ILR School Biography Files, 1948-2011
Collection Number: /4297
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
ILR School Biography Files, 1948-2011
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
Biographical files on select ILR School faculty
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
2 cubic feet
Collection material in English
Founded in 1945 as the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, the
ILR School today is advancing the world of work through teaching, research and outreach.
ILR's mission is to prepare leaders, inform national and international employment
and labor policy, and improve working lives, but as the world of work evolves, the
school's focus broadens to keep pace with that change.
ILR studies many areas that shape the working world and contribute to an organization's
success in a global economy. These include human resource management; labor-management
relations; labor economics; organizational behavior; international and comparative
labor; labor relations, labor law and history; conflict resolution; management development;
diversity management; employment and disability; and social statistics.
An ILR education is grounded in the social sciences. Students and faculty explore
and gain an understanding of human behavior through the lens of the workplace. Students
also learn how organizations work and how they fit into the larger society and economy.
As a result, they acquire knowledge and skills that help them to solve problems on-the-job
and to build and manage productive work relationships. An ILR education, for students
and professionals, is practical and applied.
ILR has more full-time faculty involved in teaching and research that spans the broad
range of work and employment disciplines than any other educational institution of
its kind. Its Martin P. Catherwood Library is regarded as the most comprehensive source
of information in North America on work, employment and labor issues.
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials.
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
ILR School Biography Files #/4297. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation
and Archives, Cornell University Library.
New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union
Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees
UNITE HERE (Organization)
Box 1 |
John Abowd through Irving Ives
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Records of Professor John Abowd
1980-2004 |
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Professor Leonard Adams Bio
1948 |
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Professor Lee Adler, Article Describing Research Work
2004 |
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
Daniel J. Alpern Memorial Scholarship Info
1977 |
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Robert Aronson CV and Bio
1952-1984 |
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Sam Bacharach, Research and CV
2003-2006 |
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Stephen Barley, CV
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Stuart Basefsky, Excellence in Librarianship Award
2004 |
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Rose Batt, Human Resources Scholarly Achievement Award
2002 |
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Kenneth Beach Bio
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Professor John Bishop, CV
1994 |
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
John Blanchard, Memorial Service
1971 |
Box 1 | Folder 13 |
Francine Blau, Articles
2004-2009 |
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
Isadore Blumen, Bio
1954 |
Box 1 | Folder 15 |
George Borjas, CV
1984 |
Box 1 | Folder 16 |
John Boudreau, Articles and CV
2004 |
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
George Boyer, CV
Box 1 | Folder 18 |
Robert Bretz, CV
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Vernon Briggs, CV & Articles
2003 |
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
Kate Bronfenbrenner, Articles
2010 |
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
Earl Brooks, Obituary
1994 |
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
George Brooks, Articles, Retirement Party Announcement
1983-1993 |
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
Susanne Bruyere, Article, CV, Announcement of Hiring
2005 |
Box 1 | Folder 24 |
John Bunge, Resume
Box 1 | Folder 25 |
Temple Burling, Obituary
1975 |
Box 1 | Folder 26 |
George Calvert, Announcement of Passing
1997 |
Box 1 | Folder 27 |
James Campbell, Bio, CV, Obituary
1952-1962 |
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
Ralph Campbell, Article, Bio, Obituary
1972 |
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
Jesse Carpenter, Bio
1950 |
Box 1 | Folder 30 |
Martin Catherwood, Articles, Obituary
1959-1978 |
Box 1 | Folder 31 |
Cyrus Ching, Article
Box 1 | Folder 32 |
Clark Gardner, Bio, Catalog of Records
1950-2002 |
Box 1 | Folder 33 |
Suzanne Cohen, Articles
2003 |
Box 1 | Folder 34 |
Lance Compa, Articles
2004 |
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
Alice Cook, Memorial Service, Articles, Awards
1963-1993 |
Box 1 | Folder 36 |
Maria Cook, Article
2004 |
Box 1 | Folder 37 |
Rudolph Corvini, Bio
Box 1 | Folder 38 |
Jeff Cowie, Articles
2002-2011 |
Box 1 | Folder 39 |
Donald Cullen, CV, Bio
1956-1987 |
Box 1 | Folder 40 |
Cletus Daniel, Articles and Obituary
2003-2010 |
Box 1 | Folder 41 |
Philip Dankert, Excellence in Librarianship Award, Articles, Retirement Announcement
2003-2004 |
Box 1 | Folder 42 |
Ileen DeVault, CV, Article
2003 |
Box 1 | Folder 43 |
Donald Dietrich, Retirement Announcement and CV
1977 |
Scope and Contents
Per note in the folder, "the items in this folder are duplicates of material from
/4417 box 5 ff 69"
Box 1 | Folder 44 |
Robert Doherty, Announcement of Deanship, Obituary
1985-2005 |
Box 1 | Folder 45 |
Ron Donovan, CV, Bio
1955 |
Box 1 | Folder 46 |
Lee Dyer, Articles
2004 |
Box 1 | Folder 47 |
Leone Eckert, Correspondence, Bio, Articles
1948-1964 |
Box 1 | Folder 48 |
Ronald Ehrenburg, Articles, Announcement of Appointment
2003-2005 |
Box 1 | Folder 49 |
Lynn Emerson, Bio, Retirement Announcement
1948-1955 |
Box 1 | Folder 50 |
Chris Erickson, CV
Box 1 | Folder 51 |
Jennie Farley, Memorial, Obituary
2002 |
Box 1 | Folder 52 |
R. Ferguson, Bio
1951 |
Box 1 | Folder 53 |
Gary Fields, Announcement of Hire
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 54 |
Herbert Finch, Articles and Obituary
1964-2005 |
Box 1 | Folder 55 |
Felician Foltman, Articles, Obituary, Memorial
1948-1994 |
Box 1 | Folder 56 |
Matthew Freedman, Announcement of Hire
2007 |
Box 1 | Folder 57 |
Michael Gaffney, CV
1989 |
Box 1 | Folder 58 |
Walter Galenson, Announcement of Passing
1999 |
Box 1 | Folder 59 |
Rebecca Givan, Announcement of Hiring
Box 1 | Folder 60 |
Barry Gerhardt, CV
Box 1 | Folder 61 |
Michael Gold, Articles
2003 |
Box 1 | Folder 62 |
Cynthia Gramm, CV, Articles
1980 |
Box 1 | Folder 63 |
Alice Grant, Obituary, Articles
1998 |
Box 1 | Folder 64 |
Tributes to Alice Grant
1998 |
Box 1 | Folder 65 |
Lois Gray, CV, Articles
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 66 |
James Gross, Article
2003 |
Box 1 | Folder 67 |
Kate Griffith, Announcement of Hiring
2007 |
Box 1 | Folder 68 |
Leopold Gruenfeld, Catalog of Records
2002 |
Box 1 | Folder 69 |
Ali Hadi, CV
Box 1 | Folder 70 |
Jennifer Halpern, Bio
Box 1 | Folder 71 |
Tove Hammer, CV
1988 |
Box 1 | Folder 72 |
Maria Hanratty, Resume
Box 1 | Folder 73 |
Kurt Hanslowe, Bio, Articles
1959 |
Box 1 | Folder 74 |
Gordon Law, Bio, Departure Notice
1949-1983 |
Box 1 | Folder 75 |
Shirley Harper, Articles, Retirement Notice
1993 |
Box 1 | Folder 76 |
George Hildebrand, Bio, CV
1961 |
Box 1 | Folder 77 |
Wayne Hodges, Article, Obituary
1964 |
Box 1 | Folder 78 |
Grace Horton, Obituary, Memorial
1975 |
Box 1 | Folder 79 |
Richard Hurd, Articles, CV
2004 |
Box 1 | Folder 80 |
Robert Hutchens, Articles, CV
1989 |
Box 1 | Folder 81 |
General ILR Faculty Articles
2003 |
Box 1 | Folder 82 |
Ives Irving, Articles, Obituary
Box 2 |
J. James Jehring through Carolyn Zimmerman
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
James Jehring
1951 |
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Vernon Jenson
1973-1998 |
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Timothy A. Judge
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Lawrence Kahn
1997-2004 |
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Harry Katz
2003-2006 |
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
Milton R. Konvitz
1953-2003 |
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Henry Landsberger
1958 |
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Gordon Law
1983-1994 |
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Edward Lawlor
1996-2004 |
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Risa Lieberwitz
2004-2008 |
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
David Lipsky
1995-2007 |
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
Michael Lounsbury
2003 |
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
Duncan McIntyre
2007 |
Box 2 | Folder 14 |
Philomena Marquardt
1949 |
Box 2 | Folder 15 |
Ann Martin
1989 |
Box 2 | Folder 16 |
Philip McCarthy
1948 |
Box 2 | Folder 17 |
John W. McConnell
1948-1993 |
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Jean McKelvey
1948-1973 |
Box 2 | Folder 19 |
Robert B. McKersie
1971 |
Box 2 | Folder 20 |
James McPherson
2002 |
Box 2 | Folder 21 |
Emil Mesics
1957 |
Box 2 | Folder 22 |
George Milkovich
1982-2004 |
Box 2 | Folder 23 |
Frank B. Miller
1959-2006 |
Box 2 | Folder 24 |
J. Gormly Miller
1964 |
Box 2 | Folder 25 |
Olivia Mitchell
1989 |
Box 2 | Folder 26 |
Francine Moccio
2003 |
Box 2 | Folder 27 |
David Moore
1943-1970 |
Box 2 | Folder 28 |
James Morris
1957-1985 |
Box 2 | Folder 29 |
Bernard G. Naas
1964-2003 |
Box 2 | Folder 30 |
Abraham Nash
1972-1996 |
Box 2 | Folder 31 |
Maurice Neufeld
1942-1990 |
Box 2 | Folder 32 |
Michael Nozzolio
2003 |
Scope and Contents
Box 2 | Folder 33 |
Oscar Ornati
1954 |
Box 2 | Folder 34 |
Frances Perkins
1957-1994 |
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
Robert V. Pezdek
1965-1970 |
Box 2 | Folder 36 |
Vladimir Pucik
Box 2 | Folder 37 |
Robert Raimon
1953 |
Box 2 | Folder 38 |
Charles M. Rehmus
1985 |
Box 2 | Folder 39 |
Effey Riley
1948 |
Box 2 | Folder 40 |
Robert F. Risley
1949-1994 |
Box 2 | Folder 41 |
Quinetta Robertson
Box 2 | Folder 42 |
Ned Rosen
Box 2 | Folder 43 |
Brian Runineau
2007 |
Box 2 | Folder 44 |
S. Antonio Ruiz-Quintanilla
1990-2004 |
Box 2 | Folder 45 |
Jim Rundle
2005 |
Box 2 | Folder 46 |
Nick Salvatore
1989-2009 |
Box 2 | Folder 47 |
Woodrow J. Sayre
1955 |
Box 2 | Folder 48 |
Rocco Scanza
2003 |
Box 2 | Folder 49 |
Ron Seeber
1988-2005 |
Box 2 | Folder 50 |
Patrizia Sione
2003 |
Box 2 | Folder 51 |
Fred Slavick
1955 |
Box 2 | Folder 52 |
Alpheus W. Smith
1949 |
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Robert Smith
1988-2011 |
Box 2 | Folder 54 |
Janet Sniezek
1989 |
Box 2 | Folder 55 |
William Sonnenstuhl
1989-2006 |
Box 2 | Folder 56 |
Robert Stern
1989-2001 |
Box 2 | Folder 57 |
Richard Strassberg
1973-2005 |
Box 2 | Folder 58 |
Sean Sweeney
2003 |
Box 2 | Folder 59 |
Harrison Trice
1955-1998 |
Box 2 | Folder 60 |
Lowell Turner
2004 |
Box 2 | Folder 61 |
Anand Vidyashankar
2004 |
Box 2 | Folder 62 |
William J. Wasmuth
1972 |
Box 2 | Folder 63 |
Theresa M. Welbourne
Box 2 | Folder 64 |
Martin T. Wells
Box 2 | Folder 65 |
Barbara Wertheimer
1973-1984 |
Box 2 | Folder 66 |
William Foote Whyte
1948-2000 |
Box 2 | Folder 67 |
Lawrence K. Williams
2005 |
Box 2 | Folder 68 |
John Windmuller
1951-2010 |
Box 2 | Folder 69 |
Charles Wrege
2005 |
Box 2 | Folder 70 |
Byron Yaffe
1971 |
Box 2 | Folder 71 |
Carolyn Zimmerman
1993 |