"The Steelworkers Election, 1965" Manuscript, 1965
Collection Number: 5008
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
"The Steelworkers Election, 1965" Manuscript, 1965
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
Copy of a 78 page unpublished manuscript by Meyer Bernstein on the United Steelworkers
of America election of officers held in 1965.
Bernstein, Meyer
0 cubic feet
Collection material in English
Meyer Bernstein was a labor official specializing in international affairs.
Bernstein received an AB degree from Cornell University in 1936. Immediately after
graduation, he joined the staff of the Steel Workers Organizing Committee . After
serving as a sergeant in the U.S. Air Corps during World War II, Bernstein was rehired
by the successor of the Committee, the United Steelworkers of America (CIO) as a research
assistant and national representative. Bernstein became the union's specialist in
international labor and was eventually made its international affairs director.
Copy of a 78 page unpublished manuscript by Meyer Bernstein on the United Steelworkers
of America election of officers held in 1965.
The following personalities predominate throughout the manuscript: David J. McDonald
(president of the United Steelworkers seeking re-election); Howard J. Hague (vice-president,
seeking re-election); Al Whitehouse (candidate for secretary-treasurer, running with
McDonald); James Griffen (McDonald's campaign manager); I.W. Abel (presidential candidate);
Joseph Molony (vice-presidential candidate); Walter Burke (candidate for secretary-treasurer);
Joseph Germano (Abel's campaign manager); and Donald Rarick (Dues Protest Committee).
Events and issues discussed include the decline in Steelworkers' membership while
staff was being enlarged; a union consititutional amendment on retirement; the election
of district directors; the controversy over the appointment and activities of election
"tellers"; a union-commissioned poll by Oliver Quayle and Company (national polling
organization); the solicitation of campaign funds; then current contract negotiations;
"tuxedo trade unionism"; racism and the black vote; the impact of the Landrum-Griffin
Law; and the effect of the Honest Ballot Association.
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This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
"The Steelworkers Election, 1965" Manuscript #5008. Kheel Center for Labor-Management
Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Abel, I. W. (Iorwith Wilbur), 1908-1987
Bernstein, Meyer, 1914-
Burke, Walter
Hague, Howard J.
McDonald, David J. (David John), 1902-1979
Molony, Joseph
Whitehouse, Al
Honest Ballot Association
United Steelworkers of America
Iron and steel workers -- Labor unions -- United States
Iron and steel workers
Labor unions, Black -- Membership -- United States
Labor unions -- United States -- Elections of officials
Folder 1 |
"The Steelworkers Election, 1965"
1965 | |
Scope and Contents
78 pages