box 38.1 | Folder 4 |
NSC. Correspondence - Montreal
1942-1944 |
Scope and Contents
I. Goldberg routine correspondence.
Box 38.1 | Folder 5 |
NSC. Correspondence - Montreal
1942-1944 |
Scope and Contents
I. Goldberg routine correspondence.
Box 38.1 | Folder 6 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial material including bills, receipts, ledger sheets of various schools.
Box 38.1 | Folder 7 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial material including bills, receipts, ledger sheets of various schools.
Box 38.1 | Folder 8 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial material including bills, receipts, ledger sheets of various schools.
Box 65 | Folder 16 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial material including bills, receipts, ledger sheets of various schools.
Box 65 | Folder 17 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial material including bills, receipts, ledger sheets of various schools.
Box 38.2 | Folder 1 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 2 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 3 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 4 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 5 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 6 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 7 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 8 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 9 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 10 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 11 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 12 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 13 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 14 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 15 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 16 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 38.2 | Folder 17 |
NSC. Financial
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets, routine financial correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 1 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 2 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 3 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 4 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 5 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 6 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 7 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 8 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 9 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 10 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 39 | Folder 11 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 65 | Folder 18 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 65 | Folder 19 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 65 | Folder 20 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 66 | Folder 1 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 66 | Folder 2 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 66 | Folder 3 |
NSC. Financial
1937-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Routine financial including bills, receipts, ledger sheets and routine correspondence.
Box 40 | Folder 1 |
NSC. Classroom Materials
1942-1945 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish and English. Posters; materials for observance of Week of Sorrow and Protest
and Purim carnival; routine correspondence; United Nations pamphlets; study guides;
workbooks, Jewish history, bulletin, speech and lecture notes; lecture re use of Je
Box 40 | Folder 2 |
NSC. Classroom Materials
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Composition projects for elementary and high schools, test.
Box 40 | Folder 3 |
NSC. Essay Contest
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Essay contest entries.
Box 40 | Folder 4 |
NSC. Essay Contest
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Essay contest entries.
Box 40 | Folder 5 |
NSC. Essay Contest
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Essay contest entries.
Box 40 | Folder 6 |
NSC. General Information
1949-1951 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish and English. List of how many schools in each district, lists of Educational
Directors in Brooklyn District and Schools in New York, brief history and outline
of JPFO schools.
Box 66 | Folder 4 |
NSC. May Day
1941-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Form letters and program. Yiddish
Box 66 | Folder 5 |
NSC. Mendele Moicher Storm
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Speaker's Guide.
Box 66 | Folder 6 |
National School Committee. Miscellaneous
1941-1950 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. News article reply to attack on JPFO Schools by New York Board of Education;
news release; insurance policy; minutes of Teacher Committee on JPFO Schools; school
publications weekly report, report cards.
Box 66 | Folder 7 |
NSC. Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Exams from children's schools (Yiddish).
Box 66 | Folder 8 |
NSC. Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Exams from children's schools (Yiddish).
Box 40.1 | Folder 1 |
NSC. New York City - Legal
1948-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Court documents re Board of Education of the City of New York denying the use of public
school buildings for the conduct of classes or lectures to the National School Committee
of the JPFO; also pamphlet "i am a Jewish child"; pamphlet "The Law and Rules
Box 40.1 | Folder 2 |
NSC. New York City - Legal
1948-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Court documents re Board of Education of the City of New York denying the use of public
school buildings for the conduct of classes or lectures to the National School Committee
of the JPFO; also pamphlet "i am a Jewish child"; pamphlet "The Law and Rules
Box 40.1 | Folder 3 |
NSC. Teacher Personal Fact Sheets
1946-1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Includes also inspection visit report - JPFO schools.
Box 40.1 | Folder 4 |
NSC. Training School
1948-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Form letter announcing a national leadership training school at Camp Kinderland,;
daily schedule; student roster; applications; correspondence to Sam Pevzner re training
school from Sol Rotenberg, Samuel Cheifetz, handwritten notes.
Box 40.1 | Folder 5 |
NSC. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
1942-1943 |
Scope and Contents
Includes description of encyclopedia and price; routine correspondence; news release.
Box 40.1 | Folder 6 |
NSC. Yungvarg (monthly magazine)
1940-1943 |
Scope and Contents
Articles and miscellany; statement of ownership; bills; proofs; photographs; etc.
Box 40.1 | Folder 7 |
NSC. Yungvarg (monthly magazine)
1940-1943 |
Scope and Contents
Articles and miscellany; statement of ownership; bills; proofs; photographs; etc.
Box 40.1 | Folder 8 |
NSC. Yungvarg (monthly magazine)
1940-1943 |
Scope and Contents
Articles and miscellany; statement of ownership; bills; proofs; photographs; etc.
Box 41 | Folder 1 |
NSC. Yungvarg
1941-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Articles and miscellany, bills, proofs, photographs, etc.
Box 41 | Folder 2 |
NSC. Yungvarg
1941-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Articles and miscellany, bills, proofs, photographs, etc.
Box 41 | Folder 3 |
NSC. Yungvarg
1941-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Articles and miscellany, bills, proofs, photographs, etc.
Box 41 | Folder 4 |
NSC. Yungvarg
1941-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Articles and miscellany, bills, proofs, photographs, etc.
Box 41 | Folder 5 |
NSC. Yungvarg
1941-1945 |
Scope and Contents
Articles and miscellany, bills, proofs, photographs, etc.
Box 41 | Folder 6 |
NSC. Yungvarg - Article on I. L. Peretz
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish.
Box 41 | Folder 7 |
NSC. Yungvarg
1943 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Articles and miscellany.
Box 41 | Folder 8 |
NSC. Yungvarg
1943 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Articles and miscellany.
Box 42 | Folder 1 |
Almanac - 1944
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence re photos and articles for the Almanac.
Box 42 | Folder 2 |
American Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists, Inc.
1946 |
Scope and Contents
(R. Saltzman, member of the Joint Executive Committee) - correspondence and form letters
re funds for Black Book Committee, rally arrangements and other routine; clipping
entitled "Anti-Sovietism and Anti-Semitism, Text of Speech by Albert E. Kahn, Madison
Box 42 | Folder 3 |
American Jewish Committee
1946-1951 |
Scope and Contents
2 issues - May and August 1946 of The Committee Reporter, published by the American
Jewish Committee; memo re: Analysis of New York State - IWO Liquidation, 1951, 5 pages.
Box 42 | Folder 4 |
American Jewish Conference - Correspondence
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re discrimination against JPFO lodges by American Jewish Conference
- not invited to participate in Conference; request to become affiliated with the
American Jewish Assembly and reply from the Assembly denying membership - much correspondence
Box 42 | Folder 5 |
American Jewish Conference - Correspondence
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re request for JPFO representation on the Interim Committee of the
American Jewish Conference; fund raising and routine.
Box 42 | Folder 6 |
American Jewish Conference - Correspondence
1947 |
Scope and Contents
2 page "Statement on the Scope and Purpose of the American Jewish Conference" by Albert
Kahn and Rubin Saltzman; death of Henry Monsky, Chairman of American Jewish Conference;
form letters and routine.
Box 42 | Folder 7 |
American Jewish Conference - Correspondence
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re defense of the Jews in Palestine; organization of proposed American
Jewish Assembly; financial status; list of members; re conference ceased to function.
Box 42 | Folder 8 |
American Jewish Conference - Miscellaneous
1943-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Includes delegates lists; 2 page statement "The Future of the American Jewish Conference";
and other miscellaneous documents.
Box 42 | Folder 9 |
American Jewish Conference - Publications
1943-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Miscellaneous clippings; publications; releases.
Box 42 | Folder 10 |
American Jewish Conference
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Unable to translate.
Box 42 | Folder 11 |
American Jewish Congress - Correspondence
1946-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Includes constitution (1946) and routine correspondence.
Box 42 | Folder 12 |
American Jewish Congress
1946-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes form letters; clippings; brochures; reports; minutes; "Program Notes"; an
appeal by R. Saltzman re expulsion of JPFO from AJC; Spotlight, published by Committee
for a Democratic American Jewish Congress; and miscellaneous.
Box 42 | Folder 13 |
American Jewish Congress
1946-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes form letters; clippings; brochures; reports; minutes; "Program Notes"; an
appeal by R. Saltzman re expulsion of JPFO from AJC; Spotlight, published by Committee
for a Democratic American Jewish Congress; and miscellaneous.
Box 66 | Folder 9 |
American Jewish Congress
1946-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes form letters; clippings; brochures; reports; minutes; "Program Notes"; an
appeal by R. Saltzman re expulsion of JPFO from AJC; Spotlight, published by Committee
for a Democratic American Jewish Congress; and miscellaneous.
Box 66 | Folder 10 |
American Jewish Labor Council
1948 |
Scope and Contents
2 page statement "American Jewish Labor Council Statement on Contributions and Activities
Within the Last 3 Months."
Box 66 | Folder 11 |
Anti-Semitism - Press Releases
1944 |
Scope and Contents
2 releases.
Box 43 | Folder 1 |
Book League of the JPFO
1940-1949 |
Scope and Contents
Includes routine correspondence and 1 bound volume ledger of Yiddish Cooperative Book
Box 43 | Folder 2 |
Camp Kinderland
1943-1950 |
Scope and Contents
List of "Camp Committee"; programs; correspondence; list of "interracial camps"; form
letters; financial data; student roster; and routine.
Box 43 | Folder 3 |
Scope and Contents
Form letter describing Camp Nitgedaiget.
Box 43 | Folder 4 |
Cemetery Department
1950-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence, blank forms, lists of cemeteries, financial statements, form
letter describing benefits to members, 2 page "Rules Governing Funerals, Graves Used
and Reserved on Our Cemeteries in New York and Vicinity"; and miscellaneous.
Box 43 | Folder 5 |
Children's Anti-Nazi Protest Meeting
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Includes clippings and miscellaneous documents.
Box 43 | Folder 6 |
Civilian Defense
1941-1942 |
Scope and Contents
Box 43 | Folder 7 |
Committees for the Protection of Foreign Born
Scope and Contents
Clippings; articles; mimeographs; broadside.
Box 43 | Folder 8 |
The Day
1948-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re the newspaper refusing to publish JPFO ad.
Box 43 | Folder 9 |
Denikin - General
Scope and Contents
2 page "Memorandum to State Department on Expulsion of Denikin."
Box 43 | Folder 10 |
1950-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Clippings; handwritten notes; broadside; articles.
Box 43 | Folder 11 |
Haim un Derziung
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish - apparently articles for the publication.
Box 43 | Folder 12 |
Independent Workmen's Circle
Scope and Contents
3 page "Statement of the United National Committee to the Injuction Executive of the
Independent Workmen's Circle"; excerpts from "50 Years of the Workmen's Circle in
Jewish Life" by J. S. Hertz, 4 pages, n.d.
Box 67 | Folder 1 |
1946-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Releases, resolutions, correspondence re Israel.
Box 67 | Folder 2 |
Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Letter thanking JPFO members for the hospitality shown while in the United States.
Box 67 | Folder 3 |
Jewish Fraternal Home Committee
1951-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Form letter; minutes of a conference called by Board of Directors for Jewish People's
Home; financial data; speech; reports; agreement to buy Ridgefield Country Lodge,
Ridgefield, Connecticut.
Box 67 | Folder 4 |
1950-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Mostly newspaper clippings re Korean War.
Box 67 | Folder 5 |
Los Angeles Jewish Community
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Broadside re Los Angeles Jewish Community Council moving to expel the JPFO.
Box 67 | Folder 6 |
Leadership School
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Lists; agenda; leaflet re softball tournament; proposed budget for National Junior
Leadership School at Camp Kinderland; school announcements; schedule; outline; and
Box 44 | Folder 1 |
Medem, Gina
1946-1950 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Re distribution, advertisement, publication, etc. of Wanderings and Meetings
by Gina Medem
Box 44 | Folder 2 |
Membership - Drives
1946-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Re JPFO's successful membership drive; newsletters; "Facts for JPFO Builders".
Box 44 | Folder 3 |
Membership - Dues
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re dues lists; form letters; lists; G. Sandler correspondence stressing
importance of maintaining membership.
Box 44 | Folder 3a |
Membership - Dues
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re dues lists; form letters; lists; G. Sandler correspondence stressing
importance of maintaining membership.
Box 44 | Folder 4 |
Membership - Reinstatements - Correspondence
1946-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence from G. Sandler re reinstating expelled members; form letters
from IWO General Secretary Peter Shipka re dues, standing of members and importance
of reinstating members in light of the liquidation proceedings; also R. Saltzman correspondence
Box 44 | Folder 5 |
Membership - Reinstatements - Correspondence
1946-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence from G. Sandler re reinstating expelled members; form letters
from IWO General Secretary Peter Shipka re dues, standing of members and importance
of reinstating members in light of the liquidation proceedings; also R. Saltzman correspondence
Box 44 | Folder 6 |
Membership - Reinstatements - Correspondence
1946-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Routine correspondence from G. Sandler re reinstating expelled members; form letters
from IWO General Secretary Peter Shipka re dues, standing of members and importance
of reinstating members in light of the liquidation proceedings; also R. Saltzman correspondence
Box 44 | Folder 7 |
Membership - Reinstatements
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Reinstatement lists including lodge number, membership, suspensions, expulsions
Box 44 | Folder 8 |
Membership - Reinstatements
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Reinstatement lists including lodge number, membership, suspensions, expulsions
Box 67 | Folder 7 |
Membership - Reinstatements
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Reinstatement lists including lodge number, membership, suspensions, expulsions
Box 45 | Folder 1 |
1944-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Includes newspaper clippings; office staff medical questionnaires; resolution to save
the Office of Price Administration (OPA); legislative and political action newsletter
re OPA; Dumbarton Oaks Proposals, broadsides; Earl Browder speech re Freiheit; "Jew
Box 45 | Folder 2 |
1946 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Correspondence re Cuban contact; thank you from Polish Jewish Organization;
establishment of refugee colony in Belgium.
Box 45 | Folder 3 |
National Conference of Christians and Jews
1947-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Plays; brochure on American Brotherhood Week; program guide "for Brotherhood U.S.A."
Box 45 | Folder 4 |
Photographs - Miscellaneous - Yiddish Correspondence.
1942 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish.
Box 45 | Folder 5 |
Relief - Rehabilitation Fund
1946-1951 |
Scope and Contents
Bills; letter from June Gordon, President, Emma Lazarus Division, JPFO, to Brother
Raishi re foster parents plan; "Help! Rehabilitate the Jewish People" outline and
material on the million dollar relief and rehabilitation drive of the JPFO, 15 pages;
Box 45 | Folder 6 |
Relief and Rehabilitation Fund
1946 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish and English. Correspondence re children's home in Paris and summer camps;
financial request from Warsaw to support rebuilding; clippings; questionnaires; and
Box 45 | Folder 7 |
Relief and Rehabilitation Fund
1946 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish and English. Correspondence re children's home in Paris and summer camps;
financial request from Warsaw to support rebuilding; clippings; questionnaires; and
Box 45 | Folder 8 |
Rosenberg Case
1952-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Petitions for clemency for the Rosenbergs; broadsides; newspaper clippings; handwritten
notes; form letters; miscellaneous.
Box 45.1 | Folder 1 |
Russia - Articles and Poetry
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Articles for publication in Unzer Vort Journal sent in by Hebrew Anti-Fascist
League of USSR.
Box 45.1 | Folder 2 |
Russia - Articles and Poetry
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Articles for publication in Unzer Vort Journal sent in by Hebrew Anti-Fascist
League of USSR.
Box 45.1 | Folder 3 |
Russia - Articles and Poetry
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Articles for publication in Unzer Vort Journal sent in by Hebrew Anti-Fascist
League of USSR.
Box 45.1 | Folder 4 |
Russia - Articles and Poetry
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Articles for publication in Unzer Vort Journal sent in by Hebrew Anti-Fascist
League of USSR.
Box 45.1 | Folder 5 |
Russia - Campaign Against Soviet Propaganda
1942-1943 |
Scope and Contents
newspaper clippings re Ehrlich-Alter case; press releases; government document re
anti-discrimination (Yiddish and English).
Box 45.1 | Folder 6 |
Russia - Stories About
1946 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish.
Box 45.1 | Folder 7 |
Social Security Campaign
1945-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Summary of Conference on Social Security in Washington, D.C., by IWO, 11/25-26/45;
memo; statement by E. Rymer.
Box 45.1 | Folder 8 |
Soviet-Jewish Life
1940-1944 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Bibliography; news clippings; articles; correspondence from Medem.
Box 45.1 | Folder 9 |
Ten Tanks to the Red Army Campaign
1942 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish. Bulletin, brochures, "What Russia Means to Us" by Albert Einstein,
2 pages; "An Appeal to New England Jewry!" by IWO Jewish Section, 2 pages; broadsides
re sending tanks to Red Army to fight Hitler; broadside.
Box 67 | Folder 8 |
War and Relief Publicity Material
1944-1949 |
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish. Correspondence from soldiers re war effort and thanks for gifts;
new clippings; letters of thanks from war relief organizations
Box 67 | Folder 9 |
War Service Campaign Ads
1943 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Proofs; copy of letter from British Embassy on behalf of Winston Churchill
thanking IWO for sending him a copy of Wallace's "Century of Common Man."
Box 67 | Folder 10 |
Warsaw Ghetto
1943-1947 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. News clippings; news release; poems; program for remembrance - copy in
English of "Lest We Forget," 1943, 40 pages, compilation of reports received by World
Jewish Congress.
Box 67 | Folder 11 |
Women's Clubs
1941-1944 |
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish and English. Correspondence re various activities including aid to strikers
at Dertog newspaper and Transport Workers Strike; support of anti-discrimination bill
and routine.
Box 67 | Folder 12 |
Women's Clubs - Speeches
Scope and Contents
In Yiddish. Speech on women's role in purpose and Society of Women's Clubs including
women at work and home; political and economic rights; woman in USSR.
Box 67 | Folder 13 |
1951 |
Scope and Contents
Newspaper clippings and articles.
Box 46 | Folder 1 |
The America of Despair
Box 46 | Folder 2 |
American Intervention in Greece
Box 46 | Folder 3 |
The American Jewish Conference (Jewish Assembly)
Box 46 | Folder 4 |
American Policy in Greece
Box 46 | Folder 5 |
Ask Hannah
Box 46 | Folder 6 |
Belgium at War
Box 46 | Folder 7 |
Bombardier (Lodge 466)
Box 46 | Folder 8 |
Budget for Survival
Box 46 | Folder 9 |
The Builder (Lodge 253)
Box 46 | Folder 10 |
Characteristics of Young Gifted Children
Box 46 | Folder 11 |
Child-Welfare Legislation
Box 46 | Folder 12 |
Children Engaged in Newspaper and Magazine Selling and Delivering
Box 46 | Folder 13 |
Children In the Land of Socialism
Box 46 | Folder 14 |
Children's Progress
Box 46 | Folder 15 |
Contemporary Jewish Record
Box 46 | Folder 16 |
A Crime Against Jewish Unity
Box 46 | Folder 17 |
The Democratic Government and Army of Free Greece
Box 46 | Folder 18 |
Divide and Conquer
Box 46 | Folder 19 |
Escape To Life
Box 46 | Folder 20 |
Facts About Child Health
Box 46 | Folder 21 |
Facts About the Jewish National Fund
Box 46 | Folder 22 |
Five Things You Can Do Today To Help Win the Peace
Box 46 | Folder 23 |
Foreign War Relief
Box 46 | Folder 24 |
Fortissimi sunt Belgae
Box 46 | Folder 25 |
Fraternalists (Lodge 817)
Box 46 | Folder 26 |
Fraternally Yours (Lodge 795)
Box 46 | Folder 27 |
Good Posture In the Little Child
Box 46 | Folder 28 |
Greater Security In the JPFO
Box 46 | Folder 29 |
The Growth of Hebrew Culture in America
Box 46 | Folder 30 |
Box 46 | Folder 31 |
Haganah Speaks To the U.N.
Box 46 | Folder 32 |
Help! Rehabilitate the Jewish People
Box 46 | Folder 33 |
Box 46 | Folder 34 |
Higher and H-I-R-E Education
Box 46 | Folder 35 |
The Home Front
Box 46 | Folder 36 |
Insurance in Wartime
Box 46 | Folder 37 |
The Jewish Fraternalists
Box 46 | Folder 38 |
Jewish Life
Box 46 | Folder 39 |
The Jewish People Will Live On
Box 46 | Folder 40 |
Jews In American Democratic Movements
Box 46 | Folder 41 |
Box 46 | Folder 42 |
A Letter From Madame Chiang Kai-Shek...
Box 46 | Folder 43 |
Letter To a Zionist Friend
Box 46 | Folder 44 |
Lodge Life (Lodge 517)
Box 46 | Folder 45 |
Lodge Log (Local 585)
Box 46 | Folder 46 |
Masaryk Charts Jewish Future
Box 46 | Folder 47 |
Model Meeting (Lodge 600)
Box 46 | Folder 48 |
Never To Forget (The Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto)
Box 46 | Folder 49 |
News From Belgium
Box 46 | Folder 50 |
Number 871433 Sends You Thanks
Box 46 | Folder 51 |
Observations of Successful Business Executives
Box 46 | Folder 52 |
Organized Labor and the Fascist Danger
Box 46 | Folder 53 |
Oust Bilbo
Box 46 | Folder 54 |
The Patriot (Haym Salomon Lodge)
Box 46 | Folder 55 |
Plans For Jewish Schools
Box 46 | Folder 56 |
Box 46 | Folder 57 |
Purim Time Is Here
Box 46 | Folder 58 |
Questions and Answers About Progressive Jewish Childrens Schools
Box 46 | Folder 59 |
Remember the Dead - Rescue the Living
Box 46 | Folder 60 |
The Road Back
Box 46 | Folder 61 |
The Schools and Civilian Defense
Box 46 | Folder 62 |
School For Teachers and Higher Jewish Education
Box 46 | Folder 63 |
Security Equality Fraternalism (Lodge 471)
Box 46 | Folder 64 |
So Your Son Wants To Be a Doctor
Box 46 | Folder 65 |
Soldiers' Village
Box 46 | Folder 66 |
Solemn Assembly of Sorrow and Protest
Box 46 | Folder 67 |
Sosua-Refugee Haven in the Caribbean
Box 46 | Folder 68 |
Speaking As American Jews and Zionists
Box 46 | Folder 69 |
Survey Midmonthly
Box 46 | Folder 70 |
Shushan Review
Box 46 | Folder 71 |
Tale of a City
Box 46 | Folder 72 |
Technology In Palestine
Box 46 | Folder 73 |
Three Gifts and Other Stories by Peretz
Box 46 | Folder 74 |
Together As Jews - As Americans
Box 46 | Folder 75 |
Trade Unions in Greece
Box 46 | Folder 76 |
The Tuscon Fraternalists (Lodge 453)
Box 46 | Folder 77 |
Unity of the Jews For Victory
Box 46 | Folder 78 |
Unity Won the War - Unity Won't Win the Peace
Box 46 | Folder 79 |
Victory For Freedom
Box 46 | Folder 80 |
We Suffer In A Thousand Ways
Box 46 | Folder 81 |
What Happens To Your $4 Hadassah Dues?
Box 46 | Folder 82 |
Women of the USA and the USSR
Box 46 | Folder 83 |
Work Camps For College Students
Box 46 | Folder 84 |
You Gave Them This Courage
Box 46 | Folder 85 |
Box 47 | Folder 1 |
Abraham Goldfoden
Box 47 | Folder 2 |
Almanac of JPFO
Box 47 | Folder 3 |
Anti-Semitism in U.S.
Box 47 | Folder 4 |
Box 47 | Folder 5 |
Capitalism, Socialism and Communism
Box 47 | Folder 6 |
Commemorating Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Box 47 | Folder 7 |
Communism For What and For Whom
Box 47 | Folder 8 |
Communist Manifesto
Box 47 | Folder 9 |
Culture and Nation
Box 47 | Folder 10 |
Culture, Work, Fraternalism in Inner Life
Box 47 | Folder 11 |
David Bergelson
Box 47 | Folder 12 |
David Edelshot
Box 47 | Folder 13 |
Der Hammer
Box 47 | Folder 14 |
Disqualified Not 1947
Box 47 | Folder 15 |
Ethics and Purpose of the IWO
Box 47 | Folder 16 |
For Homeland In Battle
Box 47 | Folder 17 |
For the Security and Health of the People
Box 47 | Folder 18 |
For Soviet Russia
Box 47 | Folder 19 |
For Unity and For a Victory
Box 47 | Folder 20 |
Germany - Destruction
Box 47 | Folder 21 |
Give Back the World, Bourgeois and Other Songs
Box 47 | Folder 22 |
The Great Conspiracy
Box 47 | Folder 23 |
Guidebook For Builders of the Order
Box 47 | Folder 24 |
Help! Rehabilitate the Jewish People
Box 47 | Folder 25 |
Box 47 | Folder 26 |
In Service To the People
Box 47 | Folder 27 |
The IWO In Jewish Life
Box 68 | Folder 1 |
IWW Songbook
Box 68 | Folder 2 |
Jane Adams
Box 68 | Folder 3 |
Jews In the Soviet Union
Box 68 | Folder 4 |
Jewish Culture Society In Poland, Record of National Convention
Box 68 | Folder 5 |
Jewish Folk Songs
Box 68 | Folder 6 |
Jewish Literature in America
Box 68 | Folder 7 |
Jewish People In American Freedom (Labor) Organization
Box 68 | Folder 8 |
Jewish Unity Towards Victory
Box 68 | Folder 9 |
Kinder Journal
Box 68 | Folder 10 |
Marxism Study Course
Box 68 | Folder 11 |
The Molly Maguires
Box 68 | Folder 12 |
Mother Bloor
Box 68 | Folder 13 |
My Book Reader
Box 47.1 | Folder 1 |
Nation and Culture
Box 47.1 | Folder 2 |
NAI Teatur
Box 47.1 | Folder 3 |
Negro Poetry in America
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Removed from collection and now housed in Kheel Center Rare Books
Box 47.1 | Folder 4 |
On the Hill
Box 47.1 | Folder 5 |
Order Bulletin
Box 47.1 | Folder 6 |
Our Debt To the Soviet Union
Box 47.1 | Folder 7 |
Our Heroes and Leaders: Who Was Steve Kataves?
Box 47.1 | Folder 8 |
Peretz, Y. L.
Box 47.1 | Folder 9 |
Proletariat Educator
Box 47.1 | Folder 10 |
Questions and Answers About the Jewish Progressive Schools
Box 47.1 | Folder 11 |
Response To Sholom Asch and H. Levik
Box 47.1 | Folder 12 |
Response To David Pinsk
Box 47.1 | Folder 13 |
Morris Pozenfeld (Songs and Poetry)
Box 47.1 | Folder 14 |
School Bulletin
Box 47.1 | Folder 15 |
Seforim, Mendele Mocher
Box 47.1 | Folder 16 |
Shalom Aleichem
Box 47.1 | Folder 17 |
The Solving of the Jewish Question in Soviet Russia
Box 47.1 | Folder 18 |
Soviet Union Build Socialism
Box 47.1 | Folder 19 |
The Spark
Box 47.1 | Folder 20 |
Ten Years of Fraternalism
Box 47.1 | Folder 21 |
Under the Silk Curtains of the American Jewish Congress
Box 47.1 | Folder 22 |
Unzer Wort
Box 47.1 | Folder 23 |
Vintchusky, Morris
Box 47.1 | Folder 24 |
The Voice of the Progressive Cloak Finishers
Box 47.1 | Folder 25 |
The War and the Working Class
Box 47.1 | Folder 26 |
The War Danger
Box 47.1 | Folder 27 |
Why You Must Join the IWO
Box 47.1 | Folder 28 |
The Woman at Home, Factory and In Society
Box 47.1 | Folder 29 |
Worker-School Studybook
Box 47.1 | Folder 30 |
Yearly School Almanac
Box 47.1 | Folder 31 |
Your Child
Box 47.1 | Folder 32 |
Box 48 | Folder 1 |
Aptheker, Herbert. The Meaning of Negro History.
Scope and Contents
8 p.
Box 48 | Folder 2 |
Bardi, Gino. Are We Aryans?
1939 |
Scope and Contents
39 p.
Box 48 | Folder 3 |
Bedacht, Max. Labor Fraternalism - the Fraternal Principles and Program of the I.W.O.
1941 |
Scope and Contents
31 p.
Box 48 | Folder 4 |
Bedacht, Max. The Organizer and His Problems
Scope and Contents
18 p.
Box 48 | Folder 5 |
Bedacht, Max. Unity of the Fraternal Movement.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
24 p
Box 48 | Folder 6 |
Benjamin, Herbert. For an Offensive on the Second European Front.
1942 |
Scope and Contents
8 p.
Box 48 | Folder 7 |
Blake, Ben, ed. 12 Plays for Boys and Girls.
1935 |
Scope and Contents
79 p.
Box 48 | Folder 8 |
International Workers Order (IWO). Add IWO Protection to Your Union Protection.
Scope and Contents
12:00 PM
Box 48 | Folder 9 |
IWO. Air Raids, Blackouts, First Aid.
1942 |
Box 48 | Folder 10 |
IWO. The Best Insurance Protection For Your Family.
1947 |
Scope and Contents
47 p.
Box 48 | Folder 11 |
IWO. Civilian and National Defense Exposition.
1947 |
Scope and Contents
3 p.
Box 48 | Folder 12 |
IWO. The Film Division of the IWO Presents.
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 13 |
IWO. Food For Freedom Bulletin.
1946 |
Scope and Contents
July, 1946. 4 p.
Box 48 | Folder 14 |
IWO. Five Years of the International Workers Order.
1935 |
Scope and Contents
1935 123 p
Box 48 | Folder 15 |
IWO. Fraternal Outlook. ,scattered issues.
1939-1950 |
Box 48 | Folder 16 |
IWO. How to Organize an IWO Lodge - a Point by Point Outline,
Scope and Contents
5:00 PM
Box 48 | Folder 17 |
IWO. The IWO - History and Role in Political Life of Our Country.
Scope and Contents
(Includes instructor's outline, 8 p.)
Box 48 | Folder 18 |
IWO. IWO On Parade - 4th Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.
Scope and Contents
22 p.
Box 48 | Folder 19 |
IWO. An Indictment - The People vs. Attorney General Tom Clark Before the Court of
Public Opinion.
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 20 |
IWO. IWO Junior Guide.
1940 |
Scope and Contents
May, 8 p.
Box 48 | Folder 21 |
IWO. The Lodge Program - II.
Scope and Contents
6 p.
Box 48 | Folder 22 |
IWO. The Lodge Program - III.
Scope and Contents
13 p.
Box 48 | Folder 23 |
IWO. Membership Book.
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 24 |
IWO. News Bulletin.
1951 |
Scope and Contents
April, 8 p.
Box 48 | Folder 25 |
IWO. News From the International Workers Order. , scattered issues.
1942-1950 |
Box 48 | Folder 26 |
IWO. Notes and Materials For Speakers On Attorney Genera Clark's Report To The Loyalty
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 27 |
IWO. Our Plan For Plenty.
Scope and Contents
32 p.
Box 48 | Folder 28 |
IWO. Our Plan For Plenty.
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 29 |
IWO. Our Spring Offensive ... Report To the National Women's Committee.
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 30 |
IWO. An Outline of Parliamentary procedure and the Conduct of a Lodge Meeting.
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 31 |
IWO. Promoting Security - Facts About the Role and Purpose of the IWO.
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 32 |
IWO. Rate Schedule.
1945 |
Box 48 | Folder 33 |
IWO. Speaker's Outline On ... the IWO and Social Security.
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 34 |
IWO. Special Bulletin.
1945 |
Scope and Contents
July, 4p.
Box 48 | Folder 35 |
IWO. Season's Greetings from International Workers Order.
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 36 |
IWO. Three Years - . A Review of the IWO Between the 6th and 7th Convention. . 89
1944-1947 |
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 37 |
IWO. To Every Member of the IWO - A Message From Our President - William Weiner.
1941 |
Scope and Contents
7 p.
Box 48 | Folder 38 |
IWO. Workers School, Textbook For the Third Year.
1934 |
Scope and Contents
113 p.
Box 48 | Folder 39 |
IWO. City Central Committee. Education Department. War Activities Guide for IWO Community
Scope and Contents
7 p.
Box 48 | Folder 40 |
IWO. Cultural Council. Cultural Counsel.
1943 |
Scope and Contents
December, (Volume 1, Number 1).
Box 48 | Folder 41 |
IWO. Film Division. Films For Victory. 35 p.
1945 |
Scope and Contents
35 p.
Box 48 | Folder 42 |
IWO. Front Line Fighters Fund. This Is Your Enemy - A Documentary of Nazi Atrocities
Against Citizens and Soldiers of Our Soviet Ally.
1942 |
Scope and Contents
45 p
Box 48 | Folder 43 |
IWO. General Executive Board. Manual For Lodge Officers of the International Workers
1939 |
Scope and Contents
72 p.
Box 48 | Folder 44 |
IWO. General Office. Discussion Guide - "The People Have Never Abandoned F.D.R.'s
1947 |
Scope and Contents
16 p.
Box 48 | Folder 45 |
IWO. General Office Staff. The Paper.
1948 |
Scope and Contents
January- Number 4. 10 p.
Box 48 | Folder 46 |
IWO. Medical Department. At Your Service 365 Days a Year.
Scope and Contents
2 p.
Box 48 | Folder 47 |
IWO. National Army Welfare Committee. Dear Son Max
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 48 |
IWO. National Committee of Young Fraternalists. Fraternalism in Action - Army Welfare
Campaign of the IWO.
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 49 |
IWO. National Department For Children's Activities. IWO National Junior Leadership
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Box 48 | Folder 50 |
IWO. National Department For Children's Activities. Let's Have a Party - Parties For
IWO Juniors.
Scope and Contents
11 p.
Box 68 | Folder 14 |
IWO. National Education Department. Education For Victory -Series 1.
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Box 68 | Folder 15 |
IWO. National Education Department. Education For Victory Series 2.
1942 |
Scope and Contents
16 p.
Box 68 | Folder 16 |
IWO. National Education Department. The Hungarian People Their Traditions and Contributions.
Scope and Contents
Box 68 | Folder 17 |
IWO. National Education Department. Labor and the IWO A Handbook.
1937-1941 |
Scope and Contents
Box 68 | Folder 18 |
IWO. National Education Department. My Country's Peace Policy Course.
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Box 68 | Folder 19 |
IWO. National Education Department. Our Civic Duty Keep America Out of War.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Box 68 | Folder 20 |
IWO. National Education Department. Social Games For Lodges (Tenth Anniversary Publication).
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Box 68 | Folder 21 |
I.W.O. National Education Dept. "The Hungarian People"
Box 68 | Folder 22 |
I.W.O. National Education Dept. "Labor and the I.W.O."
Box 68 | Folder 23 |
I.W.O. National Education Dept. "My Country's Peace Policy"
Box 68 | Folder 24 |
I.W.O. National Education Dept. "Our Civic Duty"
Box 68 | Folder 25 |
I.W.O. National Education Dept. "Social Games for Lodges"
Box 49 | Folder 1 |
IWO. National Executive Committee. Manual of the IWO.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 49 | Folder 2 |
IWO. National Executive Committee. A New Worker's Stronghold What Is the IWO and Why
Every Worker Should Join It.
1930 |
Scope and Contents
Box 49 | Folder 3 |
IWO. National Training School. Workers Fraternalism As a Force In the Community.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Box 49 | Folder 4 |
IWO. National Youth Committee. Parliamentary Procedure.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Box 49 | Folder 5 |
IWO. New York Council. Eighteenth Annual Almanac.
1930-1948 |
Box 49 | Folder 6 |
IWO. New York District. Call To a Cultural Conference.
Box 49 | Folder 7 |
IWO. Ukrainian American Fraternal Union. First Ukrainian National Folk Festival.
1948 |
Scope and Contents
44 p.
Box 49 | Folder 8 |
IWO. Young Fraternalists. Those Who Serve - Deserve.
1941 |
Scope and Contents
1 p.
Box 49 | Folder 9 |
IWO. Youth Section. The New Order.
Scope and Contents
Volume 1, Number 1-3 and 7 (Title change from Barricade.)
Box 49 | Folder 10 |
Marcantonio, Vito. Security With FDR.
1944 |
Scope and Contents
31 p.
Box 49 | Folder 11 |
Schaeffer, Jacob, comp. "Mit Gezang Tzum Kamf" - Songs For Voice and Piano. 74,
1932 |
Scope and Contents
16 p.
Box 49 | Folder 12 |
Starobin, Joseph. Never Again!
1945 |
Scope and Contents
16 p.
Box 49 | Folder 13 |
Starobin, Joseph. The San Francisco World Security Conference
Box 49 | Folder 14 |
Vail, Sol. This Is Treason.
1943 |
Scope and Contents
28 p.
Box 49 | Folder 15 |
Wallace, Henry. Century of the Common Man.
1943 |
Scope and Contents
46 p.
Box 49 | Folder 16 |
Miscellaneous manuscripts.
Box 49 | Folder 17 |
Miscellaneous manuscripts.
Box 49 | Folder 18 |
Amerika Hrvatski Gladnick (American Croatian Herald)
1955 |
Scope and Contents
Croatian. Newspaper, October 12, 1955.
Box 49 | Folder 19 |
Untranslated Hungarian IWO publications
Scope and Contents
Hungarian. 10 publications.
Box 49 | Folder 20 |
Siamo Ariani (We are Aryans)
Scope and Contents
Box 49 | Folder 21 |
Untranslated Polish IWO publications
Scope and Contents
Polish and English. "For Your and Our Freedom" two copies. "For Unity and Action"
one copy.
Box 49 | Folder 22 |
Untranslated Russian IWO publications
Scope and Contents
Russian and English. 14 publications.
Box 49 | Folder 23 |
Twenty Years: Russian Section 1920-1940
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Russian. Three copies.
Box 49 | Folder 24 |
Thirty Years AROV 1920-1950 (untranslated)
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Russian. Two soft-cover copies. American-Russian Fraternal Society.
Box 49 | Folder 25 |
Thirty Years AROV 1920-1950 (untranslated)
Scope and Contents
Russian. One hardcover copy. American-Russian Fraternal Society.
Box 49 | Folder 26 |
Untranslated Ukrainian IWO publications
Scope and Contents
Ukrainian. Three publications.
Box 50 | Folder 1 |
1921-1930 |
Scope and Contents
Box 50 | Folder 2 |
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Box 50 | Folder 3 |
"Our Way" and others bound together
1925-1933 |
Scope and Contents
Box 50 | Folder 4 |
Publications of the Workman's Circle School
1927-1930 |
Scope and Contents
Box 50 | Folder 5 |
The Spark
1930-1932 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. v.1:no.1 (1930:Sept.) - v.3:no.6 (1932:Dec.)
Box 51 | Folder 1 |
Du Sable Community Center, Inc. - Founder's Fund
Box 51 | Folder 2 |
IWO Pins
Box 51 | Folder 3 |
American Soldiers in New Guinea
Box 51 | Folder 4 |
Americans for Haganah
Box 51 | Folder 5 |
Box 51 | Folder 6 |
Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order
Box 51 | Folder 7 |
Box 51 | Folder 8 |
Portraits, Unidentified
Box 51 | Folder 9 |
Box 51 | Folder 10 |
Slovack Workers Society
Box 51 | Folder 11 |
Slovack Workers Society
Box 51 | Folder 12 |
Trunikoff, Chaim Lazar
Box 51 | Folder 13 |
Soviet Union (Jewish)
Box 51 | Folder 14 |
Box 51 | Folder 15 |
Box 51 | Folder 16 |
Holiday Postcards
Box 51 | Folder 17 |
Mrs. America Posters
Box 51 | Folder 18 |
Metal Stamp "United Jewish Appeal"
Box 51 | Folder 19 |
"368.4 Charts re: Social Security Law"
Box 52 | Folder 1 |
Money Campaign for Ten Tanks for USSR
Box 52 | Folder 2 |
Non-Affiliated Yiddish Schools
Box 52 | Folder 3 |
Secular Yiddish Schools
Box 52 | Folder 4 |
Schools, Education
Box 52 | Folder 5 |
Issue of Modern Culture
Box 52 | Folder 6 |
Dr. Chiam Zhitlorski
Box 52 | Folder 7 |
Yiddish Literature
Box 52 | Folder 8 |
Yiddish Schools
Box 52 | Folder 9 |
Clippings concerning Education
Box 52 | Folder 10 |
Current (1993) Jewish Affairs (News Clippings)
Box 52 | Folder 11 |
Notes on Culture (Against 20th Century)
Box 52 | Folder 12 |
News Clippings about Jews in America
Box 52 | Folder 13 |
Tehran Conference
Box 52 | Folder 14 |
Jewish War Hero Stories
Box 52 | Folder 15 |
IWO Related News Clippings
Box 52 | Folder 16 |
War - related material
Box 52 | Folder 17 |
Children in wartime
Box 52 | Folder 18 |
Education related
Box 52 | Folder 19 |
News Clippings about America
Box 52 | Folder 20 |
Reports from Morning Freiheit (Phila., Workmen's Circle, School, Conference)
Box 53 | Folder 1 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 2 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 3 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 4 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 5 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 6 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 7 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 8 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 9 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 10 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 11 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 12 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 13 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 14 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 15 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 16 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 17 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 18 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 19 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 20 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 21 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 22 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 23 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 24 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 25 |
Correspondence, news clippings, notes, and other materials
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 1 |
Miscellany-files of Executive Secretary R. Saltzman
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 2 |
Address of R. Saltzman on the30th anniversary of Morgan Freiheit
1952 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. Carnegie Hall, April 26, 1952
Box 53 | Folder 3 |
Notes on hearing in Court of Appeals
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. February 25, 1953; Yiddish version (translation?) of Petition for Certiorari,
IWO v. Bollinger, 4/23/1953, etc.
Box 53 | Folder 4 |
Correspondence to R. Saltzman and re: R. Saltzman Jubilee Committee
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 5 |
NB Letter from H. Leivick and J. Opatashu to [Haim] Sloves
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. August 4, 1937 re: preparations for Jewish Culture Congress; Sloves reply;
correspondence and other documents re: establishment of Jewish Peoples' Home in Warsaw,
Box 53 | Folder 6 |
Various notes for reports, etc. [R. Saltzman]
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 7 |
R. Saltzman correspondence with H. Sloves of World Jewish Culture Congress
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 8 |
R. Saltzman addresses on various occasions
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. mid-1950s
Box 53 | Folder 9 |
R. Saltzman, correspondence
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. Including re: Polish relief; letter to H. Smolar, etc.
Box 53 | Folder 10 |
R. Saltzman, correspondence and addresses
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. printed letter from Soviet ambassador; "My Meeting with Albert Einstein"
Box 53 | Folder 11 |
R. Saltzman reports
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. re: "the insurance occupiers" and about proposed Jewish People's Home in
Ridgefield, CT
Box 53 | Folder 12 |
R. Saltzman correspondence with Europe
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. re: orphanages; etc.; outline of dates in history of JPFO
Box 53 | Folder 13 |
Protocols of National Board meeting
1947-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 14 |
Protocols of National Board meeting
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. Summary of Saltzman testimony in court; other correspondence and clippings
Box 53 | Folder 15 |
R. Saltzman-various addresses and reports
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 16 |
R. Saltzman-clippings and miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 17 |
R. Saltzman miscellaneous; report from Wroclaw
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 18 |
R. Saltzman correspondence with Poland
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. re: relief, e.g. telegram asking for 100 grams streptomycin
Box 53 | Folder 19 |
R. Saltzman miscellaneous; reports about trip to Europe
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 20 |
Clippings and R. Saltzman report
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 21 |
Yiddish translation of Das Kapital, drafts and marked galleys
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 22 |
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 23 |
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 24 |
R. Saltzman report to National Board meeting
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Box 53 | Folder 25 |
R. Saltzman notebook
Scope and Contents
Box 53.1 | Folder 1 |
Jewish Life : A Progressive Monthly
Box 53.1 | Folder 2 |
Warsaw Accuses
Box 54A | Folder 1 |
Schodza hlavneho odboru SRS-IWO odbyvana [ledger]
Format: Black and white photograph
Scope and Contents
Box 54B | Folder 1 |
Zapisnica hl. Odborie: Slov. Rob.
Format: Text
Scope and Contents
Box 55 | Folder 1 |
Jewish Delegation Fourth National Convention: IWO -- Pittsburgh April 23-30, 1938
1938 |
Format: Text