UTU Photographs, 1979-1987
Collection Number: 5139 P
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
UTU Photographs, 1979-1987
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
5139 P
UTU photos from conventions, portraits, and miscellaneous snapshots
United Transportation Union (UTU)
1.78 cubic feet
Collection material in English
The United Transportation Union (UTU) is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. It is a
broad-based, transportation labor union representing about 125,000 active and retired
railroad, bus, mass transit, and airline workers in the United States.
In 1968 four brotherhoods' became interested in joining together to make one transporatation
union, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, the Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen, the Order of Railway Conductors and Brakemen and the Switchmen's Union of
North America. The new union was to be called the United Transportation Union and
came into existence on January 1, 1969, after an overwhelming vote of the 4 unions
on December 10, 1968, in Chicago.
The first president was Charles Luna, formerly president of the Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen, and had 230,000 members. The International Association of Railway Employees
joined in 1970. The Railroad Yardmasters of America joined the union in 1985.
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
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This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
UTU Photographs #5139 P. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives,
Cornell University Library.
Related Collections: 5139 AV: UTU Audio-Visual Material 5139 MB: UTU Memorabilia 5139: UTU Records 6055: UTU Additional Collective Bargaining Agreements 6023: UTU Additional Records 5164: UTU Canada Records 5622: UTU New York State Legislative Board Selected Files 5711: UTU New York State Legislative Director Files 5589: UTU Vice-President's Office George W. Legg Subject Files 5501 AV: UTU. Young Leadership Conference Audio recordings 5196: UTU Ladies' Auxiliary Iowa Joint Board Minutes
United Transportation Union -- Photographs
Transport workers -- Labor unions -- United States
Wages -- Transport workers -- United States
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Air Traffic Controllers Strike (removed from 5139/box 58)
Box 2 | Folder 17 |
Group Photograph (removed from 5139/box 68)
Box 2 | Folder 16 |
Amtrak photographs
1971 |
Scope and Contents
4 photos found in 5583/1, box 15, ff7 and moved to here.
Box 2 | Folder 19 |
National Draeger, Inc. (removed from 5139/box 52)
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
Antwerp Engine No. 17, R W &; O RR
Scope and Contents
1 Photograph
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Crew Members
Scope and Contents
8 Photographs; includes: some members' names, engine names, and railroad stations.
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Dedication Site of BRTs defeat to SUNA
Scope and Contents
2 Photographs
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Engine 1019 ICCRR (Illinois Central Railroad)
Scope and Contents
1 Photograph
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Installation Officers John and Jeanette Norling
Scope and Contents
1 Photograph
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
Manilla, PI
1945 |
Scope and Contents
3 Photographs; includes: railroad devices used for transport.
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Scope and Contents
4 Photographs; includes: baby photo of Pierce Richard Wolf; pictures Niles, Arsenueau,
Fallon, Graves, Berg, Rein, Norling, Bliss, Mann, Hanrahan; gathering on Dec. 31,
1946 (names of participants on back of each photo).
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Various stages of raising M. U. (multiple unit) car No. 6704 on Sunday, October 18,
1906 near Atlantic City, NJ.
1906 |
Scope and Contents
4 Photographs
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Scope and Contents
2 Photographs; Includes: 1889 picture of train 915 at Binghamton (NY?) engine house
with engineer Harry Tibbits and fireman John Kistler; Engine 12, "Millie."
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Crew standing with wreckage of engine 2027
1906 |
Scope and Contents
1 Photograph; November 2, 1906.
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Misc. Railroad Photos - "Camelback Engine"
Scope and Contents
3 photographs
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
UTU Officer Photos
Scope and Contents
removed from 5139 - bx 2, ff5 -- 3 photographs
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
UTU Officer Photos
Scope and Contents
was removed from 5139, bx 2, ff5 -- 2 photographs
Box 2 | Folder 14 |
Unification documents
Scope and Contents
was removed from 5139, bx 1, ff3 and bx 7 -- 2 photographs
Box 2 | Folder 15 |
Beam salutes a great American legend with the Casey Jones Decanter
Scope and Contents
was removed from 5139, bx 7 -- 1 photograph
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Pre-Test & Post-Test photos of Train to Train Impact Test No. 9
Scope and Contents
48 photos
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Train to Train Impact Test No. 9
Scope and Contents
1 photograph
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Pre-Test & Post-Test Photos of Train to Train Impact Test No. 9
Scope and Contents
45 photographs
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
3rd Convention - Miami Beach, Fla.: June 1979
1979 |
Scope and Contents
panoramic photo
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
The United Transportation Union, Fifth Convention, Miami Beach, Florida - Oct. 1,
1987: Photo by Dore - Mark Davis
1987 |
Scope and Contents
panoramic photo
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
4th Convention, Miami Beach, Fla.: 1983
1983 |
Scope and Contents
panoramic photo
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
Forty Man Unification Committee
1968 |
Scope and Contents
1 photograph. Hot Springs, Arkansas
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
Union Pacific Locomotive no.809
Scope and Contents
1 photograph. Steam locomotive.
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
Union Pacific Locomotive no.820
Scope and Contents
1 photograph. Steam locomotive
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
Pennsylvania RR Polk Street Freight Station
Scope and Contents
1 photograph. Chicago, Illinois. Includes Burlington (CB&Q) RR passenger train led
by diesel-electric locomotive #9961A-C.
Box 5 | Folder 14 |
UTU Fourth Convention
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
Photo Postcard - 33rd Annual Convention: BRT (1968)
1968 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 79
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
Unlabeled slides
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 78
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
Unlabeled Group Photograph
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
Negatives and contact sheets
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
Federal Railroad Admin. Toxicology Kit
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 88
Box 5 | Folder 7 |
Unlabeled Group Photo
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 8 |
Constitution Committee (Negs) (1987)
1987 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 9 |
Sept. 24, 1987 - Portrait Photos
1987 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 10 |
Sept. 24, 1987 - Portrait Photos
1987 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 11 |
Sept. 24, 1987 - Portrait Photos
1987 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
D.W. Collins - 3/1986
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 75
Box 5 | Folder 13 |
United Transportation Union Fourth Convention
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 26 |
Misc. Photos
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 80
Box 5 | Folder 15 |
UTU Fourth Convention
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 16 |
UTU Fourth Convention
Box 5 | Folder 17 |
UTU Fourth Convention
Box 5 | Folder 18 |
UTU Fourth Convention
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 19 |
UTU Fourth Convention
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
UTU Fourth Convention
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 21 |
UTU Fourth Convention
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 22 |
UTU Fourth Convention
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 23 |
1987 Convention Photos
1987 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 24 |
1987 Convention Photos
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 25 |
1987 Convention Photos
1987 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 5 | Folder 12 |
Misc. Photos
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 15 |
UTU News - Rock Island Files - March 1982
1982 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139 - box 105/ff8
Box 6 | Folder 14 |
Officer Portraits - 1983
1983 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
Officer Portraits - 1983
1983 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 12 |
Officer Portraits - 1983
1983 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 11 |
Lou Corsi Photos (1983)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 10 |
Lou Corsi Photos (1983)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 9 |
Lou Corsi Photos (1983)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
UTU - head shots
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
UTU - head shots
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
Misc. Photos
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
Misc. Photos
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
Misc. Photos
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
Contact sheets
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
Misc. Photos
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Misc. Photos
Scope and Contents
pulled from 5139/box 84
Box 7 |
Images digitized from the collection.